HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1161 - ORD Amending Code by Adopting 1979 Edition of Standard Plumbing Code fi:G'o.J!~}:J ORDINANCE NUMBER 1161 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDlNANCES OF tHE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS-, BY ADOPTING THE 1979' EDITION OF THE STANDARD PLUMBING CODE OF THE SOUtHERN BUILDING CODE CONGRESS INTERNATIONAL, INC., EXCEPT AS'TO CERTAIN PROVI- S IONS SPEC I F I CALLY DELETED, MOD I F-I ED OR AMENDED; PROV I DING FOR THE FILING OF THREE {3} COPIE~ THEREOF WITHTHt CITY SECRETARY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE -CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section I. That the Code of Ordinances of the City of West Univer- sity Place is hereby amended so that hereafter Section 18-11 shall read as follows: (a) Section 18-11: "Plumbing Code -- Adopted, Incorporated by re- ference. There is hereby adopted by the city and declared operative there- in for the purposes of establ ishing rules and regulations for the erection, construction, enlargement, alteration, repair, removing, conversion and demol ition of plumbing and plumbing faci 1 ities in the city, and for the issuance of permits and collection of fees therefor, the 1979 Edition of the Standard Plumbing Code of the Southern Buildin~ tode- Congress International, Inc., save and except such portions as are hereinafter deleted, modified or amended, of which not less than three (3) copies have been and now are filed in the office of the City Seci-etary,and the same is hereby adopted and incorporated herein as fully as if set out at length, and the provisions thereof shall be controlling and binding within the city.11 Section 2. That Section 18-13 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of West University Place, Texas~ is hereby amended in the following maners and particulars: (a) Section 103.5: Said Section is hereby amended by the addition thereto of the following: "subject to Chief Appoin ting Authorityll. (b) Section 106.3 shall hereafter read as follows: SCHEDULE OF PERMIT FEES: (a) Permit Fees: For issuing each permit In addition: For each plumbing fixture For each sewer line For alteration of drainage or vent piping For each water heater (gas or electic) or vent For each gas outlet For each gas pressure test $ 5.00 2.00 6.00 3.50 3.50 .50 5.00 ~ ~.~ L _II. LI1..- ..LillI.I ]' II" r:nL[l1 m["'''t ,1 .IJllllr~ll:r II ,I JmTT'T"r-T LLr 11"""-- 1 , 1...1 ,- Z:, .~'Il,V~JU 000144 For each gas built-in range For each house water line :Fo,r each v.a~uum breaker For .each. "P" trap or receptor or catch; bas in For each area drain or storm 'sewer 1 i ne For each water softener For each lawn sprinkler piping For each solar col~ector $ 3.50 2.00 2.00 Jl 2.00 3.00 I I 2.00 LJ 4.00 10.00 7.50 7.00 5.00 ,(b) Sewer tap connection . . (c) Minimum Permit Fee (in.cludes issuing permit fee) (d) Re1nspection or retest fee, each occurrence (e) In event plumber fails to obtain permit prior to commencement of work, DOUBLE permit fee is subject "to be charged. (c) Section 107.6. Said Section shall hereafter read as follows: "Upon comp 1 et ion of a sect ion, or of the en-t'i re water-supp 1 y system,~ it shall be tested and proved tight under a water pres- sure not less than 85 psi maintained for fifteen -(15) minutes with no pressure' drop. The water used for tests shall be obtained from~~a potable source of supply. II (d) Section 107.7(a): Said Section is amended by the deletion of, "and ma i nta in i ng such pressure unt'il backfi .11 is comp 1 eted", and in 1 i eu thereof -sha 11 be added the fo 11 owi ng words, "and the tes,t shall be maintained for fifteen (15)-minutes without water 1 eve 1 drop. - " rT-j U (e) Section 107.7(b): Said Section is amended by the-deletion of: "and ma i nta i n i ng such pressure unt i1 backf ill is comp 1 eted", and in lieu thereof there shall be-added the following words, "and the test shall-be maintained for-fifteen (15) minutes without pressure drop." (f) Section 110: ,Said Section shall'be deleted in: its entirety and the fo 11 owi ng used: 