HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1031 - ORD Amending ORD 1021 Approved Budget Fiscal Year Jan 1974- August 27, 1973 o o o ORDINAN~E :N~~~~R 1031 , ;:'~ :~8',5 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 1021 WHICH "APPROVED THE BUDGET OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGiNNING JANUARY 1, 1974, AND AD09WED ON AUGUST 27, 1973. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, has on certain dates and occasions found it necessary, wotlbhwhi1e and expedient to expend funds of the city for the best interest and- welfare ,of its citizens for items which were not considered, nor included, in the origfnal Budget; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the City Commission to increase various items of income and expenditure known to be in excess of the amount provided for in the original Budget, so that the amount of additional income. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAtNED'BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: . , Section 1. The Budget of the City of West University Place for the 12-month period beginning January 1, 1974, and ending December 31, 1974, as heretofore adopted be, and it is hereby, amended to provide for additional expenditures and revenues, from the General Fund, Health Fund, Swimming Pool Fund, Water-Sewer Fund and R~ve!lu~ Sharing :Fund, as shown by the following schedule: ' Additional Expenditures - General Fund City Commission Office Supplies Memberships Community Relations Election Expense Legal Notices & Recording Fees Professional Services Photography Equipment $ " ,200.00 ,gOO. 00 210.00 200.00 300.00 1,250.00 81 .00 Administrative- City Manager'sOffice Office Supplies Photography Supplies Maintenance Equipment Travel and Meetings Telephone Publications Legal Notices & Recording Fees Visual Aid Equipment ' (1) Electric Typewriter Office Files Office Furniture $ 3,000.00 600.00 200.00 1,200.00 1,050.00 100.00 200.00 968.00 600.00 240.00 1,701.00 . , _ __r--- _ -------.-..--JL-L.L'-~ j liI.l ~ ~ $ 2,641.00 $ 9,859.00 , ' , .. .., ':."l:~ - _.. 96 Judgement and Cost Professional Services Social Security Office Supplies Two Typing Tables Clerical Salaries Operational Salaries Planning Other Salaries Salaries, Holidays . Salaries, Overtime & Extra Office Supplies Uniforms and Other Clothing Photographic Supplies Telephone Training Schools Office Equipment Patrol Car Accessories' (2) Hand Held Radar Fire Ball Red Lens Dictating Machines Seat Organizers Shoulder Cases Municipal Court $ 250.00 998.00 : Fi nance Department $ 100.00 4,~00. 00 300.00 Tax Departl'i1ent $ 400.00 750.00 . 'ZOnfnQ'~~d:p1a~~in~ $ 1,040.00 POlice Deoartment $ 3,000.00 685.00 400.00 ' 940.00 2,000.00 200.00 350.00 200.00 140. 00 . 395.,00 .. 2,052.00 92.00 335.00 11 O. 00 44.00 il $ 1,248.00 $ BOO. 00 .$ 1,150.00 (I I l~ $ 1,040.00 $ 10,943.00 ~I U o c o Other Salaries Overtime or Extra Office Supplies Uniforms and Outer Clothing Dormitory Supplies Laundry and Cleaning First Aid Supplies Fuel and Lubricants Maintenance of Equipment, Maintenance of Radios . Maintenance of Motor Vehicles Telephones Travel and Meetings Publications Station'Wagon (Replacement) (20) Bunker Coats (20) Bunker Pants (2) Beds Office Supplies Telephone Radio Asphalt and Materials Fuel and Lubricants Traffi c Si gns Lawn Mower (1) Street Sweeper Fire Department $ 3,000.00 250.00 360.00 1,700.00 138.00 880.00 223.00 240.00 362.00 1 78. 00 690.00 J:28.00 1,435.00 122.00 810.00 298.00 343.00 452.00 Inspection DeDartment $ 150.00, 685.00 138.00 Street Deoartment \' $ 3,545.00 265.00 918.00 574.00 1,128.00 Sani tati on Deoartment (Was t~;-Co]l p-c.ti on) Fuel and Lubricants Maintenance of Motor Vehi~les Telephone Operation Spiffy Dump Fees (1) 500-Gallon Fuel Tank ~~L.J_ _~ r' $ 2,445.00 1,021.00 608.00 627.00 820.00 295.00 - L_ I , i Jlj "~'97 ';J.. '.. r,~ $ 11,609.00 $ .i~~'?~~9!t':- $ 6,430.00 $5,816.00 ""'-T"! " "M) -..'r> ..,..._ ,.