HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 997 - Amending Sec Article VII Chapter 23 n lJ n , I LI o A AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CERTAI SECTIONS OFARTI~LE ,VII, CHAPTER 23~ OFTHECODt ora D1NANCES OF THE, CITY OF_ WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS PROVIDING-A,PENALTY FOR LATE REGISTRATION; REPEALING PROVISION FOR INSPECTION; INCREASING LICENSING PERIOD ROM ONE (1) TO TWe (2)' ' YEARS: AND PROVIDING AN EFFE TIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY C MMISSION OF THE CITYOOF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section,l. That the hereina ter noted Section~ of Artitle VII, Chapter 23 of the Code of Ordinances 0 the City of West Univ~rsity Place, Texas, are hereby amended as follows: : 'Section 23-159. Applttatio; fee. - , Application for a bicycle 11 ense tag shall 'be made upon a form " provi ded by the ci tyand shall: be made to the' Po'l i ce- Department. .'A bi enn; al ' license fee of one ($1.00) shall be pa d to the city 'before any license tag or renewal is granted. An:additlonal urn of.$2.00 shall be paid as a penalty for each license issued after March 31 t of each licensing year unless the applicatiorifor.such li'ceiise,produces atisfactory evidence that either the applicant became a resident of the cit , or acquired the bicycle, after March 31st of the licensing year." - "Section 23-160. Inspection. Repealed" "Section 23-161. The Police Department, upon eceiving-proper'applj~atiQn therefor, is authorized to issue a bicycle licen e which shall be effective for two (-2) years. " All such licenses shall be d ted March 31st of the year of issuance and shall entitle the licensee to oper te such bicycle for which a license has been issued, upon all of the stree s in the City of West University Place for a period of two (2) years. The re istration period for each licensing year shall be from January 2nd through March 31st." Section 2. This ordinance s all take effect and be in force immed- iately from and after its passage and pproval. PASSED AND APPROVED this 2*t day of March, 1973. ,ATTEST: ~~~ Assistant City Secretary All None ~~ _--------1.1_ ~_L-. . I',' '-1 .,llllll_.JW