HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1077 - ORD Calling Election January 15, 1977 - ORDINANCE, NUMBER 1077 AN ORDINANCE CALLING AN ELECTION TO PERrUT THE QUALIFIED VOTERS OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, TO , VOTE FOR OR AGAINST THE ADOPTION OF THE FIREMEN'S AND POLICEMEN'S CIVIL SERVICE ACT; PROVIDING FOR THE HOLDING OF SUCH ElECTION ON THE FIFTEENTH (15th) DAY OF JANUARY, 1977; PROVIDING FOR THE HOURS OF SAID ELECTION; PROVIDING FOR THE POLLING PLACES AND THE OFFICERS OF SAID ELECTION; PROVIDING FOR ABSENTEE VOTING; PROVIDING FOR NOTICE OF SAID ELECTION BY POSTING AND PUBLICATION; AND PROVIDING \ FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: tr U Section 1. A specail election shall be held in the City of West Uni- ver-sity Place, Texas, on the 15th day of January, 1977 at which election there shall be submitted to the qualified voters the followjng: FOR the adoption of the Firemen's and Policemen's Civil Service Act. AGAINST the adoption of the Firemen's and Policemen's Civil Service Act. Section 2. The hours during which the polls will be open for voting in said election shall be from seven o'clock a.m. to seven o'clock p.m. Section 3. Voting shall be at the following respectiveJy'designated polling places in each of the following numbered Harris CcilintyVoting,Pre'cincts in the City of West University Place heretofore established and described by natural or artificial boundaries or survey lines by order adopted by the Com- missionerls Court of Harris County and duly set out in its minutes. The fol- lowing named persons are hereby appointed officers to conduct said election in the said election precincts, respectively: , Votina~Pr~cinct #183 West University Community Building 6104 Auden it ! I I I U Ms. Gail Carstens Mr. Arnold Ahrens, Jr. Presiding Judge Alternate Presiding Judge Votinq Precinct #133 City Hall 3800 University Boulevard Mrs. Sidney Yoder Mr. Sidney Yoder Presiding Judge Alternate Presiding Judge D o o o ~~ VotingPtetinct #87, West University Elementary School 3756 University Boulevard Mr. Ben,Greene Mr. Vi'ncent Fromen' Presiding Judge Al~ternate Presi ding Judge VotinoPretintt #15 St. Andrewl,s Presbyterian, Church 5308 Buffalo Speedway Mr ~ Charles :Ors;burn Mr. Ramsay M. Eluer , Presiding JU,dge Al:ternate~Presiding Judge The presiding judge for each election precinct shall' appofntnot less than two election clerks to serve at the polling place under his jurisdiction. Section 4. It is hereby determined by the City Commission that vot- ing' on the day of said election shall be by the 'use of votin'g machines, that absentee voting shall be by use of paper ballots and; tha't' the ballots of said election shall conform to the requirements of the Texas Election Code and shall have printed thereon in English and in Spani,sh the following: ( FOR the adoption of the Firemenls and Policemen's Civil~Service Act. ( ) AGAINST the adoption of the Firemen's and Policemen's Civi'lServic~Act. Each voter using voting machines and desiring to vote in favor of the proposi- tio.n shall 'pull the voting pointer down indicating "For" such proposition, and each voter desiring to vote agai:n$t the proposition shall pull the voting pointer down indicating "Against" such proposition. Each absentee elector using a paper ballot shall vote on the proposition by placing an "X" or other clear mark in the square beside the statment indicating the way such elector wishes to vote on the proposition. The period for absentee voting by personal appearanceshall_b~ginon the twentieth day and shall continue through the fourth day preceding the date of the election; provided, however, that when the twentieth day falls on a day which is not a regular working day for the clerk's office, the absentee voting by personal appearance shall begin on the next succeeding regular working day. Absentee voting shall be conducted by a clerk for absentee voting, namely, Mrs. Lee Lockard, and by a deputy absentee voting clerk, namely, Mrs. Opal McKelvey and the place at which the absentee voting shall be conducted shall be the City Hall, West University Place, Houston, Texas 77005, which is also the absentee voting clerk's mailing address to which ballot applications and ballots voted by mail may be sent. Said clerk shall keep said office open for at least eight (8) hours, that is, from 8:00 o'clock a.m. to 6:00 olclock p.m., on each day for absentee voting which is not a Saturday, a Sunday or an official state holi- day; provided, however, except as authorized by Article 5.05, Subdivision 3d Texas Election Code, said clerk shall not permit anyone to vote absentee by i J f ! tl', personal appearance on any day which is not a regular working day for the clerk's office, and under no circumstances shall the clerk permit anyone to 0 vote absentee by personal appearance at any time when said office is not open - to the public. Section 5. Allres'ident, qualified electors of the;City shall be en- titled to vote on the Proposition. Section 6. This ordinance was read once by the City Commission and shall take effect immediately. Section? Notices of said election shall'be :given by posting a Notice conta~n'ing a substantial copy of this ordinance in English and in Spanish at the City Hall, West University Place, Texas, by posting a substantial copy of this ordinance fn English and in Spanis'h,in:each.ofthe election precincts of said City not 'les:s than' thirty (30) days prior to the 'date on which said elec- tion is to be held, and same shall likewise be published in English and in Spanish in a newspaper or newspapers published in Harris County, Texas, of general 'circulation in the City, and designated 'as an official newspaper of the City'inaccordance with the City Charter, said publication to be made not later than thirty (30) days prior to the date set for said election. ' PASSED AND APPROVED this 22nd day of November, 1976. Commissioners Voting Aye: Commissioners ,Voting No: All No.ne. o Q~fLUJ. f<JJlh, :) Mayor , ATTEST: "~v"K~~ Assistant City Secretary [l