HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1004 -Amending Sec102.1 Section 18-13 By Changing Certain Qualification n )L: . i I n LJ o -~<O 25~ ORD~NANCE NUMBE~, 1004 ,AN ORDINANCE AMENDINGSECTlaN 10l.1 OF SECTION'18-13 OF THE CODE ,0F:OROiNANCES'OF THE CITY-OF WEST: 'UNIVERS'ITY PLACE~, TE1<AS ,'-BY C'HANGING CERTAIN'QUALIFicATiONS eF THE MEMBERS OF SAID 'BOARD;'ANO: PROVHHNG ,AN EF'FECTIVE DATE. B.E IT ~OROAINEO "BY 'THE'C-ITVCOMMISSIdN OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAs: " ,. -. -', '. - Section 1. That Section 102.1 of 'Section 18-13 'of the Code of Ordi- nancesofi the City of.West Universi.tY',Place, Texa.s, is hereby amended to read as fo:l,l ows:' -". ' - . ";," . . "Se'ctionl02'.l'.1 Plurnbi:ng' ~~arcL The're i~, hereby crea:ted:ciFhurribing Board which shall consist of five (S) 'members appointed by the City Commission consisting of: ; -', " ' (1 ) A person hold ing a mas ter plumber I s 1i cerise. (2) Either a s~n_itary, civ.il qr' mechani-ca1 '~,n.,gineer. (3) Either a sanitary, civil or _chanical :engtne~r. (4) A person associated with the plumbing business. (5)' Such perscm"q.S t:he ',City,CoTJlOts~ton; shalldeem,quali-fied to serve on such Board. ,.,- . In - the ev~nt, ~he.Ci;ty-'CoD1l11i~s:ion shall determin.e that-persons meeting the qualifications .specifieQ for; Positlons1 "through 4 are not available, then th~ City COI1II1i 55 i on shall appoi nt such persons as in thei r descreti on - shall Best perform the duties of such; ,Board. I! : . - . . Section 2. This ordinances,hall take,'effect and be in forceimmed- iatelY from and after i,its: approva1,a,s' 'requ.i-red"by,law~ PASSED AND APP'ROVED this 27~h"day, of,;August"l,9,73., " ,~ommi ssi-oners Voting Aye : All - , _Q1erSV;::~)/None --~, 6--.~ ' Mayor' ATTEST: ..~...~~. SSlstant Clty Secretary