HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1002 - Amending Code of ORD Filing Rate Schedule by Public Utility Company nl : I i ~ o n l ) -----' 1._ ~.~:i3 ORDINANCE NUMBER 1002 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING, THE. CODE -OF, ORD~NANCES OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, '- TE-XcAS TO., PROVIDE , FOR.TH'E, FILING . : . . .' . ., . OF A RATE SCHEDULE, BY PUBLIC UTILITY COMPANIES.;. PROVIDING FOR THE F1LING~ 'OF:~ANY PROPOSED. CHANGES IN. StJCH:RATES ' THIRTY (30) DAyS 'BEFORE: SUCH :CHAN~ES 'ARE .EFFECTIVE;.ANll PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE " . BE IT ORDAINED BY THE: CITY COMMISSION. OF THE CITY OF -WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: .. . . .' ~ Section ,1..- That::the Code. of Ordinances of the C.ity .of West Univer- sity Place,' :Texas is hereby. amended. by, adding Iii Section to be 'numberedSec- tion 24-~, which said section'reads as follows: ., . "Section '24-2. . Schedul:e of rates and charg'es, 'filing, open '. . :, for.i nSl1>ecti o,n, . . . . . . ... . (a) 'Every public utility within the corporate limi-ts of the . city and every public utility doing busfness in the city _' sh~ 11 . fi le . wi th ;the Ci ty~ecretary schedules showi ng the . rates or coml1>ensatfcm .bei'rig charged each 'of ,its patrons or customers in 'the city. for servi.ces 'or..sale, of its ' 'servi ces or. ,caromodi ti es .'toeach person' under, such rul es' .:, . and regulations as the City Commission may~from time. to time prescribe. The utility shall 'keep' copies of such schedules open forpub1ic' inspection under :such rules and regulations as the,CHy COJl!ll'issionimlY pr.escribe,.:, --- - (b)' Such rates or compensati on sha llnot ,be changed or 'modi- fiedunless and until thirty (3.):days have expired from. . and afte.r tlJe fi li ng. ,wi th 'th~.ci ty -Secretary of a. copy of any .proposed .changes ormodi:fica.ti onsby the. parti~.: . . . cular public u~niti ;.invoJ'vecL "..' . . '. ' .' . : Secti:on .2. . This. prdinqnce Shall.take. effect and .be in force immediately from and 'after its passage and ~ppro~al as r~quired,bylaw. : . PASSED AND APPROVED t~is; :9thday .of July, 1973. , , CommisstonersVoting Aye: All, ~ners vo, ting No: None ~...r~ . Mayor ATTEST: _~__ L-'.-. ._ -----.< I. . -- 'I_:~ .~---, . t J......:..lli