HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1063 - ORD Authorizing Issuance and sale of $1,700.000 General Obligation Bonds o o o If-$ ORDINANCE NO. 1063 ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING ISSUANCE AND SALE OF $1,700,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS, SERIES 1976; LEVYING TAXES TO PROVIDEFp~ ,PAJMENT THEREOF; APPROPRIATING $1,700,000 OF PROCEEDS OF,SALE'THEREOF FOR VARIOUS, PROJECTS; AND CONTAINING ,OTHER PROVISIONS RELATING THERETO. THE STATE OF TEXAS ' ,I ' COUNTY OF HARRIS 1 CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE I , WHEREAS, the bonds hereinafter authorized were duly and favorably voted at an election held in the City of West University Place (the "City") on the lOth day of February, 1976; and WHEREAS, the City Commission has advertised for and received bids for said bonds and now deems it advisable to issue, sell, and deliver said bonds; THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED' BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY P~ACE" THAT: ' Section 1. Authorization to Issue Bonds. The City.s negotiable, serial, coupon bonds to be designated City of West University Place, Texas, General Obligation Bonds; Series 1976 (the "Bonds"), are hereby authorized to be issued arid dellvered in the principal amount of>$l ,700,000 for thefol- lowing public purposes: (1) $860,000 for constructing permanent drainage improvements for the City; (2) $490,000 for constructing permanent street improvements for the City; and (3) $350,000 for improving land for park purposes for the City. Section 2. Aooroval of Sale. The Bonds are hereby sold and shall be delivered to First City National Bank of Houston and Texas Bank and Trust Company of Dallas for the par value thereof and accrued interest thereon to date of delivery, plus a premium of $0.00; subject to the issuance ofunqualified approving opinions as to the legality of the Bonds by the Attorney General of the State of Texas and by Vinson, Elkins, Searls, Connally & Smith, bond attorneys Houston, Texas. The City Commission hereby finds that the bonds' have been sold at the best price obtainable. Section 3. Date and Maturities of Bonds. The Bonds shall be dated April 1, 1976, shall be numbered consecutively from 1 through 340, shall be in the denomination of $5,000 each, and shall mature serially on April 1 of each year from 1977 to 1993, both inclusive, in the principal amount of $100,00 per L ...J, , I' "'::'1I11,r' ,'; 1 TI --:L JJ ,~ " ';t1,,1; '*~ ff', l:J year. The Bonds maturing in 1992 and 1993:may be redeemed prior to their scheduled maturities, at the option of the City, on the dates stated and in the manner provided in the FORM OF BOND set forth in Section 6 of this Ordinance. Section 4. Interest Rates. The'Bonds shall bear interest at the respective rates per annum set forth in the table below: Maturity 1977 1978 1979 ' , ,1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 Rate Maturity Rate 5.25% 1986 4.60% 5.25% 1987 4.70% 5.25% 1988 4.80% 4.75% 1989 4.90% 4.00% 1990 5.00% 4. 1 0% 1991 5.00% 4.25% '1992 5.10% 4.40% 1993 5.25% 4.50% Interest.payable on the Bonds shall be evidenced by interest coupons attached to the Bonds and shall be payable on October 1,1976, and on April 1 and October 1 in each year thereafter until maturity or redemption of the Bonds. Section 5. Pavin<iA<ient. The PaYing Agent for the Bonds shall be Fi rst Ci ty Nati ona 1 Bank of Houston, Houston; Texas, or such other enti ty as may herea'fter be designated by the'City to make principal and interest payments on the Bonds: Section 5. Form of Bonds. The Bonds, the interest coupons ap- pertaining thereto, and the registration certificate of the Comptroller of Publ i c Accounts of the State of Texas shall be in substanti ally the followi ng forms with such omissions, insertions and variations as may be necessary or desirable and permitted by the terms of this. Ordinance. ' Lithographed or printed facsimile signatures of the Mayor and the City Secretary shall be used to sign or countersign the Bonds and coupons as indicated below, and the Ctty.s seal shall be impressed or placed in facsimile on each,Bond.Said facsimile signa- tures shall have the same effect as if each Bond and coupon had been signed manually and in person, and the facsimile seal shall have the same effect as iJ the City's official seal. had been impressed' thereon. The certificate of the Comptroller' of Public Accounts of the State of Texas shall be manually signed a$ provided in Section 16 of this Ordinance. The approving opinion of Vinson, , E~kins, Searls; Connally & Smith, bond attorneys, Houston, Texas, may be printed on the back of the Bonds, over the certification of the City Secretary, which may be executed in facsimile. \ I ~ n , i I ' LJ n I " , ( LJ u ~ ~ 'e'~t FOR~ OF BOND: $5,000 NO. