HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1050 - ORD Amending Section 18-13 Changing Schedule of Permit Fees I~---~- l~,b ORDINANCE 'NUM'BER 1050 AN' ORDHiANCE AMENDINGSECTIONnl$-13 OF THE 'CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE, CITY OF t~EST :UNIVERSITY. PLACE~ TEXAS,. BY CHANGING THE SCHEDULE OF PERMIT FEES; REQUIRING, A lICENSE, FOR.A LANDSCAPE IRRIGATOR; CHANGING PROCEDURE FOR,.TESTING'OFWATER SUPPLY SYSTEM; CHANGING THE PENALTY PROVISiONS;, PROHIBITING BITUMIN- IZED PIPE AND FITTINGS; PROHIBITING TYPE M COPPER ~ND LEAD WATER TUBING IRWATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM; CHANGING DESIGNATION OF CERTAIN OFFICIALS; MAKING SUCH OTHER CHANGES AS NOTED THEREIN; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. '. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE,' CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: :~l I I U Section 1. That Section 18-13 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of West University Place, Texas, is hereby. amended in ,the following manners and particulars: " (a) The p~esent Section 106.3 of the Plumbing Code shall hereafter read as follows:' .', , "106.3 - SCHEDU LE OF PERMIT FEES (a) , Perlllit Fees: , For issuing each permit In addition For each plumbing:fixture For each sewer line For alteration of drainage or vent piping For' each water heater (gas or electric) or vent . For ~ach gas o~tlet For each gas pressure test For each gas built-in range For each house water line For each vacuum breaker For each "P" trap or receptor For each area drain or storm sewer line $ 3.00 2.00 6.00 3.50 3.50 .50 3.50 3.50 2.00 1.75 1.75 3.00 n i \ I ' ~ (b) Sewer tap or connection 7.50 (c) Minimum Permit Fee '(includes issuing permit fee) 5.00 (d) Reinspection or retest fee when called back 2.00 (e) In event plumber fails to obtain permit or fails to notify the Inspection Department of work being done, DOUBLE permit fee is to be charged. (b) Section 103.5. "Administrative Authority" as noted in the last r-l line of said Section shall be changed to "Chief Appointing Authority". LJ o c ~""'- o fl~J (c) Section 107.6. Said Section shall read as follows: "Sect.i on 107.6 - TEST OF WATER-SUPPLY SYTEM Upon completion of a section, or of the enti~e water-supply system, it shall .be tested and,. proved tight under a water pressure not less than 85 psig~maintained.for 15 minut~swith no' pressure. drop. The water used for tests shall be, obtained from a potable source of supply. II (d), Section 101.7. The following words shall be deleted from said Section: "and .test shall,be maintained until backfill is completed" and in lieu thereof there shall be added the following.words, "the,test shall be main- tained for 15 minutes without water level drop"'. (e) Section 109.1 shall be added to read as follows: "Secti on 109.1., Before any person sha 11. engage in the 1 aFldscape irrigation business, as defined in Article 249c, V.A.T.S. in the city, such person shall be licensed in accordance.with such Statute or any amendments' thereof. II (f) Section 109.5. The amount of the bond.referred to in said Section shall be changed from $5,000 to $1,000. (g) Sectionlll. Section 111 is amended by changing the last sen- tence thereof as follows: "Each person,'shall be deemed guilty of a separate offense for each and ev~ry day or any portion thereof during which any violation of any of the provisions of.thiscode is committed or continued, and upon conviction in the Municipal Court for any such vi'ol~tion shall be punished by a fine not to exceed $200.00; providing, however, that no penalty shall be grea teror 1 ess than the penal ty provi ded for the same or a similar offense under the laws of the State of Texas. II (h) Section 201 - Principle No~ 3. Section 201 - Principle No.3 shall hereafter read as follows: "Dwelling type building provided.with, a drainage system and public sewer connection shall have at least one water closet, one bath tub or shower, one lavatory, one' kitchen-type sink, and an adequate source of hot ,water, for each family,unit to meet'minimum basic re- quirements' for health; sanitation and personalhygi,ene. Water heat- ing facilities shall be accessible'foremergency maintenance without entering any individual apartmeFlt or living unit~ except that water heaters may be.located.withi-n an apartment or living unit when sup- plying hot water to that unit' only.'I' ' (i) Section 503.1; 503.2; 503.3 and 504.1. liThe Plumbing Official; sha 11 be chaged to liThe Pl umbi ng Board ". , (j) Section 505 (Table). Notwithstanding specifications in Section 505, the use, .in any way, of bituminized pipe or fittings shall be prohibited and such prohibition shall extend to any reference to such bituminized pipe and fittings in this code. .. -.. ~~i:-""'r~" . l:' 1 ,~tgJ,~ ; ~ -' . . - . ~ ~' The,use of the, following materials. is permitted under the conditions as specified, PVC sewer pipe, ASTM D-33033, SDR 41, SDR 33.5; cell classification l2454-A ASTM 1784. Such material..shall not be used as sewer pipe in or under any building structure or slab. Such material may be used as a part of the storm sewer drainage piping without, limitation. . The use of plastic .pressurepipe and,f.ittings is prohibited in or under buildings or'with.in"fivepfeet, (measured "horizontally) from the entrance rise to the building. ' Any plastic accessory or appliance pressure connection must be pre- ceded by an approved metallic shut-off valve ~s specified ,for fixtures in Section 1211.3.' , 1\ , I , I I LJ (k) Section 602.6(a) shall hereafter read as follows: "Section 602'.,6, ..,FLEXIBLE