HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1033 - Amending ORD 111 Permit the Erection of Townhouses and /or Clusterhouses n ~ ~l u ,"h, ~' ' ""flP 3' .... <. -. - "-:" ORDINANCE NUMBER 1033 AN ORDINANCLAMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 1.11. OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, TO PERMIT THECERECTION OF T0WNHOUSESAND/ORCLUSTERHOUSES, AS DEFINED HEREIN, ON . LOTS ONE ~1) ANDnJO (2), BLOCK 93, WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE 2ND ADDITION; PROVIDING FOR REGULATIONS RELATIVE TO SET- BACK AND LOT COVERAGE IN THE TOWNHOUSE/CLUSTERHOUSE DIS- c TRICT CREATED; REGULATING FENCES IN SAID DISTRICT; PROVID- ING FOR ON~PROPERTY'PARKING SPACES, DRIVEWAYS AND ACCESS - ROADS; REQUIRING APPROVAL OF THE ZONING AND PLANNING COM- MISSION OF A DEVELOPMENT PLAN ENCOMPASSING ALL OF SAID AREA; CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED 'BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS.: Section 1., That Ordinance Number 111 of the ,City of West University Place be, and it is hereby, amended by the additioill thereto'of Section 24-F il1DJlediatelyfollowing Section24~E,. Which. sai'dSectfon 24-F shall read as follows:' ,,', " ' ,,' "Section 24-F: There is hereby created a Townhouse/Clusterhouse Dwelling District upon and including Lots land,2, Block 93, West University Place 2nd Addition. Sub-Settion A. Permitted Uses The 'use permitted in thi s Di stri ct sha,11 be the same as pro- vided in Sub-Section B, Se.ction 24-E. Sub-SectionB. Definitions Townhouse, c1usterhouse, living space and non~living space shall be as defined in ,Sub-Section C, Section 24-E. Sub-:-Sectlon C. ' 'Militrill:nn'$ize'DwelltIiciUnit The dimensions of any townhouse or c1 usterhouse erected shall be such as to provide not less,: than 1600 square feet. of intern a 1 floor space., exc1 usive of garage. Sub-Sectton D,. ' . Buj 1 djlid'S;~ No townhouse or c1usterhouse shall: be constructed on any building site of less than 2,000 square f~et. Sub-Section E. ' 'Minimum' Yard 'Djmensions Except as' hereinafter provided, no townhouse or c1usterhouse Sh, all, be constru,ct" e. '~., c 1, oser to, eroperty lines than the fol10w- i.ng s.etback dimensions, {in feet}:' ,~____ L.L__'_____ ___,_.-I _____,_:--.--:...L i l.lJU --''1 .. '''--'''t''Cjj- "'lJlt1 (1) No closer. ,thani'ten CrOll-feet to Bissonnet Street f) ,: (2)',No"c10ser than twenty (201) feet :to Mercer Street (3) No closer than twenty (20') feet from the s:outh line of Lots One (1) and Twe (2), Block 93, West University Place 2nd Addition. (4) No closer than five (51) feet from the west line of Lot One (1), Block 93, West University Place 2nd Addition. Sub-Section F. Maxili1lml'Height'ofB~ildjnas The maximum height of any structure or building in said Town- house/C1usterhouse Dwelling District shall be two and one-half stories, not to exceed thirty-five (351) feet. Sub-Section G. Open Space Forty: (40)' percent, of the a,r.ea ,of each ,building site shall be open. space' '{reeoaf any structure of-any,ki nd or character, i.e., no more than sixty (60) percent of the total area shall be covered by any principal and accessory structure. Sub-Section H. Parkino (1) Three (3) on-property parking spaces shall be provided for each iJ:,: townhouse or clusterhouse, wit~one (1) of such spaces being available for guest parking. (2) The parking areas shall be controlled by the parking regulations as set forth in Section 24-E, Sub-Section M, except as in such instances as shall be in direct conflict with the provisions in this Section. ' , S~b-Sectiun I. Fences (1) If and when, any townhouse or clusterhouse is constructed on Lots 1 and 2, Block 93, West University Place 2nd Addition, the owner or owners of such lots shall construct or cause to be constructed and maintained an opaque fence or wall along the entire soat~h line of Lots 1 and 2 (between the Townhouse/C1usterhouse Dwelling District and the Single-Family Dwelling District immediately adjacent thereto) such fence or wall to be a minimum of six (61) feet in height and a maxtmum of eight (81) feet in height, from ground level., . (2) The 10catinn and construction material of such fence or wall shall be as provided in Section 24-E, Sub-Section G (a) (b). Sub-Section J. Siqns On1ytthe following signs shall be permitted in said Townhouse/ C1 usterhouse Dwe1lfn'g Districts. Signs, for the purpose of identifying the property, not exceeding six (6) square feet in area, placed back of the building line or attached to the wa-1 of the structure, which sign or signs shall not be illuminated. -----, ~ ) I , I t I '-----.I [J ~.! i, , :'1 o n LJ f1tttJ Sub-Section K. Fire Protection Wa:n The wall or walls b~tween adjoining townhouses ~hall be of such material and construction toprovide'a'four (4) hour fire pro- tection:,as described and required under the applicable Building Code heretofore adopt~d by the City of West University Place. Sub-Section L. Approval by Zoning and Planning Commission It is the intent that this area (Lots 1 and 2, Block 93, West University Place ,2nd Addition) be developed as a single unit in view of the uniqueness of its location and boundaries and to that end lt is required that any development plan for said property sha 11 be submi tted for approval to the Zon i ng and Planning Comm,lssion. Such proposal and development plan shall include a set of drawings and other material as necessary, sufficient to illustrate the proposed plat, the floor area, layout 'and" height'of each dwelling unit, construction materials, 'siting of bUlldings, landscaping, the design and location of access driveways, and all other exterior elements of construction. No 'building perrott shall Be issued by the Building Inspector for any improvements within said District unless and until said Building Inspector is. presented with plans. and 'specifications bearing the approval of the Zoning and Planning Commission thereon." , Section 2. .It is the intention of the' City Commission that each separate provision of this Ordinance shall ~edeemed independent of all other provisions herein, and it is further th~ intention of the City Commission that if any provision 'or part thereof of this Ordinance be declared invalid, all , other provtsionsthereofshal1 remain valfd and ,enforceable..' Section 3. This Ordinancesh,al1 be in full force and effect immedia- tely from and after its passage and approval by the Mayor. PASSED AND APR80VED'this 24th day: :of January, 1975., Con:uni ss i oners Voting, Aye : All - , ,. ~ ' I' . .' , I Commissioners Voting No: None Q#/m~adl Mayor "'/1 ATTEST: N ~thL/. ss stant i ty Secretary" . ~ ---I. _~~----..e- L--- _~~--------"":.__L..._ uLl