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF HARRIS CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND , SERIES 1976 ON APRIL 1 ,19 , the CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE (the "Ci ty") , in the County of Harris, State of Texas, promises to pay to bearer the prin- cipal amount of FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS an to pay interest thereon, from the date hereof, at the rate of 4.806536% per annum, on October 1, 1976, and semi -annua lly thereafter on each Apri 1 1 and October 1 of each year until maturity or redemption of this Bond. This Bond and the interest coupons appertaining hereto shall be payable, without 'exchange or collection charges ,to the bearer thereof , in coin or currency' whi ch is legal tender for debts due in the United States of America, upon presentation and sur- render of this Bond or said coupons as same become due, at FIRST CITY NATIONAL BANK OF HOUST, Houston, Texas (the "payingagent"). THIS BOND is one of a series of negotiable coupon bonds, dated April 1, 1976, issued in the principal amount of $1,700,000 for the following public pur- poses: (1) $860,000 for the construction of permanent drainage improvements for the City; (2) $490,000 for the constructi on of permanent street improvements for the City; and (3) $350,000 for improving land for park purposes for the City; in accordance with Chapters 1 and 70f Title 22 and Chapter 6 of Title 103, Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, as amended, and pursuant to an election held within the City on February 10, 1976. '1 ON APRIL 1, 1991, OR ON ANY INTEREST PAYMENT DATe THEREAFTER, the outstanding Bonds of this series may be redeemed prior to their scheduled maturities, at- the option of the City, in whole, or in part, in inverse numerical order, for the principal amount thereof and accrued interest thereon to the date fixed for redemption. At least, thirty days prior to the date fixed for any such~ redemption, the City shall cause a written notice of such redemption to be mailed to the paying agent and published at least once in a financial publication of general circulation in the United States of America. By the date fixed for any such redemption, due provision shall be made with the paying agent for the pay- ment of the required redemption price. If such written notice of redemption is , publihsed and if due provision for such payment is made, all as provided above, J.._L _ _-...I __._..___~~r-I I, -:-:I.___~~,...c..,_..,-1.1 I' .... n"~'::'r~ijT:r:~"iJ:'-'::' .... .._,-- .~,,-,,~..- ~, .." . ~'- r ~ nt's the Bonds which are to be so redeemed shall no longer be regarded as being outstandi ng except for the purpose of bei ng pa i d by the payi ng agent wi th !:il' the funds provided for redemption, and the right of the bearers to collect interest on such Bonds that would otherwise accrue after the redemption date ~ j shall be terminated. L-J IT IS HEREBY certified, recited, and covenanted that this Bond has been duly and validly voted, authoriz~d, issued, and delivered; that all acts, conditions, and things required or proper to be performed, exist, ,and be done precedent to or in the issuance and delivery of this Bond have been performed, existed, and been done in accordance with law; and that an- nual ad valorem taxes sufficient to provide for the payment of the interest on and principal of this Bond, as such interest comes due and such principla matures, have been levied and ordered to be levied against all taxable pro- perty in the City and have been pledged for such payment within the limits