HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1065 - ORD Fixing Schedules of Rates Charged by Entex Inc 1" ORDINANCE NO. 1065 AN ORDINANCE DETERMINING AND FIXING SCHEDULES OF RATES TO BE CHARGED BY ENTEX, INC., ITS SUCCES- SORS AND ASSIGNS, IN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY P~ACE, TEXAS, FOR NATURAL GAS AND NATURAL GAS SERVICE FURNISHED BY IT TO RESIDENTIAL AND COM- MERCIAL CONSUMERS, PROVIDING FOR RATES FOR LARGE VOLUME CONSUMERS, FIXING THE EFFECTIVE DATES OF GAS RATES 'PRESCRIBED IN THIS ORDINANCE, MAKING MISCELLANEQUS PROViSIONS AND REPEALING ALL ORDI- NANCESIN CONFLICT. o BE IT ORDAINED BY THE tITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: / Section 1. Entex, Inc., its successors and assigns (hereinafter sometimes referred to as "Entex"), is hereby authorized to place in effect the following schedules of rates within the corporate limits of the City of West University Place, Texas (hereinafter called "City"), for the supply of natural gas and natural gas service: RESIDENTIAL RATES Application of Schedule This schedule is applicable to any customer to whom service is supplied in a single private dwelling unit and its appurtenances, the major use of which is for household appliances, and for the personal comfort and convenience of those residing therein. :-1 ~ Net Monthly Rate 1. For the billing months of May through October: $2.00 per month, which includes the use of l2.3~ per 100 cubic feet for the next 11.0~ per 100 cubic feet for the next 4.2~ per 100 cubic feet for all addi- tional gas used. Minimum Bill: $2.00 400 cubic feet 2,600 cubic feet 3,000 cubic feet 2. For the billing months of November through April: $2~00 per month, which includes the use of l2.3~ per 100 cubic feet for the next 11.0~ per 100 cubic feet for the next 9.0~ per 100 cubic feet for the next 5.5~ per 100 cubic feet for all addi- tional gas used. Minimum Bill: $2.00 400 cubic feet 2,600 cub; c feet 3,000 cubic feet 10,000 cubic feet J fft o Pavrnent Each monthly residential bill shall be 'increased'as a, penalty for late payment by the lesser' of (a) ten percent of 'the' netmonthTy bill , or (b) $3.00, to arrive at the gross monthly bill. If a gas bill is paid within fifteen (15) calendar days after the date of the bill ,the net bill shall apply. If a gas bill is not paid ~ithin fifteen (15) calen- dar days after the date of the bill, the gross bill shall apply which in- cludes the late payment penalty. COMMERCIAL RATES Application of Schedule This schedule is applicable to natural 'gas service to any customer engaging in any business, professional, or institutional activity, for all unrestricted uses of gas, . incl uding cooking, heating, refrfgeration, water heating, air conditioning and power. Natural gas suppli~d hereunder is for the individual use of the cus- tomer at one point of delivery and shall not be resold or shared with others. D Net Monthlv Rate $2.25 per month, which includes the use of l3.3~ per 100 cubic feet for the next 11.0~ per 100 cubic feet for the hext 7~5~ per 100 cubic feet for the next 6.0~ per 100 cubic feet for all addi- tional gas used. Minimum Bill: $2.25 400 cubic feet 8,600 cubic feet 11,000 cubic feet 10,000 cubic feet [J Pavrnent Each monthly commercial bill shall be increased as a penalty for late payment by the lesser of (a) ten percent of the net monthly bill, or (b) $3.00, to arrive at the gross monthly bilL If ,a gas bill 'is paid within fifteen (15) calendar days after the ,date of the bill , the net bill shall apply. If a gas bill is not paid within fifteen (15) calendar days after the date of the bill, the gross bill shall 'apply which includes the late payment penalty. Section 2. ' The above specified rates shall be applicable to all consumers using less than 150,000 cubic feet of gas per month. Notwithstanding any other provision of this ordinance, the rates for consumers using more than 150,000 cubic feet in any month (hereinafter called I'large volume consumers~) shall be the rates for large volume consumers established by Entex,its successors and assigns. ' Such rates shall be open to inspection by the City. It is understood that the City Commission does not hereby waive or relinquish any legal right or authority which the City has or may have to fix and regulate gas rates in the future; and all revenues ,received by Entex from its large volume consumers served from Eritex1sWest University Place :distribution system shall be taken into account in consideration by the City Commission of any'alterations in domestic rates fixed by an ordinance of the City. I, .....J , _.