HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 996 - ORD Finding & Dertermining Execution to Contract Remodeling Wakeforest Water Plant 11111111111., L.. ,_.. .. ,.4;,;; .., f. . F' t, .. Y-4 ..: , .-J I ORDINANCE NUMBER 996 AN ORDINANCE FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT ALL PROCEEDINGS HAVE HERETOFORE 'BEEN 'cOMPLETtD rAND ALL THINGS DONE PRE- REQUISITE TO EXECUTION OF A CONTRACT FOR REMODELING OF THE WAKEFbREST WATER. PLANT; AUTHORIZING THE EMPLOYMENT OF BAYSHORE ENGINEERS, INC. TO PREPARE PLANS AND SPECI- FICATIONS FOR THE >,REHABILITATION OF THE WAKEFOREST WATER PLANT; RECITING THE DATE TO RECEIVE BIDS FOR REHABILITA- TION OF THE WAKEFOREST WATER PLANT; REFERRING BIDS RE- CEIVED TO BAYSHORE ENGINEERS, INC. AND THE CITY MANAGER FOR TABULATION AND RECOMMENDATION; APPROPRIATING THE NECESSARY FUNDS IN ORDER TO AWARD A CONTRACT; APPROVE AND ACCEPT THE CONTRACT, PERFORMANCE BOND AND INSURANCE IN CONNECTION WITH SAID IMPROVEMENTS; AWARD A CONTRACT TO G. G. ROSS, INC., 9611 SPENCER HIGHWAY, PASADENA, TEXAS; AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION THEREOF BY THE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. ~ , I I I ~ WHEREAS, the City Commission has heretofore determined that certain improvements, including a new control and chlorination building, new electrical starter and rebuilding of existing electrical equipment are required for safe and adequate operation of the Wakeforest water plant; and WHEREAS, on November 13, 1972, the City Commission of the City of West University Place employed Bayshore Engineers, Inc. for the estimated sum of $2,500.00, to prepare pl ans and specifi catiunsfor - a.- new contro-l and chlori- nation building, new electrical equpipment; and " o WHEREAS, plans and specifications prepared for such project by Bay- shore Engineers, Inc. were accepted and subsequently bids received from eight (8) bonafide bidders on March 19, 1973: - : -t. <.:'~' , ~ Bidder Base Bid Comex Corporation Marxen & Son, Inc. Nunn & Shumway Constr. O'Meara Construction Paisan Construction G. G. Ross, Inc. Lee Rowe Construction Sherman-Stuart, Corp. 19,900.00 26,500.00 28,478.00 25,990.00 27,470.00 20,000.00 26,963.00 19,879.00 and, Alternate 1,300.00 800.00 1,200.00 1,000.00 1,325.00 1,200.00 1,586.00 1,397.00 WHEREAS, the three (3) apparante low bids received from Comex Corpora- tion, G. G. Ross, Inc. and Sherman-Stuart, Corp. were referred to the project engineer, Mr. Dieter Ufer of Bayshore Engineers, Inc. and the City Manager for tabulation and recommendation. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT GRDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: . lJ ~!, I, i ~ OJi , , i 1 [ 1S:t Section 1." That the:City Commission does hereby find and determine that each 'of the proceedings herein outlined have, been duly and legally per- formed. , Se'ction' 2.: ,that :t~~'.City, Commissiof1 hereby accepts the written re- commendation of Mr." Dieter'Uf.er, p'roJect engi.neer, Bayshere Engineers, Inc., and the City Manager, that the contract for furniShing a new chlorination and control building, new elec~~~ca~ equipment and rehabilitation of existing equip- ment at ,theWakeforest water :plant,be awarded to G. G. Ross, Inc., on his base bid of $20,000.90, anq that the alternate bid of $1,200.00 fo~ brick veneer be rejected." " ," . . r I') ~'. r ~ . ,. "Section 3. Theit theCitj Comini ssi'ondeesheeeby 'deter-mine that ,the following amounts of money are required to finance the construction ,of a new control and chlorination building, new electrical equipment and rehabilitation of exi sti rig ~e lectri ceil :equi~pment; 'the paymeht ofengi neeri ng' fees to Bayshore Engineers, Inc..; and fora cO'n:~fri~J'ency,'~n)eunt, as' ,;se'~,forth: ' " $ 2,120.00 . . \ , .. ' 1 ) Engin~eri-rig ,f,ees to Bayshore Engineers, Inc. . <J I: 2) Base bid contract to G. G. Ross, Inc., 9611 Spe'nce'rHi ghwaY~ Pasadena, Texas 20,000.00 3) BayshoreEngineers, Inc. engineering fees 'for supervision of work during construction 600.00 500.00 '>~ . <~ 4)' 'Conttngency 'amount," $ 23,290.00' Section 4. That $23,220.00 is hereby appropriated'.from the Water Fund which funds have not been appropriated for any other purpqse. Said $23,220.00 to satisfy the contract of G. G. Ross, Inc~ a'r'ldto pay.t~enecessary engineering fees and provide extra funds of $500.00 as a contingency item. Section 5. That the standard form of contract recommended by the Texas Society of Professional Engineers and approved by the City Attorney,aas set forth in the contract documents between the City of West University Place and G. G. Ross, ,Inc., for a new control and chlorination building, newelectri- cal equipment and rehabilitation of existing electrical equipment is hereby approved. Section 6. G. G. Ross, Inc. shall submit Certificate of Insurance acceptable to the city which shall meet the minimum insurance requirements as follows: A. Workmen's Compensation and Employer's Liability Insurance B. Comprehensive General Liability with Limits not less than: Bodily Injury Liability $lOO,OOO/person $300, OO/acci dent Pvoperty damage liability $ 50,000/accident $lOO,OO/aggregate L__ ------L..-~ _ LL. l , ,...J.I __~l "'llllum 'I:"'" t ,. 11\ . Thi:s po'l i,cy~ m~ust prQvi cle contra,ctura 1 1 i abi 1 i ty coverage for all . l<iabillty assumed by the Contractor, for himself or Ms sub- contractors under this Contract. . C. Comprehensive,AutomobiJe Liability with Limi,ts not less than: Bodily Injury Liability: $l,OO,OOO/person $300,000/accident , '. . Property damage li aM lity $ 25,000/ acei dent Section 7. ' That G. G.Ross, Inc. shall' submit' to the cit,Yo acceptable performance bond and payment bond in the amount of ~100% of the contract price, which bonds must be a~proved, by,theCity Attorney prior to the execution of the contract. . -, Secti on 8 . That the Mayor is .h:ereby autharized ' to' approve and sign said contract between' the City of, West University Place and G. G. Ross, Inc. for the improvement project as hereinabove described. ATTEST: ~ . . . PASSED AND APPROVED this 26th day of March, 1973. Commissioners Voting Aye: All I~ , I I I U I \ L o