HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1023 - ORD Calling Election Within West U 5 th Nov, 1974 II __ liP! L '.I ---.J 1111 I I ; iJ . I ,~,TO ORDINANCE ;NUMBER1023 AN :ORDINANCE CALLING AN ELECTION WITHIN THE. CITYI OF ,WESr UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. FOR THEFIFTH,DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1974, FOR THE PURPOSE OF ELECTlNG: A MAYOR AND FOUR (4)', ' COMMISSIONERS TO SERVE FOR A TERM OF ,TWQ'(2) YEARS EACH;' DESIGNATING THE POLLING PLACES; APPOINTING ELECTION OF- . FICIALS AND PROVIDING FOR THEIR PAY; PROVIDING, THAT ALL DULY QUALIFIED RESIDENT ELECTORS SHALL BE QUALIFIED TO VOTE; PRESCRIBING THE FORM OF BALLOT; PROVIDING FOR NOTICE OF ELECTION; CONTAINING OTHER PROVISIONS RELATING TO SAID ELECTION; AND PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF' THE CITY OF WEST ,UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: - !l u Section 1. That a general election shall be held in the City of West University Place, Texas on November 5, 1974, being the first Tuesday fol- lowing 'the first Monday in November~ for'the purpose of electing a Mayor and four (4) Commissioners of' said city, 'each to serve a TUn two (2) ,year term. Sectfon 2. That said election shall be held in each of the four (4) election precincts heretofore established by the Commissioners' Court of Harris County."Texas," ,and the following presidijlge1ection judges and alternate presi- ding election judges be appointed, to-wit: Preci nct, Po 11; rig P1 ace [lecti on ,'Off.i<ci a 1 :~ U 183 West University Place Mr. Horace Rice, Presiding Judge Community Building Mrs. Nell Lee, Alternate Presiding 6104 Auden Street Judge 133 West University Place Mrs. Si dney Yoder, Pres i di ng J udg,e ;, Ci tyHa 11 . Mr~Sidi1ey Yoder, Alternate Presi- :- 3800University~oulevard ding Judge. 87 West University Place Mr. Ben Greene, Presiding Judge . Elementary School ' . Mr,. Vincent Fromen, Alternate Pre- ~3756' University Soul evard, J ' S irdi n9 Y udge 15 St. Andrews Mrs. Claudia Mankin, Presiding Judge Presbyterian. Church , '~Mr'.Cha r 1 e$ Ors~b urn; A lterna te Pre- 5308 Buffalo Speed~ay siding Judge Each polling place and the polls thereat shall be open from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.:m.".qn:s;aid:e'JeG~t9)lQa~~,.~,There shall be two (2) clerks for each election precinct to be appointed by the presiding judge for each such precinct. Se~tion3. Thejudge~ and clerks of said election shall receive com- pensation for conducting:the election and filing the returns in accordance with the provisions of Article 3.08 of the Texas Election Code, titled Pay of Judges and Clerks. ,l LJ OJ n ~J o r\1'1 ~,', ,.0.- ,-; t. .,. Section 4. Ballots in such electian shall be voted by use .of a vot- i ng machi ne of the type approved by the Secretary of State according to Article 7.14 of theTexas Election Code. Section 5. That far absentee' voting paper ballots shall be used and absentee voting shall be conducted by the City Secretary and his assistants for conducting absentee voting. The place where absentee voting shall be conducted is the City'Hall;:B880 University Boulevard, HOliston,Texas 77005, which is also the absentee voting official's .official address to which ballot applications and ballots voted by mail maY'De sent. 'Said City Secretary and his assistants shall keep said office open in accordance with the following schedule, as required in Article 5.05 of the Texas Election Code, titled Absentee Voting: ' Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Manday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Sa turday Sunday Monday Tuesday, Wednesday . Thursday Friday October 16 October 17 October 18 October 19 'October 20 October 21 . October 22 Octaber23' October 24 October 25' 'Octooer26' October 27 October 2gB Octaber29 00tober30 " :'October '3l : November 1 8 AM to 6 PM 8 AM to 6 PM 8 AM to 6 PM CLOSED C LOS E D 8AM to 6PM 8AM to '6 PM 8'AMt66 PM 8'AM to 6 PM 8,AM t06 PM CLOSED C LO SED 8 AM to 6 PM 8 AM to6 PM 8AMto 6 PM 8AM to 6 PM 8 AM to 6 PM Section66. That. notice of, the election herebY ordered ,and called shall be given by posting a copy of this ordinance and notice ordering the election, signe,d by the Mayor, at the'praperplaceateach.of the respective polling places as designated herein, said notice to be posl!ed not less than thirty (30) 'days prior'tothe date set herein for such election. Section 7. That all duly qualified resident electors of the City of West University Place shall be qualjfied to vote. , Sectton'8. That the City Secretary is hereby di rected to gi ve noti ce 'of said election in' a'cc'ordahce with' ra'w.' Section 9. If any section, sentence, clause, phrase'or portion of this ordinance shall for any reason be held inva1id,er,'unc6n,s,titutJo,na]by.aJlY court of competent jurisdiction, such shall not affect the validity of theire- mainingprovis1ons thereof. PASSED AND APPROVED this 23rd day of September, 1974. Commi ss ioners Voting Aye: All AUEST: ~ As~c'tY e~