prescribed by law. ' IN-WITNESS WHEREOF; this Bond and the interest coupons appertaining hereto have been signed with the facsimile signature of the Mayor of the..City and countersigned with the facsimile signature of the City Secretary, and the official seal of the City has been duly impressed, or placed in facsimile, on this Bond, all as of the 1st day of April, 1976. ' , Mayor CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS II U COUNTERSIGNED: ' City Secretary CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS ( SEAL) II U "'ri o n u n LJ :.,,"9 FORM OF REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE: COMPTROLLER'S REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE REGISTER NO. I hereby certi'fythat this Bond has been examined, certified as to validity, and approved by the Attorney General of the State of Texas, and that this Bond has been registered by the Comptroller: of Public Accounts of the State of Texas. " WITNESS my signature and seal this (SEAL) Comptroller-of' Public Accounts of the State of Texas FORM OF INTEREST COUPON: NO. $ , ON 1, 19 * the CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, 'in the County of Harris, State of Texas, promises to pay to bearer, jncoin or currency which is legal tender for debts due i nthe Urii ted States 'of Arrieri c'a, wi thout, exchange or co 11 ecti on charges, the sum of $ , upon presentation and surrender of this interest cou- pon, at FIRST CITY NATIONAL BANK OF HOUSTON, Houston; Texas, said amount being interest due that day on the Bond bearing the number hereinafter designated of that issue of CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE; TEXAS, GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS, SERIES; 1976, d~ted April' l~ 1~76: Bond No. City Secretary Mayor *Coupons maturing after April 1,1991, shall contain the following additional clause: "unless the Bond to which this coupon appertains has been called for prior redemption and due provision has been made to redeem the same," Section 7. Greation of Funds. Two special funds or accounts to 'be designated the "City of West University Place, Texas, General Obligation Bonds, Series 1976, Construction Fund" (hereinafter called the IIConstruction Fundll) and the"City of West University Place, Texas, General Obligation Bonds, Series 1976, Interest and Sinking Fund" (hereinafter called the "Interest and Sinking Fund") are hereby created and shall be established and maintained by the City at an offi- cial depository bank of the City. Both such Funds shall be kept separate and a- part from all other funds and accounts of the City. Bond proceeds deposited in the Construction Fund shall be used only for payment of expenses incurred by the City in connection with the issuance of the Bonds and for the purposes authorized in Section 11 of this Ordinance. Bond proceeds deposited in the Interest and Sinking Fund shall be used only for paying the interest on and principal of the Bonds. All ad valorem taxes levied and collected for and on account of the Bonds shall be deposited, as collected, to the credit of the Interest and Sinking Fund and shall be used only for paying the interest on and principal of the Bonds. .. ._".,. ..- - . .-_. ..r~ .I~o;-":-,. Section 8. Levy'of'Taxes. Duri.rig each year while any of the Bonds or interest coupons appertaining thereto are outstanding and unpaid, the' City Commission of the CitY shall compute and ascertain a rate and amount of ad valorem tax which will be sufficient to raise and produce the money required to pay the interest on the Bonds as such interest comes due and to provide and maintain a sinkini;(fundadequate to pay the principalof the Bonds as such principal maturesbut'neverless'than 2% of the original principal amount of the Bonds as a sinking fund each year, and said tax shall be based on the latest approved tax rolls of the City, with full allowance being made for tax delin- quencies and the cost of tax collection. Said rate and~ amount of ad valorem tax are hereby levied, and are hereby ordered to be levied, against all taxable property in the City for each year while any of the Bonds or interest coupons appertaining thereto'ore,'outstariding and unpaid; and said