HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 991 - ORD Prescribing Rates Charged for Distribution and Sale of Natural Gas \':,i:'tl '. ~ I 10 ORDINANCE NUMBER 99l AN ORDINANCE PRESCRIBING RATES TO BE CHA~GED FOR DISTRIBUTION AND SALE OF NATURAL GAS WIT~IN THE CITY, AND REPEALING ALL OTHER RESOLUTIONS OR ORDI- NANCES OR PARTS THEREOF IN CONFLICT ~EREWITH. C" . BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS: Section 1. The following rates and. charges. are. hereby fixed as the maximum monthly net ra~es '.and charges ,and 'areherebyaiJthori zed for distri- bution and sale of natural gas in the City of~ West University Place (the .. "City") to be app1ied'and used by Houston Natural Gas torporation (the ICompany"1 it~ successors or assigns. .'... RFsTnFNTTAI . RATFS r.. First Next 0 Next Over 2. First Next Next Next Ove.r NET MONTHLY' RATE: The\net monthlY bill shall .be based upon the following rates: For the bi 11 i ng months May through October: 400 cu-. ft. or less 2,6bOcu.' ft. 3,000 cu. ft. 6,000 cu... ft. Minimum Monthly iii 1 $ 2.00 12.3 ~per 100 cu. ft. 11.0 ~ per 100 cu. ft. 4.2 ~ per 100 cu~ ft. $ 2.-GO . , . For the billing months Noveinber through April: ;: .;... . 400 cu. ft. or 1 ess-. , 2;;600 cu. ft. .3.,000 ell.. ft. 1 0,000 cu. ft. 16,000 cu. ft. Minimum Monthly Biall $ 2.00 12.3 ~ p~r. 100 cu. ft. 11. 0 ~per' 1 00 cu~ ft.: , 9.0~ per 100 cu. ft. . 5.5. ~ per 100 cu. ft. $2.00 I I o Each month lyres i denti a 1 bill shall be increased by the '1 esser of (a) 10% of the net monthly bill or :(b),$3.00, to 'arrive: at the gross monthly bill. The dl fference between the g-ross bill and ;the net bi 11, re- ,- presenting a disq>l:lnt" $,hall be allowe,d: for payment of bills within ten (l0,) days after the di;lteof~the bill. If a gas bill is not paid within ten (10) days after. its date~the grossbi1Lsha-ll apply. ,COMMERCIAL RATES NET MONTHLY RATE: The net monthly-bill shall be based upon the following rates: _I. _ ". _ ~ l' m ---:- <u [ L_.=---==:J_~l.tlllllr JIIII II ,I, L h ""," J .. 32 First Next Next Next Over ;~oo 400 cu. ft. orl ess 8,600 cu. ft. 11,000 cu. ft. 10,000 cu. ft. 30,000 cu. ft. ~ $ 2.25 13.3 t per 100 cu. ft. 11.0 t per 100 cu. ft. 7.5 t per 100 cu. ft. 6.0 t per 100 cu. ft. Minimum Monthly Bill $ 2.25 Each monthly commercial bill shall be increased by the 1 esser of (a) 10% of the net monthly bill or (b) $5.00, to arrive at the gross monthly bi 11 . The difference between the gross bi 11 and the net bi 11, representi ng a ,discount, shall be 'allowed for;payment of bills within ten (10) days after the. date of the bill. ,If a gasbillis riot paid within ten (10) days after its date, the gros~ bill sh~ll~pply. "" Section 2. The continuation of the foregoing rates is predicated upon the domestic city gate rate of 38.3t per Mcf, fixed by order of the Railroad Commission of Texas, dated February 1, 1971, in Gas Utilities Docket No. 449. Wheneyer an increase or decrease in said city gate rate be- bomeseffec-tive by or pursuant to any order of :the Railroad Commission of Texas, the Company shall file with the City Secretary a statement of said in- crease or decrease, together with such tentative adjustment of said rate schedules as it may desire to puti;'nto,efmect in th'e case of an increase, or as may be necessary to reflect the 'full amount of a decrease, in said city g<<te rate, along with the increase or de~rease in gross receipts payments ef- fected by the increase or decrease in revenues withfn this City occasioned thereby~ Each such tentative adjustment shall become effective for bills rendered on or after the first day of the second' full billing month after the filing of such statement unless, within thirty (30) d~ys after the filing of such statement, the City Commission shall have disapproved such tentative adjustmen,t by motion or resolution. If any such tentative adjust- ment shall be disapproved by the City :Commission, such rate 'schedules shall continue to be adjusted by the total increments established by all preceding adjustments not disapproved, until another adjustment shall have taken effect hereunder. Within the thirty (30) day period provided for its approval or disapproval of'any such tentative adjustment, the City Commission may order thefi~ing of any additional or supplemental information or statements deemed by. it to be necessary in the public interest, or may'order a public hearing with regard to the approval or disapproval of such tentative adi~stment. Furthermore, within such thirty (30) day period' the Commission may, by motion or resolution, suspend any such increase for a period ending on a date not more than sixty (60) days after the date on wn;ch sljch increase would other- wise become effective; provided, that if such increase is not dis~pproved within such suspension period, it shall become effective at the expiration thereof, unless the Commission by motion or resolution specifies an earlier effective date. Any decrea~e hereund~r shall become effective automatically. Provided, that notwithstanding the foregoing procedure, the City Commission hereby approves an adjustment effective January 1, 1973, of twenty-five hundredths of one cent (.25t) for each 100 cubic feet of gas consumed during any month, pursuant to the adjustment to the Domestic City Gate Rate which became effective November 15~ 1972, under the order of the Railroad Commis- sion of Texas dated October 13, 1972, in Gas Utilities Docket No. 483. o o o [ o o (0 .:.~ Secti on 3. All resol uti ons, ordi.nances, franchi ses, or parts thereof in conflict nerewith are hereby repealed insofar but only insofar as such conflict exists. Section 4. This'resolutionshalltake effect and be in'force from and after its final passage and approval. PASSED AND APPROVED this 18th day of December, 1972~ Commissioners Voting Aye: iJ\hree Commissioners Voting No: One ..aC~ ATTIEST: ~~ X~~ . Assi stant City .Secretary . ~ ~. -, t.~ ~- -. ....." ...w..1I.....lli-.r 'r::"" .