HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1011 - Amending ORD 984 Approved Audget Fiscal YR Jan1, 1973 and Adopted August 28, 1972 ; ~e '-." .:- ~-} 38 ORDINANCE NUMBER 1011 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 984 WHICH APPROVED THE BUDG!T OF 'THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 8EGINNINGJANUARY 1, 1973, AND ADOPTED ON AUGUST 28, 1972. ' '\ ! I \ , ( L-J WHEREAS, the City Commissien of the City of West University Place, Texas, has on certain da.tes and eccasions found it necessary, wotthwhi1e and ex~edient to expend funds of the city for the best in- terest and welfare of its citizens forftems which were not considered nor included in the ,original Budget; and WHE'REAS, it is the desire of the City Commission to increase various items' of inceme and expenditure known to be in excess of the amount provi ded for in the orig i na 1 Bud!lJet, so that the amount of addi- tiona1 expenditure may be offset, by a Tike,amount of additional income. , , ' NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS:' Section 1. The Budget oftheCity:of West University Place for the 12-month period beginning Janua'ry1, T973~ and ending .December 31, 1973, as heretofore adopted be, and it is hereby, amended to provide for additional expenditures and revenues, from the'General Fund, the Water- Sewer Fund and the Swimming Pool Fund, as shown by the following schedule: ", Additional Expenditures - General Fund n , t L.; City Commission . Offi ce Supp li es Orh!ntation Day Memberships' Service Awards Legal Notices & Recording FeeS Annual Re~ort $ 268.00 , 1 96. 00 122.00 125.00 350.00 '3,455.00 $ 4,546.00 Administrative - City Manager's Office Clerical Salaries Salaries, Overtime Office Supplies Publ i cations Lega 1- ,Notices & Recordi ng F'ees' , Social Security Two Electric Typewriters Office Furniture Camera & Flash Attachment Conversion Unit A. B. Dick Electric Copier Off-Set Press $ 3,118.00 780.00 1,760:00 130.00 250.00 287.00 104.00 935.00 482.00 1 98. 00 1,135.00 1,834.00 $11,013.00 il !~ OJ n L.., o File Cabinet Office Supplies Legal Expenses & Fees Finance Department $ 76.00 Municipal Court ~ 800.00 LeQal Department . -$'2,682:'00 Police Department Supervisory Salaries $ Sa~aries, Holidays Salaries, Court Time Operation Identification Fuel & Lubricants Tires & Tubes Auto License, Criss Cross Directory Pre-Employment Physicals Three Patrol Cars Two Typewriters Social Security Uniform & Outer Clothing Laundry & Cleaning Janitorial Supplies Fuel & Lubricants Maintenance of Motor Vehicles Pre-Employment Physicals Office Supplies Retirement Contributions Soci a 1 Securi ty One Pickup Replacement 1/211 Shooter Drill 337.00 380.00 300.00 232.00 1,800.00 150.00 106.00 1 95 . 00 11 5. 00 465.00 500.00 Fire'Department $ 600.00 480.00 330.00 300.00 3,085.00 62.00 100.00 300.00 300.00 ,- 319.'00 , 72; 00 Office Supplies Inspection ~e~a~tment 0, _$ 285.00 Maintenance of Motor Vehicles Enqineerinq Deoartment $ 206.00 . _... .- -.- '"i. , 3,9 : .~ f.~' $ , ' 76.00 $ 800.00 $ 2,682.00 $ 4,580.00 $ 5,948.00 $ 285.00 $206.00 Bicycle Lane Striping Lawn Mower Maintenance of Equipment JUDSON PARK Vernon Henry - Prof. Fees Landscaping Contract Form Lumber Sodding Playground Equipment Li~hting Freight Sprinkler Parks Department $ 396.00 239.00 401 . 00 $ 6,304.00 ( 87.50) (5,549.55) ( 50.57) ( 200.00) ( 113. 00 ) ( 181.10) ( 13.,81.) ( 23.24) (6)303.01) i\ I I l ; I I U o o o WHITT JOHNSON PARK Vernon Henry - Prof. Fees Drainage Sprinkler Sodding-Southwest Gardens Fill & Planting Volleyball & Basketball Standards Bicycle Rack Volleyball Net Painting Tennis Backboard Freight Trash Recepticle BASKETBALL COURT Concrete-Texas Indus. Form Lumber Reinforcing Steel Polyethylene Sheeting Fill Sand Equipment Rental, (Finishing) Less Appropriation Salaries, Supervision (OD) Salaries, Operation (ID) Salaries, Operation (OD) Fees, Special Projects Ceramic Supplies (10) Arts & Crafts (ID) Recreation Supplies (ID) Recreation Supplies (OD) Office Supplies Telephone Special Entertainment Social Security Sound System Office Furniture .': ,,1 '$ 4,457.00 ( 71'6.25.) ( 166.56) ( 425.25) (1 ,734. 