tax shall be assessed and collected 'each such year and deposited to the credit of the Interest and Sink- ing Fund. Said ad valorem taxes sufficient to provide for the payment of the interest on' and principal of the Bonds, as'such interest comes due and such principal matures, are hereby pledged for such payment within the limits prescribed by law. Section 9. · Investments and Earnings. Moneys deposited into the Interest and Sinking Fund and"the Construction Fun'd may be 'invested or reinvest,ed in any manner permitted under laws. of the State: of Texas:. . The City may provide for such investment of such Funds by the officia:l' depOSitory ,bank of the Gity pur- suant to any written depository contract heretofore or hereafter authorized by City ordinance. All investments and any profits realized from or interest ac- cruing,on such:investments shall belong to the Fund from which the moneys for such inves,tments:were taken;':provided~ howeiver','that in the discretion of the City Commission the profits realized from a.nd ihterestaccruirig on investments made from the Construction Fund may be transferred to the Interest and Sinking Fund. If any moneys are so invest~d, the City shall have the right to have sold in the open market a sufficient amount of such investment to meet its obli- gations in the event any fund does not have a sufficient uninvested balance on hand to meet thei'obligatio'ns'payable out' of' such 'fund. Under such circumstances, the City shall cause the sale of such investments in the open market. After such sale the moneys resulting therefrom shall belong to the fund from which the moneys for such inves'trrientswere'taken. The City shall no.tbe,responsible to the holders of the Bonds :for' any loss arfsingout o.f the, sale of., any fnvestments. Section 10. Accrued Interest and Premium. Immediately following de- l.i very of the Bonds to the purchaser, thereof, the accrued i nteres t and premi um, if any; shall be deposited in the,Inte~est ~rid Si~kin~Fund. . Section '11. Aoorooriationof Bond Proceeds. Out of the proceeds of sale of the Bonds, the following sums are hereby 'appropriated and ordered to be deposited in the Construction Fund and used ,and expended for the following indicated publi~ purpo~es,respectively, as .prdvided in Ordinance 'No. 1055 addpted on January 12, 1976, :calling the Bond election held in the City on February 10, 1976: (1), $860~OOO for constructing permanent 'drainage impr.ovements , for the Gity; , (2) $490,000 for constructing permanent street improvements . for the City; and ' 1\ I I , I ~ 1------' I ! i I LJ il u o o o - (3) $350,000 for improving',Hlands' for park purposes for the City.", .. ' Secti on 12. ,No Arb'ftraqe. The City certiffes' that based upon a 11 facts, estimates andcirc'umstances now known or reasonably expected to be in existence on the date the Bonds are delivered and paid for, t~e City reason~ ably expects that the proceeds of the Bonds will not be used in a manner that would cause the Bonds or any portion of the Bonds to be an "arbitrage bond" under Secti on 103 Cd)( 2) of the' Internal ' R~venue Code of 1954, as amended, and the temporary and proposed regulati'ons heretofore prescribed thereunder, includi~g, withoutlimitation~ Sect1o~s 1~103~13and 1.103-14 of'~heHproposed regulations published in the Federal Reqister on May 3, 1973 and December, 3~ 1975. Furthermore, all officers, employees and agents of the City are author- ized ~nddirected to provide certifitat10ns offa~tsi esti~ate~ and circum- stances which are material to the reasonable expectations of the City as of the 'date the Bonds are delivered:and 'paid for~ a'nd any such certifications may be relied upon by' counsel, by the owners or holders of the Bonds, or by any person interested in the exemption of interest on the Bonds from Federal income taxation. Moreover, the city covenant~,th~t it shall make such use of the proceeds of the Bonds, regulate investments of proceeds of the Bonds, if necessary, and take such other and further act40n as may be required so that the Bonds shall not be' "arbitr'age bondsi'urider Section l03(d) 'of "the Internal , Revenue Code of 1954, as amended, and regulations prescribed from time to' ti me