HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1017 - Amending Code Providing Definitions, Designating Users of Tennis Courts IT;' " , !: n [I o , '- $(' ~ - ,- ORDINANCE NUMBERc10]7 - .. . . . AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF. WEST UNIVERS,ITY PLACE, TEXAS; PROVIDING"DEFINITIONS,; DESIGNATING USERS OF THE TEN~IS',COU~TS;, ESTABLISHING .THE PROCESS TO"BECOME A BONA FIDE ,PERMIT HOLDER;, PROVIDING FOR MUNICIPAL TENNIS ,COURT PERMITS;.PRESCRIBING_REGULA- TIONS' FOR THE USE OF TENNIS COURTS; '"DECLARING WILLFUL DAM- AGE OF,TENNIS COURTS TO BE AVVIOLATION; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. . Section 1. That the Code of Ordinances of the City'of West Univer- sity Place, Texas is hereby amendedl;>y adding a new Section to be numbered 2-47, which said Section shall read ,as, follows:'" ' "Section 2-47. ' Tennis Court ReguJations. Subsecti on 1.' Defi ni ti ons ' , , (1) "Bona F1edpermit ho1deru,within the meaning of this ordinance, is defined as, such' person asjsa resident of West University Place, and who holds a valid Municipal Tennis Court Permit",hereinafter referred to as a Tennis Card. ' , ' (2), "Bona.Fid~_guest",:wjthin the meanir;l9 of this ordinance isd~fin~d as a~y 'person5nvi~ed t?,~s~the Munitipa1Tennis Courts of the Clty of ,West Umverslty Place, Texas, when such person is accompanied by a bona fide permit holder of the City of West ,University, Place, Texas, as defined in subsec- tion (l) above. ~ - , Subsection 2. ',Who,Mav Use The Tennis Courts Tennis Courts within thecorporate~limits of the City'of West University Place, Texas are 'for the use and enjoyment of bona fide permit holders of the City of West University Place, Texas, and their bona fide guests.' Any others using the courts must imnediately l'Ie1inquish use of the courts to bona fide permit holders and their bona fide 'guests~' Subsection 3. Process ,to Become A Bona Fide Permit Holder - , " Any person 'who is a resident of the City of West University Place, Texas, may make an application on an application form prescribed by the City, at a designated city office, on Jan- uary 1st of each year or anytime during that same,ca1endear year, for an annual Tennis Card, Upon timely and proper application being made, an ,arinua1 Te~ni$ Card shall be~issued to a resident applicant, subject to the following conditions: (1) The applicant must show proof of residence. (2) Feessfur Tennis Cards shall be set and,changedasneces- sary, by the City Commission. t..J...........J~~" ~~ , .----- '''II L,. _. I ;'11,:111111 8~ (3) Tennis Cards 'shall be numbered and dated to indicate validity. They shall expire on January 1st of each year; they are non~transferrable. If a Tennis Card should be found in use by, any person other than the registered owner, said Tennis Card shall be taken up and such person will be ejected from the Tennis Court by the Chief of Police or his designated repre- ' sentative. 'The Tennis' Card taken from the unlawful user shall be returned to. the rightful owner upon satisfactory showing that the use by such person was without the owner's consent. If such use was with the owner's permission, the Tennis Card shall be forfeited. I~J Subsection 4. ' ReQulations for Use of Tennis COllrt (1) Tennis Courts ~re, to be used only for tennis play. It shall be a violation of this ordinance for-any person to enter upon tennis courts in the city and use. the same for any purpose other than tennis p1ay;providing,-however, that the tennis courts constructed of concrete may be used for events scheduled by'and under the direction of the Parks and Recreation Department of the city. (2) All persons entering upon tennis courts must wear tennis shoes and it shall be a violation of this ordinance for any person to enter upon any tennis court in leather shoes or any other footwear,likeJy to damage the surface of the courts. The term'Utennis .shoes" shall mean soft shoes with ruber soles, which shall have no heels or cleats. (3) In the interest of the public hearth, safety and welfare, all users of tennis facilities shall be subject to such addi- tional rules and regulations, as may be approved by the City Commission, and posted at the tennis courts. - i-1 '--' , , (4) A bona fide permit holder may make use of a tennis court by having in his or her possession a valid Tennis Card, and by displaying it,as prescribed in the Rules and Regulations on file with the City Secretary at that,.time.At least one mem- ber of each group using a tennis court shall have and display his or her valid Tennis Card; to use a tennis court without such T~nnis Card displayed makes the group subject to prempt- ionby'a group which includes at least one Tennis Card holder. Persons refusi ng to 1 eave the court when ,.so preempted s ha 11 be in violation of this ordinance. (5) Reservations for tennis courts shall be taken in accord- ance with regulations as may be approved from time to time by the City Commission. Reservations may be obtained only by bona fide permit holders, and a valid permit must be displayed in a designated area while using the tennis 'court during the reserved time. ' (6) All persons entering upon a tennis court must observe the time limits in effect at that court at that time. To remain on [J OJ [ o ::$9 any tennis court beyond the time allotted is a violation of this ordinance, unless there are no bona fide permit holders waiting. (7) Nothing in this ordiance shall be construed as prohibit- ing tennis tournaments, tennis clinics, or other special tennis activities, but before anysuch'activity is held, <~~a~g~~~' must be made in advance with the City Manager or his designated representative~ - -, (8) The Chief of Police or his designated representative shall, ,from time to time, check the use of Municipal Tenni's Courts to enforce compliance with this ordinance. (9) The city tennis courts shall be closed for use between the hours of.l1:QOp.m. :Central Daylight Savings Time and daylight of the next succeeding day. ' Subsection 5; '-Willful Barnagp. Any person who shall willfully damage in any way the playing s,urfaces of tennis courts,tennis':nets~ fences surrounding' tennis courts;te:nnis lighting fixtures, tennis :backboards, or 'any other equipment i nvo lved i'n the use' cif te.mi s courts or" attached ',thereto shall be guilty o,f a violation of this ordinance. . '. ' - Section '2. This 'ordina'nce s,hal1beeome effective, and 'be in force from and after its passage and approval as 'required by law. PASSED AND APPROVED this 28th,day of May, 1974. . . . - .. Commissioners Voting Aye: All ATTEST: ~~. '~ As ist~t Clli_ecretary , :'-.,; 1" . , ,~ c---. J hU&cl: . ----:-J