COUPLINGS" (a) Flexible couplings may ,be used,to join plain ends of similar or dissimilar pipes in waste, drain and vent only. II (1) Section 608.1. Said Section shall read as follows: "Joints at the roof, around vent pipes, shall be made water tight by the use of lead, copper, galvanized-iron or neoprene. Exterior wall openings shall be made water-tight." (m) Section 704.2 shall hereafter read as follows: IISection 704.2-. LOCATION, :~ I l .1 i I , U "Cleanouts shall.be,not more than 50-feet apart in ,hor.izontal drain- age lines of,4-inch nominal diameter or .1essand.tiot'more. thim, 100- feet apart for 1 arger pi pes. II ' , ' (n) Section 911.1 shall hereafter read as follows: "Section 911.1 - SHOWER All shower compartments, except those having metal enameled receptors, shall have a lead or copper shower pan or the equtvalent thereof as determined by the. Plumbing Board. The. pan shall turn up on all sides at least 2~inche~ abevefinished.flnor leveli Traps sball be so con- structed that the pan may, be securely fastened to the trap at the seepage entranc,e making a watertight. joint between the, pan and trap. Shower receptacle.~aste,outlets,shall be not .less than. 2-inches and have remov,able strainer. II ,(0) ., Section 911 ~2is"amenciedbythe del~tionof the, last sentence thereof which reads as,IIShower compartments loca~ed in basements, celars, or in other rooms in which the floor'has been laid directly on the ground surface need not be lined. II (p) Section 9l5.1(b) is hereby deleted. [i U o [ o ~.~ ".,:i~ ' "':I; .. (q) Secti 011' 923.2 (Table)';. There 1 s hereby added to Footnote 10 to said table thefollowing,Ua washing, machine connection is not required in a, single family dwelling,. but is highly recommended."' ' (r)Section 1002~4. Said Seciion;lOO~.4 s~all:hereaf~~r r~ad as follows: "Copper tube shall be supported at each story. for piping.l~-inches and over and at not more ~han 4-foot intervals for piping l~-inches and small~r. Copper tubing shalLbe supported at its base and at each story, not to exceed ten feet.1I (s) Section 1002.6. Said Section 1062.6 shall hereafter read as fOllows: ' "Plastic pipif:lg shall be supported .at each story for piping 2-inch or over and atriot'mere:than'4-foot intervals for piping l~~irich or under. Plas- tic piping shall be supported at its base and at each story, not to exceed ten feet. II (t) Section 1101.4. Secti.on 1101.4 is hereby amended to read as follows: "Interceptor - Except in 'private!living quarters or dwelling shall be placed on the outlet side of the dish washing machine or on the discharge side of the indirect side of the waste receptor." (u) , Section 1103.2. Said Section shall be 'changed to read as fol- lows: liThe maximum length of the indirect waste to vent shall not exceed 25 feet. II (v) Section 1105.3 shall be amended by the substitution of the words "suitable screen" for the words ,lIreadilY removable basket". (w) Sectien l2D4.4. The fQllowing sentence shall be added to the end of said Section, "Vacuum tlreaker is required on all hQse bibbs within fifty"'feet of all swimming 'pools, 'reflection pools, 'fish p'onds and all similar liquid containers". (x) Section 1205.3 is herebY deleted in its entirety. (y) Section 1205.5. Section 1205.5 is hereby amended so that here- after it shall read as follows: "Section 1205.5 - FIXTURE VALVE OUTLETS WITH HOSE ATTACHMENTS, HOSE BIBBS AND LAWN HYDRANTS Fixture valve outlets with hose' ,attachments, hose bibbs and lawn hydrants wi thi n fi fty (50 I) feet of all swimmi ng pool s,. refl ecti on pools, fish pond~, and all similar liquid containers shall be pro- tected by an approved back-siphonage backflow preventer or vacu.um breaker on the discharge side of the valve. Back-siphonage backflow preventers may be instalTeddirectly on hase outlet conneciton threads. Vacuum breakers shall be installeaat least six inches above the highest point of usage. Approved valves shall comply with applicable sections of American Society of Sanitary Engineering Standard - 1011 - Hose Bibb Vacuum Breakers. II (z) Section l206.l(a). Notwithstanding any;provision herein to the contrary the use of lead or Type M copper water tube is hereby prohibited in water distribution piping. ,~~t34 (aa) Section120.6.l(b) is amended by the addition of the following sentence: "Non-metallic undergrQund'-piping for water service piping shall have minimum of 18 inches cover." (bo) Section l2l2~ 1 (a) (b). Notwithstanding. any~ provision herein to the contrary the: use of lead or Type M copper water:-tube is hereby prohibited in water distribution, piping.~ ", .'- -' . (cc) Section 140.1.4. There shall be deleted from said Section the following, ,lIprovided that Qther materials may be used for underground vents when found adequate and.. installed as"dir.ected bYPlurnping official". (dd) . Se<::tion, 1501.1 is, amended' 6y..the addi;tion thereto of the follow- ing sentence, "This paragraph is not applicable. to. si,ngle family residential. dwellings". (ee)..,Section1504.5; Section 1504.5 is amended'by.the,addition thereto of the following sentence, .l'Floor or area drains used'forany purpose other~than co 11 ecti ng ra in w~ ter shall not be connecte~ to' th~ s torm ~ewerl1. , (ff) Section 1505.2. Section 1505.2 is amended by the addition thereto of the following: sentence~ "T~is paragraph. is not applicable to single family. residential dwening~~ II Section 2. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect immediately from and after'its'passage and approv:alby the Mayor. PASSED AND APPROVED this 10th day of November, 1975. ~~!lJ~4 Mayor.. '" " f ATTEST: ~... o It- U o