HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1013 - Amending Code Section 19-1 to Change Lieutenants from 3 to 2 n u o o ~~ ORD~NANCE NUMBER 1013 AN- ORDINANCE MEBDIN,G THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, (BY ,AMENDING SECTION 19-1 TO CHANGE THE NUMBER OF LIE~TENANTS IN:THE POLICE DEPARTMENT -FROM THREE' f3) J(I) TW. (2), "AND THENUM~ER OF SERGEANTS IN THE POLICE DEPARTMENT FR@M TWO (2Jl'O THREE (3); AND PROVID- ING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, 'TEXAS: Section 1. That paragraphs (a) (1), (D) (1) and (d) of Section 19-1 of the'Code of Ordinances of theCity:of West University P>laGe, Texas are hereby amended to read as follows:- "Sectionl9.-1Ea) (l).Thereishereoy createdtwo,{2) positions in the City of West University Place, Texas, Police Department to be interme- diary positions between the 'chief ef:poJice and the patro'lmen. The "holderaf'each such pos'Hionshall be known as 11ieutenant" of the pol i.ce depar.tment~.~l. " "Section+9..:l (b) (1).' There is hereby created thr.ee (~) positions in the City of West Univer:s,ity' Place~. Texas.fRoli,ce, ~epartment) to be intermedia'ry po,sltions l>etw.een.:;thechi:ef o,fpo1 ice" lieutenants and the patrolmen. The ho lderof ..,such position s-ha, 11 be known as &er'- 'geant of the.po1icedepartment:,~an.d hi~Sraut,hority sha11,$upersede that of pa:trolmen.:classifica,ti~n'~H and pa,troJmen.II-:. ' . . .' ~ > i . ,A,' " , ~". "., . > . J. : ;" "Section 19-1(d) Full caroplemelJ.t;of"per:-som,'el.:,The total- complement of personnel of the police department ef the City of West UniverSity Place, 'T~as s ha 11 ~herei natter CJc~nsi,s t, :~f .the fQ 11 O,wi ng : Chi ef of Police, Assistant Chief af 'P,oljice.,;: two (2)"lieutena,nts, three .(3); ser.geants, four(4):p~trolmenGlassJfi:cationJ~, six (6) patrolmen', four (4) radio dispatchers and two (2) schaol patrolmen, making a total of tWenty-three(2~) ,persons, and SUGh'other persons as the City C()1D!'Qission may, byRes:oluti'on;froJll time to time designate. II , ' Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immed- iately from and after its approval as required by law. PASSEll,AND APPRQVED this 11th day ef March, 1974. Commi ss loners Voting Aye : All Commissioners Voting No: None ATTEST: ~/~../ A sistant City Secretary + ~;t. If} 0 , ,', Act1 n~LM:;;;l ~_L_--,-_~ .._ _ LL ---.I ------.Lll ,," '" -- i:'.--: '1 I ~J j:1 U..IlI T