thereunder. . Section 13. Mutilated.Lost~'Destroved or'Wro'iiofullv Taken Bonds', , or Coupons. If the 'owner of, ~ny'Bo'n'd or interest coupon cla'ims, ,that it has been mutilated" lost,destroye'd, ,or'wrongfillly taken, the City, i'ri conformity with the applicable provisions o,fSection 8.405, Texas Business and Commerce Code, and Article 7l5a~ Vernon's' Texas Civil Statutes, as present.1y existing or as hereafter amended, may execute anew Bond or coupori'of like, tenor and date to replace themutilate9, lost, destroyed, or wrongfully taken Bond or coupon'." ," Section 14. CUSIPReoistration. The Mayor of the City may secure the printing of identification numbers on the back of the Bonds through the CUSIP Service' Bureau Division of Standard & Poors Corporation, New York, New York., Neither the failure'to print suchCUSIP number on any Bond nor any er- ror with respect thereto shall constitute cause for failure or refusal by the purchaser thereof to accept delivery of or pay for the Bonds in accordance with the terms of the sale thereof. All expenses in relation to the printing of CUSIP numbers on the Bonds and the CUSIP Service Bureau charge shall be paid by the City from the proceeds of the Bonds. Section 15. Ordinance is Contract. In consideration, of the purchase and acceptance of the Bonds, the provi si ons of thi s Ordi,nance shaH be' de~med to be and shall constitute a contract between the City anrlthe holder-sof the Bonds, and the covenants and agreements herein set forth to be performed on behalf of the City shall be for the equal benefit, protection and security of the holders of the Bonds and the interest coupons appertaining thereto, regard- less of the time or times of their issue. Section 16. Reqistration of Bonds. The Mayor of the City is hereby authorized to have control of the Bonds and all necessary records and proceed- ings pertaining to the Bonds pending their delivery and their investigation, , , I, ...l L [",I" 'T ......., 'J _.._......J,_...JJ 1 UlI ..',I'II"T...n : '~"" ;. , ~ 18,.,.." examination, and approval by the Attorney ~eneral of the State of Texas and their registration by the Comptroller of Publ ic Accounts of the State of II Texas. Upon registration of the Bonds, the Comptroller of Public Accounts ! I (or a deputy desig,nated: i.nwriting to act, for the Comptrpl1er):,shall manually W sign the Comptroller1s-Reg'istrationCertHicate presCribed herein to be printed and endorsed on each'Bonp; and thes,eal 'of ,the Comptroller 'shall be impressed, or placed in facs'imi,l e,' on ,each",of the Bonds. ' , Section 17 ~ ' Supplemental Authorization~ The Mayor and other appro- priate offi cers and ,.agents 'of'.the' Gity'are,hereby authorized and di rected to do any and all things.' necessary or, convenief)t to ,carry out the provisions of this ordinance. ' Section 18:. Captions for Convenience Only. The captions of the sections of this Ordinance: have been inserted for conyenience and reference only, and are not to be',considered a part ,hereof and shall not in any way modify or restrict any of 'the 'terms or provisions hereof. . Section' lQ~ ' Effective'Date. This Or:dimmce was read once, by the Gi ty Commission ands,hall takeeffe,c,t 'imrne.clta,tely. Section '20.' Open:Meetings Law. ,'It is' hereby officially found and determined that a sufficient written notice of the date, hour, place and subject of this meeting of the City Commission was posted at a place readi-ly accessible and convenient to the general public in the City Hall for~the time required by lawpr.eceding this meeting, 'allas required by the Open Meetings Law, Article 6252-17:, Vernon's Texas C;,'yi 1 Statutes, as amended; andthatthi s meeting has n been open to, the p-ubli,c as r,equiredby,law,at'all.times during which this Ordi- I \ nance and the subject matter thereof has been discussed, considered and formally LJ acted upon.' The City Commis.sion further ratifi es, approves and confi rms such written notice and the contents and posting thereof. PASSED, AUTHENTICATED, AND APPROVED this 8th day of April, 1976. .. ~~ij/2#d~ ' c~~~r OF .WEST UNIVERSITY PL CE, , : TEXAS . , ATTEST: ...~.~~. Ci t ,Secretary ",' ' ,', " CITY: OFWESJUNIVERSITv' PLACE, 'TEXAS ".~ . (S EAL) o