HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1156 - ORD Calling Special Elections D\ ". f: !.! :"1: , ,:! ru ORDINANCE NUMBER 1156 ~%q* AN ORDINANCE CALLING A SPECIAL ELECTION FOR THE PURPOSE OF ALLOWING THE VOTERS OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, TO ANS\-JER THE PROPOS IT I ON, "SHALL A COMM I S5 I ON BE CHOSEN TO FRAME A NEW CHARTER?"; PROV I DING FOR THE ELECT! ON OF A COMMISSION; PROVIDING FOR THE HOLDING OF SUCH ELECTION ON THE NINTH DAY OF AUGUST, 1980; PROVIDING FOR THE HOURS OF SAID ELECTION; PROVIDING FOR THE POLLING PLACES AND THE OFFICERS OF SAID ELECTION; PROVIDING FOR ABSENTEE VOTING; AND PROVIDING FOR NOTICE OF SAID ELECTION BY POSTING AND PUBLICATION. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, has determined that it would be in the best interest of the City to seek the election of a Charter Commission; and WHEREAS, the City Commission is of the opinion that a special election should be called for the purpose of allowing the voters to determine whether a Commission should be chosen to frame a new charter and elect a Charter Commission. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That a special election shall be held in the City of West University Place, Texas, on the 9th day of August, 1980, at which election there shall be submitted to the qualified voters of West University Place, who reside within the corporate limits of said City, the following proposition, to-wit: PROPOSITION 1 SHALL A COMMISSION BE CHOSEN TO FRAME A NEW CHARTER? Provided that a majority of the qualified voters voting on the above proposition shall have voted in the affirmative there shall be elected a Charter Commission composed of fifteen (15) members. Regardless of whether you have voted "FORII or IIAGA I NST" or have not voted at all on the above proposition, you are entitled to vote for fifteen (15), but no more than fifteen, candidates for the Charter Commission. Section 2. The hours during which the polls will be open for voting in said election shall be from seven olclock a.m. to seven 0lc10ck p.m. Section 3. Voting shall be at the following respectively designated polling places in each of the following numbered Harris County Voting Precincts in the City of West University Place heretofore established and described by natural or artificial boundaries or survey lines by order adopted by the Com- missioners Court of Harris County and duly set out in its minutes. The follow- ing named persons are hereby appointed officers to conduct said election in the said election precincts, respectively: l-n I IH[ I" I" 1 11.1rrml I' 1 dIlL[1JI]1!Wr:JI __.:.1 ..I' JII1l1"'fIT1TfT"1f LLL..;... II. ,j,.l' I II" \ , II I. ;:" _~:~'-,,')~ lp ,M. ~A :;.'~ v.'lot : "'". , (fOoi'ao Votinq Precinct #183 West University Community Building 6104 Auden Sally McCandless Stanley McCandless Presiding Judge Alternate Presiding Judge w :Votinq Precinct #133 City Ha 11 3800 University Boulevard Allan Goldstein Rhonda Feinberg Pres i ding 'Judge Alternate Presiding Judge Voting Precinct #87 West University Elementary-School 3756 University Boulevard Vincent Fromen Wi 11 i am Watson -Pres i ding Judge Alternate Presiding Judge Votinq Precinct #15 St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church 5308 Buffalo Speedway Charles Orsburn Ramsey Elder Presiding Judge Alternate Presiding Judge ,The presiding judge for each election -precinct shall appoint not less than two election clerks to serve at the -pollingpl~ce under his jtiri~di~tion. ~ UU Section 4. It is hereby determined by the City Commission that vot- ing on the day of said election shall be by the use of voting machines, that absentee voting shall be by use of paper ballots and that the ba)lots of said election shall conform to the requirements of the Texas Election Code and shall have printed thereon in English and Spanish the following: OFFICIAL BALLOT Each voter desiring to vote in favor Of- the proposition shall pull the 1 ever bes ide the word I'FOR". Each voter des i ring to vote against the proposition shall pull the lever beside the word "AGAINST". PROPOSITION ( ) - FOR ( ) AGAINST liS HALL A COMM I SS ION BE .CHOSEN TO FRAME A NEW CHARTER" INSTRUCTIONS: Provided that a majority of the qualified voters, voting on the above question, shall have voted in the affirmative, there shall be elected a Charter Commission composed of fifteen 15) fl'~ " 1'f ill ;!' 