HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1005 - ORD Placing Funds for Fiscal YearJanuary 1974 - Dec 1974 ..I.. 11111111111; L.,__"I -.....J ' I' 2' ORDINANCE,NUMeER t005 AN ORDINANCE :OF THE 'CrT-Y.OF. WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE PROVIDING FUNOS :FOR: THE FisCAL YEAR. BEGI~lN'ING, JANUARY -1,1974' AND END'rNGDEC.E'MB'ER :,3t., t9Z4 >o'{ APPROv.fNG r:H,E' BUDGET' FOR SAID PEIUOD AND AP'PROPRI'ATING 'THE' NECESSARY, FUNDS'OUT OF THE GEN,ERAL AND OTHER REVE,NU~S OF THE CUY QF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE FOR SAID' YEAR FOR' THE MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION OF THE VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS AND FOR VARIOUS ACTIVITIES AND IM-' PROVEMENTS ,OF ,THE ,CITY. " WHEREAS, as requiredbyth~ City Charter~ the 'budget has been pre- pared and submitted to the City Commi~sroon with estimates of expenditures, and ,revenues of all city.departments and activities f.or the year beginning Jan'uary 1,1974 and ending December :31, ,1974; and ,." ' ' . . . ~.. '-. ; ,:,. - WHEREAS, notice of a public hearing upon said budget has been duly and legally publishe,d; ,and WHEREAS, :said ,'pti~lic:hearing 'h'~s' been held and full andfinal consideration 'given ,said "oudget. ' . ':'NOW,:THEREFORE,'BEtTORDAINEO:SY THE CITY'COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: ' , ' Sectien 1. : That fer the PU~PQ'se of providtng the funds n~cessary and propo~ed to fie ~pended in the cbudget for said city for the fiscal year beginning :'January l, 1974, and ending ,Decemoer 31, 1974, the budget was' pre- pared and sulimlitted to the Ci ty Commi s5i o'n ,for i t'sconsiderati o'n and' approva 1 and that said ,budget in toe total amount of $1,855,~99.00 be, and the same is' nere6y, ap'proved a:nd -theavai1qble ,resources and 'r~venues of said city are hereby appropriatedfor'the maintenance and operation of the various departments of the goyernment of the city and the various activities and im- provements as set forth in saidbudget~ ' Section' 2. "That the said budget of the City of West University Place, Texas:, for the fiscal ye~r Qeginning January 1,1974 and ending December 31, 1974, an exact copy Of.wfllch" is.marked "Exhibit A" and made a part hereof for all purposes the same as if it were copied in full herein, is hereby approved and adopted by the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, as the. hUdget for the city for the fiscal year 1974. Section 3. This ordinance approving and adeptin~ a budget for the twelve month period hereinabove specified is' made in all 'things in accordance with the terms and provisions of the City Charter of the City of West Univer- sity Place, Texas. Section 4. This ordiflance shall take effect and he in force nrnmed- iately from and after its passage and approval as required by law. I' i i U n ! I \ ' U c i:1 LJ n LJ o 2~ PASSED AND AP~ROVED this 27th day of August, 1973. Commissioners Voti.ng Aye: All CornmissionersVoting No: None ~E4~ Mayor ATTEST: ~ )f~4~A- Assistant City Secretary '~J.I nlll L I . ._.-..J t98 . . ~~ . , IIEXHIIUT A" , , ,CITY 'OF W6sr UNIVERSITY PLACE BUDGET for Twelve-Month Period - , Ireginning 'J'anuary 1, 1974 Ending December 31, 1974 ITEM I REVENUE ANTICIPATED INCOME & AVAILABLE CASH ",1 __ General Fund Current Taxes - 1973 General Fund Delinquent Taxes, Penalties & Interest City Sales Tax Mixed Beverage Tax Franchise & Gross Receipts Tax Licenses & Permits Municipal Court Fines Revenue from Property Garbage Collection Fees Recycling Vacant Lot Mowing 8icycle Registration Recreation Program Miscellaneous Income Available Cash 1-1-74 Transfer from Health Fund Total Available Revenue Less-Transfer to Swimming Pool Total General Fund and Transfers Health Fund Taxes and Miscellaneous Tax Revenue Sinkjna Fund Available Cash 1-1-74 Swi1ilmitig eool Admission Charges and Other Income Transfer fram General Fund II ,-\ , I , ! I---..-J $ 680,508.00 22,500.00 82,500.00 3,500.00 83,200.00 15,300.00 45,000.00 60,300.00 126,000.00 5,000.00 1,000.00 750.00 5,000.00 2,900.00 :~ i .~ $ 1,133,458.00 157,000.00 772.00 $ 1,291,230.00 4,027.00 $ 1,287,203.00 $ 26,442.00 $ 15,600.00 ''-, $ 18, 1 00. 00 I I ;~ 4,027.00 $ 22,127.00 ~i Ii ..........:....'...i.......... iil r;\ nm.....i.....i.. UlJ LID !{g Water-Sewer Fund Water Sales Sewer Charges Interest and Miscellaneous $ i 257,1 OO~OO 64~;OO(lhOO 11 ,500.00 Water-Sewer Fund -Available Cash 1-1-74 $ 332,600.00 112,000,. all. Total Water-Sewer Fund $i444;60et:Q() RevenueSharinq Fund Receipts and Interest $ 59,917.00 TOTAL INCOME AND TRANSFERS $1,855,889:0'0 ITEM II E X PEN S ET Operating Expenses General 'Fund'Departments Ci,ty. 'Cornmi s$i on City Manager's Office Municipa'l Court Finance Tax Legal Zoning & Planning Zoning Board of Adjustment Po Ii ce Fi.re Inspection Engineering Street . Waste Collection Wa.ste,DfsPQsal & Sanitary Landfill Recycling Program City Hall . Community Building Parks Recreation Program Street Li gnting Ltbrary . . ,$ ,16,050 ;100 51,582.00 5,74'7.'00' 28,516.0rf' 22,'403 ~Oo 9,533.00 . . :S';'6~O .Q@:.__ .. . 650.00 . 'H2,S? ;448~00 , ~':<:i:>{16.4;;952:.~OO 26,743.00 12,487.00 127,107.00 249,860.00 35,164.00 5,000.00 16,096.:00 c. ,6.,227!.PCL. 15,217.00 ~: I ~_. 23',173:,.;00 21,500.'Ob 25;71'8:00 $1 ,':26;823'.;00 1311:- ~as.te Collect~on $ 12,000.00 Waste Disposal 500.00 n Conmunity Building 9,000.00 1 ~ 1 Parks 1,500.00 L\ Recreation Program 16,085.00 Library . 150.00 $ 100,380.00 Revenue'Sharing $ < .. Recreation Program 8,915.00 Health Fund $ 1;509090 Swimming Pool Fund -0- Water-Sewer Fund :Water Department $ :102,3ge.OO Sewer Department 5,000.00 Sewage Treatment 500.00 $ 107,890.00 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY ,$ 218,685~00 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES . TeTAL CAPITAL QUTLA Y . $1,582,204.00 $ .218,;685<.00;. ". $ 55,OOO~00" .. < RESERVE FOR PRINCI:PAL&, INTEREST. '. PAYMENTS ON ,PROP0.SED :BOND ISSUE TOTAL EXPENDITURES $1,855,889.00 ;,''.,' , '" ~., "" - " ; 0'( ,. 1, I ,I r"-"" .. ..-- ....i.....--' ;1 ~I 1111f