HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1007 - ORD Amending Sub-Section (d) Section 28-88 Providing Right Turn on Red Signal n LJ o o ~ 3q~~ -.,:..( 0RIHNANC:E.,NUMBER, ,1 007 AN ORDINANCE:'AMENDING,SUB:-SECTIIDN(d). 'OF sEctIoN 28-88' OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES:' OF THE"7""C'iTY. OF: WEST-UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, BY PROVmING FOR RIGHT TORN ONAA- RED' SIGNAL LiGHT UNLESS PRO- HIBITED BY, EXHIS-lTEE> NonCE; ANIJ PROVID~NG AN. EFFECTIVE DATE:. BE IT ORBAmNED BY;: THE ; CI-TY,'CGMMISSION OF THE CITYQF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACEt- TEXAS: H' " , , . .. .. Section 1: That Sub-Section (d) of Section 23-28 of the Code of Ordi- nances . is', her.eby amended to read as fo news: ' , II Cd) Steady,.Red Indication . '" ( (-1) Vehi-cu1ar, traffic faCing a ,steadyredsi!:jna1 alone shall' stop at a c1ear1Y marked stop sign, but if none, before entering the crosswalk on the near side of the intersection and unless prohibited by a sign exhibited at such intersecti't)n, may 'then turnr:i~ht or, if"the';intersecti,ng:strees are both one-way streets and left turns are permissable, may turn left after stand- i ng anti-l the intersection maybe entered safely ,yi e 1 din!:j'r.i.ght;;'of.,.way to ped- estrians lawfully within the adjacent:crosswalk,:'and,to' other traffic using the intersectian. Traffic rilt:se turnin!:j shaH remain standin!:j'uhti1 green or ,liGon is s hewn 'a lone. ., " ";', (2) No pedestrian facing such signal shall enter the roadway unti 1 the green or "Go" is shown a 1 oneil. ", "', Sectian2. This ordinance shaHtake:'effect"andbe in force immediately from and after its approval as required by law. PASSED AND APPROVED this 27th,daY,of'August, 1973. ., -'. Conini ~si.oners Voting Aye: All 0:~2~ne , ' ,~' Mayar: ATTEST: ~, ~c~~ Ass1stant C1ty,Secretary , I --.--