HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1018 - Amending Code to Establish Bicycle Lane & Boundaries ,I, UIH I L "__ 'n ,. ...J 1'1 61) ~~ ~l ORDINANCE NUMBER 1018 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF 'WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE BY ESTABLISHING, A BICYCLE, LANE;' DES- CRIBIN6 ITS' BOUNDARIES ; 'PROHIBITING THE DRIVING OF VEI:IICLES ONOR,.ACROSS BICYCLE LANES AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That'the Code of Ordinances of the City of ,West Univer- sity Place, Texas, isheeeby amended byaddin9 Sections 23-181 through 23-182, which said Sections shall read as follows: USection23-181.: Establishment of Bicycle Lane. Ii I I L.J There is hereby established in the City of West University Place, Texas, a Bicycle Lane, the boundaries of which are as fo 11 ows : ., n . I, . Beginntng ata poi.nt five'(5~') feet, west of the east 'curb 1 ine of West Poi nt Street a'nd ,at the nor.th curb 1 i ne of . Avenue, A and 'extendi ng north five' (51) feet 'west 'of' the east curb 1 ine of West Pai nt Street, ,a di stance of approxi- mate1y 4,485 feet, to a point five (5') feet west of the , east curb'l ine 'of West 'BoiuerStreet,and 'the no,rth edge of the concrete sla5. on Bissonnet Street., ' ' Thence, we,st along the north edge ,of the concrete slab' on Bissonnet Street a distance of approximately 185 feet, to a point five (51) feet west of the east curb line of Sim- mons Street.'. I I I ,~ Thence~ north five' C51:) feet west of the east curb line of Simmons Street, a distance of approximately 449 feet to a point five (5') -"feet west"of the east curb line of Simmons Street and on the south curb line of Judson Street. Beginning at a point five (51) feet north of the south curb nne of University Boulevard and on the east curb line of West Point Street and extending east five (5') feet north of the south curbline, a distance of approximately 2,694 feet to a point five (5') feet north of,th~ ~Quthcurb- line of Univewsity Boulevard and on the west cu~bline of Auden Street. Thence, east emNgt (81) feet north of the south curb line of University Boulevard, a distance of approximately 6,095 feet to a point eight (81) feet north of theseuth curb- line of University Boulevard and on the west curb1ine of Kirby Drive. ~eginni,ng at a pOcDnt five feet south of the north curbline of Carnegie Street, and on the west curb1ine of Wakeforest Street; and extending west five (5') feet south of the north i- 1 LJ [J a [] ,I.;'~ 61 curb line of Carnegie Street, ,a 'distance of approximately 815 feet to a pofnt five (5') feet east of the west curb- line of Belmont Street. ' . Thence, north five (5') feet' east of the west curblirie of Belmont Street, a distance of approximately 5,025 feet, to a point on the south curbline of Sunset Street and fi~e (5') ,feet east of the west;curbline'of Belmont Street. It shall be lawful for persons riding bicycles in the afore- said designated-bicycle: lane to use' the lane for travel in both directions; : The Chi ef of Police is directed to post appropriate signs and use other traffi.t,control deVices as shall, be ,necessary to properly mark said bicycle lane.1I ' -- IISection 23-182.,- Driving Vehicles Upot1'or Across Bicycle Lanes. No person shall drive ,a :vehi c 1 e upon or .'across a bi cyc 1 e 1 ane except to enter a dri>veway ,'buil di'ng or alley', or except to park such vehicle or to 1eavea'parking,space, 'if'such'parking is permisible. No person shall drive onto or cross a bicycle 'lane as permitted by this :sectionwi'thoutffrstyieldi'ng right- of-way as necessary to avo;'d 'co 11 ision"or interference wi th' bicycle traffic. II Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval as required by law. PASSED AND APPROVED this 24th day of June, 1974. Commissioners Voting Aye: All c;;]coomissioners vo:z - .....' . , , , c: . '~~yor , ATTEST: ~o_ ~~ Ass- stant Ci y Secretary H_, _L " .--:- [;- -. II .. . . On... ...... , 'I IN,{ I ' __.lllI