HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1003 - Amending Sec10-4 Changing Certain Qualifications fo Members of Electrical Board 1111111.11:, . L. I.. .-.J I' ~~ t: ":~- ORDINANCE NUMBER'l003 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING' SECTION 10~~OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES .Of THE' CITY :OF' WEST UNIVE~St'rY PLACE., TEXAS, BY CHANGING CERTAIN QUALlfJCATION$ OF THE,MEMIBE~S Of'THE,ELECTRICAL . BOARD;' PROVIDING FOR THE' ELECTRICAL 'INSPECTOR TO' ,BE EX-' OFFICIO MEM8ER OF THE BOARD; AND:,PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 8E IT ORDAINEll BY THE 'CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: . . - " . Section 1. That Section 10-4 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of West University Place, Texas, is. hereb.y amended to' read as Tollows: "Section 10-4. Same:- Qualifications of members. , (a) Position number 1 shall be filled by an individual whose employment, is related to, or in some way associated with, electr,ical wiring, supplies or equfprnent. . ". , :. .,'," ,. ' " , Jb) Position number '2 'shall be f,i11ed :bya :duly registered elec- trical engineer who shall be either an independent engineer emploYed by some industriaf concern, office building or. some rec'ognized 'electrical engineering .~choollor a r~pr.esentati.ye'of ,the ioard of ' Fire Underwriters or state inspection bureau. " . . (el ,PosiHon number 3 shall 'be fHied by a du'ly licensed master electrici'an,'as that terin'is used in 'Ordinance No.' 535. Cd) Position number '4'sh,allbe..filledby either a. licensed maslter electrician or fiy a person trai'n'eo "in electrical wprk who has had a least ten (10} years experience in ,the construction, operation and maintenance of electrical equipment and'Tac;'lfties. At least one y,ear of the required ex- perience must have been spent inaa 'position of responsibiHty on such work. eel '. Position number 5 shall befill:ed by:such qualified individuals as shall be determined by theCitYComniiss'ion. ,. , (f) In the 'event the City' Commiss'ion shall determine that persons meet,ing _thequali.f~cCltion~ specified for Positions 1 through 4 are not avail- aole, then the 'City Commi'ss i on shall appoi nt such persons as in thei r descre- tion snal16est perform the ,duties of such Board. . (g) The electrical rnn~pector of the City shall serve as ex-officio member and shall meet with said Board and shall serve the Board in an advisory capacity, lmtshall have no power to vote. II Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immedia- tely from and after its passage and approval as required by law. ATTEST: ~ ~ ~- ~Sslstant City Secretary Mayor I~ U n , I I I L.J ;]