HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1014 - Amending ORD Adopted Southern Standard Plumbing Code 1971 Edition 1973 Hili Lu_, _ _, J I ~!' ~ 48 ORDINANCE NUMBER 1014 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORBINANCES OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY F>LACE, TEXAS gy ADOPTING THE SOUTHERN STANDARD PLUMBING CODE, 1971 EDITION AND 1973 REVISWN, EXCEPT AS TO CERTAIN PRQVISIONS SPECIFICALLY DELETED, MOD[- FlED OR AMENDED: PROVIDING FOR THE FILING OF THREE COPIES THEREOF WITH THE OFFICE OF THE CITY SECRETARY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the Code of Ordinances of the City afWWe~t University Place is hereby amended so that hereafter Section 18-11 shall read as follows: "Section 18-11... Plumbing code - ,Adopted, incorporated by reference. There is hereayadapted by the city and declared operative therein for the purposes of establishing rules and regulations for the erec- tion, construction, enlargement, alteration, repair, removing, con- version, and demolition of plumbing and plumbing facilities in the city, and for the issuance of permits and collection of fees there- fo'f,; the SouthernSta'n'dardIDlumbing Code, 1971 Edition and 1973 Re- visfon,saveand except such portions as are hereinafter deleted, modified:oramended~ of which not less than..three(3) cepies have been and now :arefi led i'n the office of the ci ty secretary, and the same is hereby adopted and incorperatedherein as fully as if set out at length herein, and the provisions thereof shall be contro1- linS' and binding within the city." ''::0 Sectlon2.,' That the Code ,'of Ordinances of the City of West Univer- sity Place is hereby amended by the addition thereto ofa section to be known as Section'18-13.1 which s'aid section :shall read as follows: "Section 18...13.1. That Table 505 of the Plumbing Code adopted in Section 18-11 is hereby amended to permit and/or require the use of the materials listed below, . to-wit: MATERIALS: ASTM. FSS OTHER STANDARDS (1) ABS~DWV Schedule 40 D-2661 LP 322A CS 270-65 (and the Seal of Approval of the NSF) D-2661 LP 322A CS 270-65 (and the Seal of Approval of the NSF) D-2235 (and the Seal of Approval of the NSf) ABS-DWV Schedule 40 :Solvent Cement Ii ; I U ~ I } : { LJ 1\ 'U 49 ~--?' ~ . 1-. < MATERIALS ASTM FSS 0 (2) ~VC-DWV Schedule 40 D-2665 LP 32-a " PVC-DWVSchedule 40 D-2665 LP 320a OTHER STANDARDS CS 272-65 (and the Seal of Approval of the NSF) CS272";65 (and 'the Seal of Approval of the NSF) Solvent Cement D~2564 (and ,the Seal of Apprava1 of, the NSF) .. NOTE: These are~two separate and distince~aterials~ Co-mingling within systems Will nat be permitted.' , LIMITATION OF USE:, '-, Schedule 40 DWV Pipe arid!Fittings conformin!:J ,to the'above Standards shall be permitted for Dtainage,,'Waste~ and Vent systems both above , , 'anclbelow !!jround and for extensiarilfior'dwelling,sewers.,' Stack heights shall be limited to a sixty' l60) ft. maximum. , . ' TYPE OF JOINTS:. In U Plastic pipe and fittings of the approved type shall ,be solvent welded using procedures recommended by the manufacturers under the spe''cifications. set, forth ,under: ASTM'~D;..2235 (ABS) or ASTM D-2564. (AVe). No 'Schedule;:'4(rpi~e sh'a1l be threaded: on, the " - job site. All' such transitians te other: mateda1s shill ,be with' appro\1ed adapter fi,tti'n!!j's"., ConnecUonsi' befween: plasti c piping and other materials shall be through approved adapter" fittings only. SUPPORT: Plastic piping shall be,' supported in.,:like manAer as 'other materials now accepted by the Plumbing Code. In no case shall the harizontal supports exceed five (5) feet interyii1s. ": " CUTTING, R~ING, STORING, ETC.: All !:Jeneral use pr.actices sha'll c0nform to the installation in- structions of the manufacturers or the Plastic Pipe Institutes.1I . '" ' '0\ ,Section 3. . This ordinance shall take effect, immediately 'fram and after its adopti on an~ approva 1 'accordin!:J to, law~ -- . ATTEST: ~~ Asslstant Clty Secretary PASSED AND'APPROVEDthis:25th day of March, 1974." Commissioners Voting Aye: All Commissjohers V.oting No:' None ~ cS""W~ Mayof o '" 11 I' i~ ", l ~ Lltf . i'