'lEach person' sha 11 be deemed gu i 1 ty of a separate offense for each and every day or any portion thereof during which any violations of any of the provisions of this code is committed 'or continued, and upon conviction in the Muni- cipal Court for any such violation shall be punished by a fine not to exceed $200.00; providing, however, that no penalty shall be greater or less than the penalty provided for the same or similar offense under the laws of the State of Texas. (g) Section 112.1: Said Section is added and shall read as follows: "Before any person shall engage-in the landscape irrigation business, as defined in Article 249c, V.A.T.S., in the city, such person shall be licensed' in accordance with such Statute or amendments thereof. Before any person shall start a landscape irrigation installation, he shall obtain permits as required under this ordinance.11 l I~ 000145 (h) ." ~ f;,! '<!;!>'ft Section 112.2: Said Section is added and shall read as follows~"j"" "Before any person shall engage in the installation, exchange, serviting, or repair of resid~ntial water treatment facilities, such p~~son sh~ll b~ lic~~sed .t~ accordance ~iih the Plumbing Law of Texas, Art i c 1 e 6243- 1'0 an'd as amended by SB 147 of the 6th Legislature, passea in June, 1977, and in accordance with any amendments thereof. Before any person shall start a water treat- ment installation, he shall obtain permits as required under this ordinance.11 G'I;!' I i: [I' " (i) Section 112.3: Said Section is added and shall read as follows: IIBefore any person, firm or corporation Shall engage in the business of plumbing, he, it or they shall first obtain the pro- per license and deposit with the local governing body a good and sufficient bond in the Sum of One Thousand ($I,OOO~OO) Dollars, to be approved by the Legal Department, conditioned that the per- son, firm or corporation engaged in the plumbing-business will faithfully observe all the laws pertaining to plumbing, drain laying, blasting and excavation; further, that the local govern- ing body shall be indemnified and saved harmless from all claims arising from accidents and damage of any character whatsoever caused by the negligence of such person, firm or corporation engaged in the plumbing business, or by any other unfaithful, inadequate work done either by themselves or their agents or employees and that such person~ firm or corp6rationwill main- tain a safe condition for a period of one (1) year all ditches and excavat ions ,wh i ch may be opened, in the performa'n.ce of 'any plumbing work, and further that all dirt and other material ex- cavated will be replaced in a good condition with similar materials. Where such excavation is made in an unpaved street or any 'street paved wi th chert or macadam, the word "steet" as herein used, shall apply to sidewalks, curbs, gutters and street pay i ng . II (j) Section 201: Principle No.3 shall hereafter read as 'follows: "A dwelling type building provided with a drainage system, and a publ ic sewer connection shall have at least one water closet, one bath tub or shower, one lavatory, one kitchen":'type sink and an adequate source of hot water, fer each family unit to 'meet mini- mum basic requirements for health, sanitation and personal hygiene. Water heating facilities shall be accessible for emer- gency maintenance without ~ntering any individual apartment or living unit, except that water heaters may be located within an apartment or living unit when supplying hot water to that unit -on 1 y. ,il 1!i I! :1,1 .~ I II f! (k) Section 302. Said Section shall be amended by the addition of the following definition to be placed in its proper alphabetical se- quence,"Pool. A pool is a water receptacle used for swimming or as a ~lunge, or other bath, including 'hot tubs','whirlpools' and Ispas', designed to accommodate more than one bather at a time." (1) Section 414: S~td Section is hereby deleted in its entirety. "' III LL' -.JL....>11 ..,1J.. I It1t1 I" ,.... II 1,.II"lllllil-r _,~.JD1Will:II!!:I.:::I'1 ._ _.: ..I J'TBTrT!'"T1lTI" . , I IlL' II f 11",'..III.'li " 11' I II _ .