HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 999 - ORD Finding & Determining Necessity and Making Emergency Repairs to International Hervester TD15BP Crawler Tractor n I ' U r: L; [ r;! L "'lli ORDINANCE NUMBER 999 AN ORDINANCE FINDING AND DETERMINING THE NECESSITY FOR MAKING EMERGENCY,REPAIRS TO INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER TD15BP CRAWLER TRACTOR: USED AT .THE SANITARY LANDFILL; : DETERMINING THAT MAKING THE NECESSARY REPAIRS CAN BE ACCOMPLISHED EFFICIENTLY AND ECONOMICALLY ON A FORCE ACCOUNTBASI-S;:SELECTING.JHE<nRMQF PLAINS MACHINERY COMPANY, OF HOUSTON, TEXAS:'TO. MAKE SUCH REPAIRS AS ,AN INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR;: AND FINDING; AND DECLARING AN,,' EMERGENCY FOR THE MAKING DF SUCH REPAIRS. . ' WHEREAS, it has been ascertained that the International Harvester TD15BP Crawler Tractor, used in- the city's.'operation at the sanitary landfill is in dire need of major repairs to place and keep such machine in proper condition to perform the work required at said sanitary landfill; and " , WHEREAS, it is necessary that such repairs be made at the earliest possible time,to prevent an interruptio"n of the operations at the sanitary' 1 andfi 11; and ," WHEREAS, the possibility that such repairs would be made in the year 1973 had"been taken"into consideration in the 1973 budget and the amount of $5,200.00 has been appropriated for such repairs. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the City Commission of the City of West' UniversltY Place, Texas finds and and determines the necessity for making the following repairs to the International Harvester TD15BP crawler tractor used in its operation at the sanitary landfill, to wit: 2 - Track Chains 6 - S.F. Rollers 6 - D.F. Rollers 2 - Sprockets 312 - Bolts 312 - Nuts 4 - Top Idlers Section 2. It is hereby determined that the estimated cost of such work amounts to approximately $3,590.00, plus $160.00 for hauling to be per- formed by other parties, based on an estimate obtained from Plains Machinery Company under date of May 8, 1973, and that the sum of $5,200.00 has been heretofore budgeted for maintenance and repair of said tractor. Section 3. That Plains Machinery Company of Houston, Texas, a reputable firm experienced in repairs and maintenance of machinery of this kind, is hereby engaged for the purpose of making the aforesaid noted re- pairs. Charges for said work shall be in accordance with work actually per- formed, but in no event shall exceed the amount of $3,800.00 20 . t,~ ...t; \.,$ Section 4. That the Mayor and City Manager are authorized to make the necessary arrangements for the hauling of said tractor. Sect; on 5. That the Mayor and. .Ci tyManager are hereby authori zed and directed to make necessary arrangements for the making of' such repairs by Plains Machinery Company i.ncluding~ if necessa.ry, the execution of a written contract with such: company. . . .. Section 6. Because of the.possibil ity of a breakdown of the afore- said tractor and therefore causing an interruption of the operations at the sanitary landfill, an emergency is now determined.' to exist, and therefore this ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and ap- proval by the City Commission. PASSED AND APPROVED this 14th day of May:, 1973. ATTEST: ~o)~ ASslstant City Secretary . . Commi ss i oners Voti ng Aye.: ;1 I I ~ 'I J )l, !~