HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1052 - ORD Electing a Single Composite Oarticipation in TRMS ~~. ~'tC, r~" " '~:~.;--' .:~? , ORDINANCE NUMBER" 1052 AN ORDINANCE ELECTING A SINGLE COMPOSITE PARTICIPATION DATE FOR ALL DEPARTMENTS OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PARTICIPATING IN, tHE TEXAS' MUNICIPAL' RETIREMENT SYSTEM TO BE USED FOR CALCULATION 'OF NORMAL AND PRIOR SERVICE CONTRIBUTioN' RATtS AND FOR DETERMINATION OF FUNDING PERIODS OF ci:RTAlN OBLIGATIONS' TO THE TEXAS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT SYSTEM. NOW, THE~EFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: That the City of West 'University Place hereby elects to have all of its departments now participating in the Texas Municipal Retirement System here- after treated and considered,' for the purpose cif determining norman' and prior service contribution rates to the Texas Municipal Retfrement System, and for the purpose of determining any period within which the City must fund the obliga- tions mentioned fn paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) ofstibsection'2 of Section' IV of Arti cl e 6243h; Vern'bn' sCivi 1 Statutes of Texas as amended by Chapter 371 Acts Regular SessionSlst Legislature, as having a single' composite participation date, which composite date shall be determined by' the actuary of the Texas Muni- cipal Retirement :Sys:tem in' the 'manner' prescribed by paragraph (a) of subsection 20f said statute. '". .' .' , . . PASSED'HAND ApPROVED this the 22nd day of December, 1975. ATTEST: ~~~ Assistant City Secretary ,,' . , Com~i ssioners Voting Aye: ~ si one'rs Voti ng No: , CJJ 6J , Mayor' o J u