HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1008 - ORD Amending Section 11-14 thru 11-18 Creation of a Regular Paid Fire Department ..I JIll, : L ".I '__' ....J II 4 ~~ . ' If?" - 34 ORBINANCE NUMBER 1008 AN--ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE"OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY i oj ,OF WEST ,UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS 'BY THE AIPDITION THERETO' OF: SECTIONS) 1-'14 THROUGH 11-18 PR0VIPING FOR THE CREA.;. TION Of A REGULAR PAID FIRE DEPARTMENT; PROVIDING FOR THE MEMmERSHIP THEREOF; PROVIDING FOR RULES AND REGULATIONS THEREOF; PERMITTING' AMIULANCE: SERVICE; JPRQHI'BITING '_UN- AUTHORIZED PERSONS,FROM HOLDING THEMSELVES bUT AS MEMBERS OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE ,~ , r ; l i 'h.-J , , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the Code of Ordinances of the City of West Univer- sityPlace,:Texas is;hereby.amended by'theaddition,thereto of the following sections: ' , IISection1l~14;.. Creation of Regular Paid Fire Department There, is hereby' created, a regular paid Fire Department of the city, the officers arid employees of which are charged with the duty of preventing' and: extinguishing:-fires and conflagrations and preventing the loss of human life and property by fire and doing all such other duties as are imposed upon them by Ordinance or Resolution of the City Commission. , - , . . . Section 11-15 - Members of Fire, Department . Tf:teFire:Department 'shall consist of the following members: Fire Chief , ,Assistant Fire Chief Three (3) Captains Senior Drivers 'Junior Drivers Firemen n LJ , , Section 11-)6 - Rules and Regulations The regular paid Fire Department herein created shall operate under the provisions of the.tity Charter and the rules and regulations heretofore and hereafter desi gnated by the Ci ty Commi ss i on. ' Section 11-17 - Ambulance Service In addition to the other activities of the Fire Department, an ambulance service and first aid unit may be operated under the direction and supervision of the Chief of the Fire Department. Section 11-18 - Designation of Members of the Fire Department o 3;~ ,~,~, No person shall hold himself'out 'as a member of the Fire Department r-i of the city, or perform any of the duties and responsibilities of the members I . ( of the Fire Department, unless and until he shall have been duly designated .LJ as a member of the Fire Depar~tment. by the Chief :of the Fir.e 'Department. II Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force im- mediately from and after its approval as required by law., PASSED AND APPROVED thi s24th day of September, 1973~' Commissioners Voting Aye: All , .' ,,' ':. . ATTEST: Commi ss i'oriers Voting No:. None .....~ a:lE ',. ... '. t , , .. , , .' . , . M' , .,' ',ayoY'''.. 4~' Asslstant Clty Sec~etary o .( ",';' o