~ ,I' . L .t.. r ,~.s. t' ~f~ti~,l " "",,,,,,vW 000146' (m) Sect ion' 500 (Tab 1 e), :;ha.11 here-after ,read as fo-1-1ows-: '~(l)'IThe uSe of :the fo'llowi-ng -mated:als ..is permitt:ed, under the condltions as specified, PVC: sewer pipe,. ASTM 0-:33033, SOR , '33.S; ~ell classificatibn 124S-A ASTM 1784.Such,material s:;~,~:shall n-ot be used as s~wer' pipe in or under' any building structure or slab. Su~h'material may be used as a part of 'the storm sewer drainage' piping with-out 1 imitation.11 /-----..., U (2) Section SOO (Table} shall read. IInon-ferrous pipe and fit- tings-Type M water tube shall not be aUowed for use as water distribution pipe.11 (n) Section 910; Said Section sha-llb-e amended by the- ,del~tion of the following sentence: IIShower- compartments located in base- ments, c~ll~rs, or in other roo~s in which the floor has been 1 a i-d, direct 1 y on the ground surface need not be 1 i ned.1I (0) Section 1002.4: Said -Secti'on shall be amended by th-e addition thereto of 'the following sent"en-ce: IICopper pi-ping shaH be sup- ported at its ba,se and ateach,story"not to exceed' ten (lOI) feet,,1 (p) Section'1002.6: Said Section shall' be amended by the addition thereto of the following sentence: IIPlastic pIpIng shall be sup- ported ~t its base and at each story, not to exceed ten (101) feet. (q) Sect ion 1103,. 1:, Sai d.SectJ on sha 11 hereaft~r read ,as fo 11 ows: liThe max imum 1 ength of the i nd i rect waste pipe sha 11 not exceed tWenty-fiVe (25 I) feet. (1") Section 120S.1(a): Said Section shall be amended ~y the addi- tion thereto of the follOWing sentence: ,IINotwithst,anding any provision herein to the contrary, the use of lead o~ Type M copper Water tube is hereby prohibited in water distribution piping. (Refer to Chapter 5, Tab l'e -SOO)"I '----" f ' ! l LJ (s) Section 120S.1(b) Said Section shall be amended by the addition thereto of the following sentence: Non-meta].] ic underground pip- ing for water service piping s,hall ,have. a, minimum _of eighteen (1811) 'inches cover.11 ,(t) Section 12l0.1 (a'). Said Section, ,shall b,e amended b;y t:he addition thereto of the following sentence: IINotwithstanding' a,ny provi- sion herein to the contrary, the use of lead or Type M copper water tube is hereby prohibited in water distribution piping. (Refer to Chapter 5, Tab 1 e SOO) ",' (u) Section 1210.t(b) Said Section shall be amended by the addition thereto of the following sentence: IINotwithstanding any provi- 'sions herein to the contrary, the use of lead or Type M copper water tube is hereby prohibited in water disttibution piping. (Refer to Chapter 5, Table 500)"1 ,'----" (v) Section 1308.S shall read as follows: 'I!Sumps, where used, shall be provided with duplex pumping equipment.1I u ~ ~d : ~.,II : I' HaOl-47 '''!'''' "- " ..., ~ . ' '"~ ,~,~ t}, ~, ! ....;, -,' , (w) Section 1407. Reference to Section 1421 is in error. It should refer to Section 1420. (x) Section ]411 shall be eliminated completely ,including 1411.1, 1411.2, 1411.3, 1411.4 and 1411.5. ' (y) Section 1411 shall henceforth read as follows: "Wet venting shall not be allowed, ,except when authorized by the Plumbing 1nspector in hardship andlor'unusual cases.11 . ' (z) Section 1502.3: Said Section shall ,henceforth read as follows: "Building storm drai,ns underground, insiqe the:building, when not connected with a sanitary or Gombined s~we~ shall be of cast iron soil pipe, or ferrous alloy piping, except that when appro- ved by the Plumbing Official, Gopper tuqe type DWV,Qr plastic pipe may be used.11 (aa) Section 1504.3:,SaidSent~nce shall henceforth r~ad ~s follows: liThe sanitary and storm drainage system 6f-'a[)~i1ding shall be enti~ely separate." (bb) Secti~n l~06: Said S~~tio~,shail be del~ied in, its~ritirety. Section3. This ordinance shallpe .in full force_and,effect immedia- tely from and after its passage and appro~al by the Mayor. ' PASSED AND APPROVED this 13th day of October, 1980.' Commissioners Voting Aye: All Commissioners Voting No: None ~?!1. tke- ATTEST: ~~~~ City Secretary ~,. . . . '1.[. -I:':]:I!:: .r1I..1J.~[". I'.