HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1000 - ORD Amending Sec 6-41(b) Construction of Fence on Corner Lots G o o ORDINANCE NUMBER 1000 fl'P '. - ",,", 2t- AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONf)'-4l(b) OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE ClTYOF WEST UNIVERSITY. PLACE, ' TEXAS PROV1DJ[NGFOR CERTAIN EXCEPTIONS FORCONSTRUC- TION OF FENCE ON tORNER LOTS AND PROVIDING ANEFFEC- TIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: , 'Section 1. That Sectfon 6-.4l(b) of'the Code ot' Ordinances of the' , City of West University Place is hereby amended foread,as'fol10ws.:, "Section 6-41(b). Where a corner lot has be~n subdivided into two (2) or more lots a fence may ,not be built to extend past the building line of the house on thelotabutt.ing the corner property; or past-the side building line adjacent' to the side street of the corner hOlJse, , whichever extends furtherest; provided, however, that if the owner of the corner lot shall include as part of, his application to cOfJstruct:such fence,' andagreement in wri ti ng signed by the owners of, all 1 ots wi;~hi'n 200 I Qf the rear 1 i ne of the corner lot and on the 'saine side of the street, that they do not object to the construction of such fence within the area above-,prohibited, then and in that event such ,fence. shall be'permitted, exceptthefence'shall be con- structed a minimum, of 51 from the side property line of sa1d corner lot." Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force im- mediately from and after its passage and approval as required by law. PASSED' AND APP~OVED this, lith day. of June, 1973.:; . . ' , . Commi ss i oners' . Voti n!:J " Aye All.. ATTEST: ~::;?k 4v"'~ Assistant City Secretary , '. jJ room . '" r" 'I "ml' ,lIllJ