~_ll J~. ~_c...L,~J liU i '.: nr~T:Tj , i I I ~~ , I 11~." Section 3. Subject to the prOV1Slons of Paragraph B hereof, the fore- going domestic rates shall be adjusted upward or downward by a Natural Gas Cost Adjustment Factor expressed as an amount per thousand cubic feet (Mcf) of natural gas for changes .in natura'l gas costs in the Houston Integrated Distribution System ,of ,the Company as specified below. A. ' The Na:tural Gas Cost Adjustment' Factor for the current month shall be calculated according 'to the following formula: 1-] G-CF Natural Gas Cost Adjustment factor = M ~$.383 nearest $0.0001 1- T Definitions G = Natural gas costs estimate to be 'purchased for resale by the Company to domestic customers in the Houston Integrated Distribution System for the current month as recorded in the Company's accounts which are equivalent to 'accounts 800 through 804, inclusive, or the NARUC Uniform System of Accounts. ' M = All Mcf of natural gas estimate to be sold and recorded in the current month by the Company to domestic customers in the Houston Integrated Distribution System. T = Composite tax rate for gross receipts ~nd other revenue related taxes and g'ross receipts payments relating only to sales to domestic cus- "i,"-",,~: tomers for the Company in the Houston IntegratedDistribution System expressed as a decimal. " , CF = A correction Factor adjustment to be applied in the current month to provide for an allowance due to variance between actual and estimated Natural Gas Cost Adjustment revenues derived from the Natural Gas Cost Adjustment Factor for the third preceding month prior to the cur- rent month. CF = (A)-(B) x (l~T) where (A) is the actual Natural Gas Cost Adjustment revenues received from the Natural Gas Cost Adjustment Factor applied , in the thlrdpreGeding'month and: (B:) 'i.s,the'Natural Gas Cost Adjustment revenues which would have been received'from the application of the Natural Gas Cost Adjustment Factor in the third preceding month if actual rather than estimated Natural Gas Cost and Mcf sales (described above) had been aVailable to calculate the Natural Gas Cost Adjustment Factor'for that month. Penaltv Clause Ifat the end of the month falling 12 months after the date of enactment of this ordinarice,'and on an annual basis thereafter, the net sum of the Correction Factors for the previous 12 months exceeds 5% of the sum of "(B)II above for' the same period, then a penalty equal to 10% of such excess will be computed and this amount' will be used to reduce the Natural Gas Cost Adjust- liJ' ment'Factor inthe'third'5ucceeding month. This reduction will not other~ wise affect suchc~m~utatl~nof the Natural Gas Cost Adjustment Factor for subsequent periods. 1'9a ~~~. ~:' t o B. Within fifteen (15) days after the expiration of each month hereafter, the Company shall file with the City a Statement of its estimated cost of natural gas for the succeeding month, showing the calculation of "G" as defined above and qs.,,~tf1Gluded in the above forllJul a, adjusted for the var- iation between the estimated cost and the actual cost in prior months, and the tentative adjustment under the preceding paragraph A, showing the calcu- lation of said adjustment. Each such tentative gas cost adjustment shall become effective for bills rendered on and after the first day of the next billing month unless, within fifteen (15) days after the filing of such statement, the City Commission shall have disapproved such tentative adjust- ment by motion or resolution. In the event that any such tentative adjust- ment or change in the natural gas cost adjustment shall be disapproved by the City ,Commission, such scheduleshal] continue to be adjusted by the last pre- vious adjustment for prior changes in natural gas costs not so disapproved, until another adjustment shall have taken effect hereunder. Within the fif- teen (15) day period provided for its approval or disapproval of any such ten- tative adjustment, the City Commission shall have the right and power to order the filing of any additional or supplemental information or statements, deemed necessary in the public interest, or to order a public hearing with regard to the approval or disapproval of such, tentative adjustment. The Company shall not, without the approval of the City, include in accounts 800 through 804, inclusive, any cost associated with storage 6fCompany-owned gas. The term "domestic rates" as used herein means the'rates prescribed for both residential and commercial consumers. Ii LI Section 4. Natural gas supplied by Entex, its successors and assigns, is for the individual use of the consumer at one point of delivery and shall not be resold or shared with others. Section 5. The rates and charges prescribed in this ordinance shall be applicable as the rates,and charges for residential and commercial consumers on all bills rendered for gas and for gas service after the effettive date of this ordinance, viz, the date of passage hereof. Section 6. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are repealed to the extent bf the conflict only. Section 7. If any provision, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance" or the application of same to any person or set of circumstances, is for any reason held to be unconstitutional, void or invalid (or for any reason unenforceable), the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance or their application to other persons or sets of circumstances shall not be affected thereby, it being the intent of the City Commissioner of this City in adopting this ordinance, that no portion thereof or provision or regulation contained herein shall become inoperative or fail by reason of any unconstitutionality or invalidity of any other portion, provision or regu- lation, and to this end, all provisions of this ordinance are declared to be severable. [J PASSED and APPROVED this ~~ day of f-( ~ " 1976. , , COM~lISSIONERS VOTING AYE: rlt...J-} COMMISSIONERS VOTING NO: tr)~ fP~l!l w4iJ- ~ r:--r r---- ~_u ___ .ulJ ...:- .: r-lr~'I":"I'~ ': 1 I '" t~W1 ATTEST: o Ci~~:et~~L- APPROVED AS TO FORM' .' . . City Attorney o i-I LJ