HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1058 - ORD Canvassing Returns and Declaring results of Bond Election n u Il ! I \ . ----.-' c f51 ORDINANCE NUMBER 1058 ORDINANCE CANVASSING RETURNS' AND DECLARING RESULTS OF Bo'ND "ELECTION. HELD FEBRUARY 10, 1976 ,,' THE STATE OF TEXAS ~ COUNTY OF HARRIS ~ CITY OF ~IEST UNIVERSITY P~~CE ~ WHEREAS, in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas, the Charter of the Ci ty of W.e.st Uni versityPlace, Texas, and Ordinance Number 1055 adopted pursuant thereto, anelecti on was held 'within and for:sa i d City on February 10, 1976, at whichtnr:ee(3) propositions relati'ngto the issuance of pub 1 i c improvement bonds of th.e Ci ty and the levy of taxes to pay sai d bonds were submitted in accordance with law, said propositions being: PROPOSITION NO. 1 SHALL THE. GITYCOMMISSIONOF THECITY OFHESTUNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, BE AUTHORIZ,EDTO ISSU'E'AND,SEI:;LTHE BONDS'. . OF SAID CITY IN THE AMOUNT OF $860,000, MATURING SERIALLY OR OTHER~JISE OVER A PERIOD NOT TO EXCEED 20 YEARS FROM THEIR DATE OR DATES ,AT ANY PRICE OR PRICES AND BEARING INTEREST AT ANy RATE OR RATES NOT TO EXCEED. THE MAXIMUM INTEREST RATE NOR .0RHEREAFTERAuTHORIZEDBY LAW, AS SHALL BE DETERMINED WITHIN THE DISCREnONOF SAUl CITY COMMlSSI'ON, FOR THE 'PURPOSE OF' CONSTRUCTING PERMANENT PUBLIC 'IMPROVEMENTS IN AND FOR SAID CITY, TO WIT: , DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS, AND TO LEVY TAXES UPON ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY WITHIN SAID CITY, NNUALLY SUFFICIENT TO PAY THE INTEREST ON SAID BONDS AS IT ACCRUES AND ,TO CREATE A SlNKlNG FUND.TOPAY THE PRIN- CIPAL OF SAID BONDS AS ITMATORES? PROPOSITION NO.2 sHALL THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, BE AUTHORIZED TO ISSUE AND SELL THE BONDS OF SAID CITY IN THE AMOUNT OF $490 ,000, 'MATUR.INGSE~IALLY OR OTHERWISE OVER A PERIOD NOT TO .EXCEED '20 YEARS FROM THEIR DATE: OR DATES ,AT ANY PRICE OR PRICES AND BEARING INTEREST AT ANY RATE OR RATES NOT TO EXCEED THE MAXIMUM INTEREST RATE NO~I OR HEREAFTER AUTHORIZED BY LAW, AS SHALL BE DE- TERMINED WITHIN THE DISCRETION OF SAID CITY COMMISSION,. , FORTHE,PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING PERMANENT PUBLIC IMPROVE- MENTS IN AND FOR SAID CITY ,TO~IIT: STREET IMPROVEMENTS, , Arm/TO LEVY TAXES UPON ALL TAXABLE PR,OPERTY WrrHIN SAID CITY ANNUALLY SUFFICIENT TO PAY THE INTEREST ON SAID FONDS AS IT ACCRUES AND'TO CREATE A' SINKING FUND,rOPAY THE PRINCIPAL OF SAID BONDS AS IT MATURES? ..,..-..........."-....,,...",., ~9li , .. t f ..~ ; PROPOSITION 'NO,~ 3 SHALL THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE~, T:EXAS;, ,BEl AUTHORIZED TO,I.SSHE Af)jpS-EL:L THE ,BONDS " OF SAID CITY IN THE AMOUNT OF ' $350 ,boo, 'MATURING SERIALLY OR OTHERWISE OVER A PERIOD NOT TO 'EXCEED 20 YEARS FROM THEIR DATE OR DATES, AT ANY PRICE OR PRICES BEARING IN- TEREST AT ANY RATE OR RATES NOT TO EXCEED THE MAXIMUM , INTEREST RATE NOW OR HEREAFTER AUTHORIZED BY.LAW, AS SHALL BE DETERMINED WITHIN THE DISCRETION OF SAlDCITY ,COMMISSION, FOR" THE PU~POSE OF CONSTRUCTINGPERMA.NENT PUBLIC IMPROVE- MENTS IN AND FOR' SAID CITY, TO WIT:, ,IMPROVEMENT OF LAND FOR' PARK PURPQSES~' AND tO~EVYTAX~~UPO~,'ALl TAXAB.LE; .. PROPERT~WITH)~, SJ\I Q qTY; ANNUP.LL Y; 'SU~FICI~NT TO PAY , THE INTEREST ON SAID BONDS AStT ACCRUES AND. 'To CREATE A SINKING FUND 'TO PAY, THE PRINCIPAL OF $AID' BONDS AS IT MATURES? \ I \ I '----' WHEREAS, in accordance 'with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code;,th~"judgesof said electio!,!hpve'recorded, signed and delivered the returns ofsa'id~lection, :together,wit,h"thepoll,lisfsand'tally lists, to the Mayor and-City Commission, arid nave filed same with 'the City Secretary; and' " '" - ' , , ~JHEREAS, 'the'Mayor-arid City Commission, duly assembled on this date, have opened. andexamin:ed said election returns, and, in accordance with the, City Charter and the- layisof'the State of Texas ,wi,sh to pas,s an ordinance canvassing sMd retu,rn:s ,and qecl,aring th~ ',res'ul,ts ofsaidele,ction; THEREFORE ,BE IT' ORDAINE'D BY THE' -CITY COMMISSION OF: THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY P:LACE THAT: , , '. ' .' : ',',:' ",: ,',.,,', r-l LJ l Section 1. The City Commission hereby officially finds, determines and declares that: (a) At a regular meeting o{ihE(C'ity Commission held January 12, 1976, at whi chall members of the City Cemmission were present and voting, the City Commission unanimously passed an ordinance ca:1Hng