00 ) ( 269.69) C 442.89) (_ 65.32) (, 19.95) (, 100.00) (,437.20) ( 39.20) (" 39.95) (4,456.26) (1 , 280. 66 ) ( 652.16) ( 268.50) ( 111. 90 r ( 54.00) ( 106.00) (2,473.00-Y , '1,980.00 (~ 493.22)- $ 493.22 . Recreation Proaram $ 5,648.00 2,488.00 749.00 4,506.00 527.00 315.00 ,1,009.00 729.00 302.00 ' 155.00 ,5,84. 00 477 . 00 175.00 339.00 41 -:--'~ - ~ ' ..'..., (I J $12,291.00 $18,003.00 . ' . l~ _L._! .."...J _..___~l". T:-l_ '_UIJIII 4"2f", "{!II :'1:' Maintenance of Equipment Tray Catalog Office Supplies Postage Photo Supplies Maps & Supplies Containers & Hauling Building Maintenance Equipment Maintenance Signs Electric Service Water & Sewer Service Publicity & Promotion Printing 1111; I L .... ' ,"'" , ,.-.I ,I' 'Li brary $ 134. 00 270.00 Recycling Program $ - 98.00 , 500.00 , ,46. 00 16.00 2,761. 00 12.00 3.00 69.00 4.00 30.00 621.00 515.00 Transfer From General Fund $ 3,725.00 Transfer to Swimming Pool Fund TOTAL GENERAL FUND II $ 404.00 -.. ~ , $ 4,675.'00 $ 3,725.00 $7?_,076.00 fl u Additional Expenditures - ,Swimming Pool Supervisory ,Salaries Other Salaries Swim Suits Janitorial Supplies Chemicals Bath House Repairs Pool Repairs Maintenance of Equipment Victor Cash Register $ " 485.00 1,950.00 "',152.00 ,219. 00 314.00 181. 00 259.00 1 03 . 00 299.00 TOTAL SWIMMING POOL FUND , $ 3,962.00 Additiona1.Expenditures - Water-Sewer Fund Water Deoartment Labor, Monthly Salaries Tires & Tubes Telephone Folding Machine Postage Meter Wakeforest Water Plant Control Bldg. $ 1,000.00 253.00 1,048.00 548.00 1,210.00 2,245.00 l( I ' i \ L-J o o Q Bayshore Engineering G. G. Ross, Inc. Less Appropriation Labor, .Hour1y Salaries Automobile Replacement Flow-Metering System 4'~ ( 2 ;'2,95 .,00), (19,9'50.00 )- " (22',245.00 ) 20,000.00 ,- --' .-' I: ( :2,245.00) $6,304.,00 Sewaqe Treatment $ 1,200.00 388.00 507~ 00 , $ 2,095.00 Sewer Collection Tires & Tubes Maintenance of Sewer Line Electricity Weslayan Lift Station Rehabilitation $ 142. 00 1,100.00 351.00 81,906.00 $83,499.00 TOTAL WATER-SEWER FUND $91,898.00 ........ -.... ~ ... " l: ~.' :: Section 2. ADDITIONAL INCOME. The City Commisslon hereby dete~tnes it advisable to revise and alter the items of the Budget to increase the total expenditure and also increase the total anticipated income so that the total means of financing the Budget shall equal in amount the aggregate proposed expenditures. Section 3. The additional income required for revisions of the Budget is hereby appropriated and approved by increasing the revenue accounts and available cash of the General Fund, and Swimming Pool Fund in accordance with the following schedule: Additional Revenue and Income - General Fund Current & Delinquent Taxes City Sales Tax Interest on Investments Recreation Program Recycling Program Utility Franchises $ 21,000.00 14,000.00 22,500.00 1 0, 150. 00 5,200.00 5,226.00 LL....._..l.....- ~-----....J.I_] $ 78,076.00 L-" . -.--. -";::. "-:. , ~H Ilill 111.( r Hill: : L :1 " ...J' II " {h\ Additional Revenue and Income ~:Swimming Pool Fund Speci a 1 Events Transfer from General Fund $ 237.00 , 3,725.00 $ 3,962.00 ,~ , I o Additional Revenue and Income - Water-Sewer Fund ....-? E.P.A~ Grant Received Unappropriated Surplus ,$110,190.00 130,000.00 $240,190.00 Section 4. This ordinance shall become effective immediately from and after passage and approval" ~,nd the 1973 Budget amended accordi ngly. :PASSED~ANDAPPR0~ED.this 17th day of December, 1973. Commissioners Voting Aye: All ATTEST: .. Conmissioners vo~ .~~.. Mayor :~sla~~.r/ n u n I I U