~., Sanitation Department (Waste DisDosal) Labor, Salaries~ Maintenance of House ~ I $ 290.00 i , 273.00 lj $ 563.00 City Hall $ 486.00 135.00 121. 00 $ 742.00 Community Building $ 698.00 $ 698.00 Janitor Supplies Lawn Mower Norwood Property Electricity Maintenance of Grounds Maintenance of Equipment Mower - Self Propelled Sign at Whitt F. Johnson Park LandscapeA1 bans . $ 742.00 1,060.00 338.00 764.00 2,394.00 il \~ $ 5,298.00 RecyclinQ Construction of Fence $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 .' ;Recreation . Dppar.tmpn t Salaries, Labor Office Supplies Ceramic Supplies Arts and Crafts Recreation Supplies Publications Mai ntenance of Equipment Telephone Use of HISD property Trave 1 and Meetings Calculator Sound System $ 240.00 215.00 307.00 263.00 l6,604.00 2,289.00 23.00 161.00Use 280.00 55.00 60.00 100.00 I~I I I 'LJ $20~597.00 c o [ Xerox Machine Li brary .. $ 328.00 Transfer from General Fund Transfer to Swimming Pool Fund $ 899.00 TOTAL', GENERAL , FUND Addi tiona 1 Expenditures - Health Fund Extra Salaries and Overtime Dog Food and Tags Insecticides and Rodenti~i~es Telephone $ 232.00 1 58. 00 254.00 234.00 Additional Expenditures - SwimminQ Pool Fund Supervisory Salaries Other Salaries Bath House Repairs Pool Repairs Maintenance of Equipment Hot Water Heater Umbrea1a Tables $ 276.00 1,865.00 1,015.00 372. 00 342.00 469. 0'0 793.00 Additional Expenditures - Water-Sewer Fund Maintenance of Motor Vehicles Overtime and Extra Postage Telephone Land Boundary Survey $ 185.00 700.00 913.00 455.00 125.00 Sewer Deoartment Operational Salaries $ 685.00 1- ----I. . _ __ ____ r-- -- -. ~__~_-------.-J.___ .--11 ~""". , ' ~ ~" $ 328.00 $ 899.00 $83,034.00 $ 878.00, $ 5,132.00 $ 2,378.00 $ 685.00 . ",.,."h. .,. . IL IIII I, ! ~Q~~ .!' .; ~ 1 '.; y.,~~" Sewage Treatment Overtime or Extra Labor Salaries (Monthly) Office Supplies Time Clock $ 450.00 172 . 00 338.00 197.00 TOTAL WATER-SEWER FUND EXPENDITURE Additional Expenditures - Revenue Sharing Police Department Fuel and lubricants Policemen's Salaries Holidays $ 586.00 . - "0 228.00 195.00 Fire Department Firemen's Salaries Soci a 1 Securi ty Holidays $ 1,595.00 205.00 682.00 Street Department Professional Services $ . 63. 00 c TOTAL REVENUE SHARING FUND EXPENDITURES $ 1,157.00 $ 4,220.00 $ 1,009.00 $ 2,482~00 $ 63.00 $ 3,554.00 Section 2. ADDITIONAL INCOME. The City Commission herehy determines it advi sab 1 e to revise and a lter the items' of the Budget to increase the total expenditure and also increase the total' a'nticipatedincome so that the total means of financing the, BUdget shall equal in amount the aggregate proposed ex- penditures.' . Section 3. The additional income required for revisions of the Budget is hereby appropriated and approved by increasi ng the revenue accounts and available cash of the General Fund, and Swimming Pool Fund in accordance with the following schedule: Additional Revenue and Tn~nmp - ~pnpr~l Flinn Utility franchise Delinquent Taxes Corporation Court Fines Interest Recycling Rent, Westpark Recreation Program Penalty & Interest Mowing. Vacant Lots $ 3,892.00 11,789.00 20,000.00 17,231. 00 1,400.00 3,000.00 20,635.00 2,982.00 ? . 1 n~ nn tQ':l n':lA nn .-----.. i I 'J II I 1 \~ u [:\ I o o ;~ l~ e,. i;tiil AdditionllRevehue ~ ~~alth Fund Delinquent Taxes' $ 878.00 $' 878.00 AdditionalR~venue - Swimming Pool Fund 'r- ". Learn-to-Swim Program Transfer from General Fund $ 206.00 4,926.00 $ 5,132.00 Additional Revenue - Water-Sewer Fund Interest Earned $ 4,220.00 $ 4,220.00 Addit,iona1 :Revenue..;. ,Revenue Sharing Fund " ' ,Available Cash $ 3,554.00' $ 3,554.00 Section. 4. This ordi:nance'sha11 become effective immediately from and after its passage and approval, and the 1974 Budget amended accordingly. PASSED AND APPROVED this 23rd day of December, 1974. Commissioners Voting Aye: All Commi ss i oners Voting No: None G?aat'2b:tdLi '. Mayor /' ~ " ' ATTEST: ;Ji!j "Tr'~ '