the aforesaid bond election"app,ointing a,ll.requisite el.eGtion of.fici al sand desi gn.ati.n.9 pol nn:g ;p.l aces (des.i gnated ~y. the "City Commi,ss i on and referred 'to herein as, "Ordinance Number 10.55");",' . ',,' .' ',' , " , (b) Notice of the January 12 meeting was pO$ted in English and i,n -Spanish on a bulletin beard in the City Hallcoriveni'ent and r~a-dHy 'ac,cessible, to the general public at 'all times a.t least 72 hoursp,recedi ng ,th~ sqhedul ed :t,ime ,ofs,uch meeting and such meeting,was, open to the public at 'all .time$ during which Ordinance Numberl055 'and,the subject matter. thereof ,was discussed~ consi- dered and acted 'upon, alli n comp li.ar'lce:,:wit,h the Open Meetings Law, Article 6252-17~ Vernon'sTexas Civil Statutes, as amended; (c) Notice of the aforesaid bond election was given by posting a notice containing a s~bstantial copy of Ordinance Number 1055 in English and in Spanish at the City Hall and in each of the II I U o n LJ o rf~ four election preCincts'ofthe' Ci.tynot less than foLirteen (14) days prior to,the date'onwhiGh the election was held, and'same was like... wise pub1i'shed on Wednesday ,January, 21,1976 ; and Wednesday , Janu... ary '28',1976;~i'n'fEi1glish'and' in Spanish' "in':'a' newspaper publis,hed i'n Harris CountY-, 'Texas~ or general 'circLilatfon in the 'City; and,desig- nated as an ,official newspaper of 'the':Cityin,accordaricewith the r 'City:Charter, .to wit, 'theSoutliwesternArgus; . ~ . . ..r ". '. . (d) The ballots .forthe 'bond election 'were provided in' English and in Spanish in accordance ,with law;.. , (e) 'Absentee' voting and voting on the date of 'the election were carried out in accordance wi.th:the Texas 'election. laws and the provi s ionsofOrdinarice Number'1055 ; arid .' (f) , All appointed election offici~ls ~ere duly q~alified to serve and'all carried out their duties in actordancewith law. 'Section ~2. 'The City Coimnission, pursuant'.to an official c'anvass of the returns of said electi-on,hereby dedares the results'of the voting 'on each of the three (3) 'propositi'ons"whith'are:set forth .in,full,in"the preamble to this Ordinance, to be 'as follows: ' , , , PROPOSITION NO~l : ~ fsll:. ' Aciainst Precinct'15 '438 46 Precinct 87 441 54 Preci nct 133 ' 305 137 Precinct 183 ~ 81 TOTAL 1lZ.Q. 318 PROPOSITION NO. 2 For Aaainst Precinct 15 419 60 Precinct 87 405 85 Precinct 133 265 164 Precinct 183 560 ~ TOTAL 1649 ....ill.. PROPOSITION NO. 3 .E2r. Aaainst Precinct 15 358 120 Precinct 87 376 118 Precinct 133 239 200 Precinct 183 477 .rn> TOTAL ,1450 · :628 L --I _.__LI JiJ[J ["i1ilfT - -L....., ." '---;- Ifftl Section 3., The City Commi.ssi.tm her.~b'y,'finds ,and decJares that more than a majority of the duly quali'fied voters voting at said election have voted in favor,of each of .thethree(3) propositions submitted; that, there- fore, the ~,l ecti'O'n"has resul ted' favorab lyto.each' .of :sa i d propos i t:i ons; and that the CityComml-ssioni:s; the'refore, authorized to issue $860,000 in bonds for drainage improvements as provi ded in 'Propos i,ti'o.n No. ,1., :$490,,000 in bonds for street improvements asprov.i-ded' in Proposi tiqn No. 2, and $350 ,000 in bonds for park improvements as provided in Proposition No.3, and to levy taxes an- nually'to pay 'prinCipal and interest on sai d bonds. ' , Section 4. The City Commission further officially finds, determines and declaresthat'this Ordi'nance was'read,onc.e, carefully considered, and adop- ted at a meeting':of the ,City Commission 'beginning at 7:'30 o'clock, p.m. on February 12, 1976, that suffi ci ent written notice: 'in:Eng;l i~sh "and Spani sh of the date, hour, place and subject of this meeting was posted on a bulletin board in the City H'aTT'readfly accessible :and convenient ,to :the public for the time required by law'pr'eceding this ri1eeting,~ as.requiredby 'the Open ,Meeting Law, Article 6252-17, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes, as amended, and that this meet- ing has been opento.the:pliblic as. reqt.ii,redi by laW.at:'all time$" dU,ring which this Ordinan:ce' and 'the subJect matter thereof has been discuss'ed, considered and actedupdn.', The :'City Commi-ssion ;further r,citifies', apPy:-ovesancJ confirms such wri tten noti ce and the contents and posting the.reof;,' ,; PASSED AND APPROVED this 12th ,day of February, 1976. ',' .; Commissioners Voting Aye:' All goners Voti ng NO: .. ' None a~~.lt?/ fd'alLr.) Mayor , , , ATTEST: ~ ~"zJ<~ / . Assistant City Secretary ,,' .. t ,..--.., r I G ~, I , J ~ , i ~