HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1034 - Amending Section 23-137 Provide for Impounding of Motor Vechicle " 1~116 - tFl ' I ORDINANCE NUMBER' 1034 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS,- ,BY AMENDING SECTION 23-137 TO PROVIDE FOR THE IMPOUNDMENT OF A MOTOR VEHICLE UPON THE IN- CARCERATION OF ITS OPERATOR; TOPRROVIDE FOR A STORAGE FEE; PROVIDING FOR THE DISPOSITION OF ABANDONED VEHICLES IN AC- CORDANCE WITH ARTICLE 6687-9, V.R.C.S.; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WESTUUNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: ' I -----.; Section 1. That Section 23-1-37 is hereby amended by the addi tion thereto of a paragraph to be designated as Paragraph (a) (6), which said para- graph shall read as follows: "Section 23-137 (al (6). When a vehicle is in the possession of an individual who is arrested and incarcerated and it is necessary for the Polfce Department to take possession of such vehicle during the period of time that said individual is incarcerated." Section 2. That Section 23-137 Cd) is hereby amended so that here- after said Section 23-137 (d) shall read as follows: "Section 23-137 Cd}. Release of vehicle; fee. All vehicles seized and impounded under this section shall be held by the Police Depart- ~nl ment, in the manner and at such place as designated hereinabove,~un- til the owner of the vehicle furnishes evmdence of his ownership of ,~ such vehicle and furnishes a cash or surety bond in sufficient amount to insure bis presence and that of the offending party i;n the muni ci- pal court of this c~ty at a time designated for appearance. No stor- age fee shall De charged for the first forty-eight (48) hours that said vehicle remains in the possession of the Police Department, but' a storage fee of $2.90 per day for each day that said vehicle remains under,the control and in the possession of the Police Department, or its authorized agent, with a minimum charge of $5.00, is hereby fixed as the charge for'storag-e of said impounded vehicle which shall be collected oy the Police Department before the impounded vehicle is re- leased.1I Section 3. That Section 23-137 is amended by the addition thereto of a paragraph to be designated as Paragraph (e), which said pawagraph shall reqd as follows: ' IISection 23-137 (el. In the event that the impounded vehicle is not claimed within the time as provided in Article 6687-9, V.R.C.S., (Abandoned Automobile Act) the provisions of said Article shall be followed as to the auction of said vehicle. II -~\ , I, j-.-J n 1 . . \ 1---1 o o U .dfV7 Section 4. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect immedia- tely from and after its passage and approval as required by law. . , PASSED AND APPROVED this 11th day of March, 1975. Commissioners Voting Aye: Binig Dunn Thompson Commissioners Voting No: Stanley ~l}J 0)oP~ ~ .., Mayor U ATTEST: ~ ~ttAJ-; Assistant City Secretary , ..",{". .~. .' I"' . .' ~..;'