HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1070 - ORD Determining Necessity for & Ordering the Construction for a Sewer Project ~.IW ORDINANCE NUMBER 1070 fl u AN ORDINANCE DETERMINING THE NECESSITY FOR AND ORDERING THE CONSTRUCTION OPA STORM SEWER PROJECT AT THE FOLLOW- ING LOCATIONS: (a) ALONG GEORGETOWN STREET WEST FROM POOR FARM ,DITCH TO BUFFALO SPEEDWAY, NOT TO INCLUDE AL TER- NATE '~'All;(b} ALONG PITTSBURG STREET WEST FROM POOR FARM DITCH TO BUFFALO SPEEDWAY; (c) ALONG AMHERST STREET WEST FROM BUFFALO SPEEDWAY TO BELMONT STREET. THEN NORTH ON BEL- MONT TO PLUMB STREET; (d) ALONG CARNEG] [ STREET WEST FROM BUFFALO SPEEDWAY TO WAKE FOREST STREET, THEN NORTH ON \~AKE- FOREST STREET TO CAROLINA WAY; APPROVING PLANS AND SPECI- FICATIONS FOR SUCH IMPROVEMENTS; ACCEPTING THE LOW BID OF H. T. HOLLAND CONSTRUCTION COMPANY; AHARDING A CONTRACT TO H.T,HOLLAND CONSTRUCTION COMPANY; AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE SUCH CONTRACT; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. o WHEREAS, the City Commission has heretofore considered the advis- ability and necessity of the construction of a storm sewer at the locations hereinafter set forth based upon a study and recommendation of a consulting engineering'firm; and t~HEREAS, on April 26,1976, theengi neering firm of BAYSHORE ENGI- NEERs, INC. were employed to prepare plans and specifications for such project and plans and specifications having been so prepared and approved by the City Commi ss i on;,' and WHEREAS, on August,23, 1976, the City Commission authorized the pub- lication of legal notice announcing the project and requesting bids thereon; and WHEREAS, on September 20, 1976, eight (8) such bids were received, opened and referred to the firm of BAYSHORE ENGINEERS, INC. arid the City ~1ana- ger for tabulation and recommendation; and WHEREAS, a written recommendation from the City Manager and Bayshore Engineers, Inc. has been submitted that H. T. Holland Construction Company, the low bidder on such project, be awarded the contract thereon. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: rn Section 1. The City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, hereby determines the necessity for and orders the construction of a storm sewer at the following locations: a) Along Georgetown Street west from Poor Farm Ditch to Buffalo Speedway b) Along Pi ttsburg Street west from Poor Farm Di tch to Buffa.lo Speedway c) Along Amherst Str:eet west from Buffalo Speedway to Belmont, then north on Belmont to Plumb Street d) Along Carnegie Street west from Buffalo Speedway to Wakeforest Street then north on Wakeforest Street to Carolina Way 2(16 , Secti on 2. The~Ci tYComri11-ss ton ackriowl edges recei pt of the Certi fi- cate of Availability of Funds executed by the City Treasurer certifying that the necessary funds are available from proceeds of the bond sale. Section 3. The City Commission here and now determines that funds are available from the City of West University Place, Texas, General Obligation I Bonds, Seri es 1976, Constructi on Fund, for the above descri bed improvements and all payments for such improvements, including any engineering fees and related expenses, shall be paid from and out of the City of West University Place, Texas, Genera 1 ,Ob 1 i gati on Bonds, Seri es 1976, Construction Fund. Section 4. That the City Commission hereby determines that the lowest secure bid received for the construction of the four (4) storm sewer projects as hereinabove mentioned is the proposal submitted by the H. T. Holland Con- struction Company for the total sum of $709,778.00. Section 5. That the contr.act for the construction of the aforesaid storm sewers at such locations is hereby awarded to the H. T. Holland Construc- tion Company on their low bid-of $709,778. Section 6. ' That subject to filing of'the proper performance bond, executi on of the contract documents by H. T. Holland, Presi dent, H. T. Holland Construction Company, the Mayor of the City of West University Place is hereby authorized and directed to execute a contract for and on behalf of and in the name of the City of^WestUniversity Place, Texas, with said H. T. Holland Con- structi'on Company'for the construction of the aforesaid storm sewer projects. Section 7. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immed- iately from and after its passage and approval as required by law. PASSED AND APPRDVED this ;;'7./1 day of ~~~ ' 1976. Commissioners Voting Aye: ~ Commissioners Voting No: ~ G1~ ~o~{ft ATTEST: ~ ;f~~ Assistant City Secretary , fJ I I : I ~ i1 \ I ~ 'I I I J