000131 members. Regardless of whether you have voted "FOR" ~jtiA\..o~n1. or have not voted at all on the above question, you are entitled to vote for fifteen (15), but no more than fifteen, candidates for the Charter Commission. Vote for the cand i dates of you r cho ke 'by pli 1 fi ng the 1 ever beside the candidate's name. THE TOTAL NUMBER OF CANDIDATES YOU HAVE VOTED FOR MUST NOT EXCEED FIFTEEN (15) CANDIDATES. RECHECK YOUR BALLOT TO MAKE SURE THAT YOU HAVE NOT VOTED FOR MORE THAN FIFTEEN (15) CANDIDATES. ' - FOR CHARTER COMMISSION INDEPENDENT CANDIDATES WRITE-IN CANDIDATES Absentee voting shall be conducted by Lee Lockard, City 'Secretary, and the place at which the absentee voting shall be conducted is designated as the office of the City Secretary in the City Hall, 3800 University Boulevard, Houston, Texas, 77005, which is also the mailing address to which ballot applications and ballots voted by mail may be sent. Said City Secretary shall keep said office open for at least eight (8) hours, that is, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on each day for absentee voting which is not a Saturday, a Sunday, or an official State holiday; provided, however, except as authorized by Article 5.05, 'Subdrvision 3d, Texas Election Code, said City Secretary shall not permit anyone to vote absentee by personal appearance on any day which i snat a regular worklrig' day for the City Secretary's office, and under no circumstances' shall she- permit anyone to vote absentee by personal appearance at any time when her office is not open to the publ ic. / Absentee voting shall be conducted on ~rinted paper ballots. The ballots shall have printed on them the following: ' ' ( ) FOR ( ) AGA I NST OFFICIAL BALLOT Place an "X" in the square beside the statement indicating the w~y you wish to vote. PROPOSITION "SHALL A COMM I S5 I ON BE CHOSEN TO FRAME A NEW CHARTER?" INSTRUCTIONS: Provided that a majority of the qualified voters, voting on the above question, shall have voted in the affirmative, there shall be elected a Charter Commission composed of fifteen (1.5) ~~mbers. Regardless of whether you have voted "FOR" or "AGAINST" or have not voted at all on the above question, you are entitled to vote for fifteen (15) but no more than fifteen, candidates for the Charter Commission.' ~ L ...1:"1' ..lilLI I.... Ii" Llh,mIHDI""l II" <LL ~lllU.J.l~,~k"Ld,1" - ,. I i?ifd1~~N} JiffTT'l'l'Tlrr-l'-- LIT"I" " .,..........,.-~ -~ r--~ - 11 r ~ Vote for the candidates 'of your -choice by placing an "XII in the square' beside the candidates name. THE TOTAL NUMBER OF CAND I DATES' YOU HAVE VOTED FOR MUST NOT EXCEED FIFTEEN (15) CAND I DATES-. 'RECHECK YOUR BALLOT TO MAKE SURE THAT YOU HAVE NOT VOTED FOR MORE THAN FIFTEEN (IS) , 'CAND.I DArES. - ' - -, FOR CHARTER r.OMMI~~IONFR' INDEPENDENT CANDIDATES WRITF-~N rANnlnATF~ ! i': . The ba 11 ots, beneath the head i ng III NDEPENDENT CAND IDATES" shall have listed the names of all candidates who have submitted their applications to the City Secre- tary as a candidate seeking election to the Charter Commission. , " 'I Section,~. That any duly qualified voter who re~ides 0ithin the corporate'.limits of the City of West University Pla~e, Texas, may file his/her application with the City Secretary as a candidate for election to the Charter Comm i s s i on .~ ATTEST: PASSED AND APPROVED this 25th ~ay' of June, 1980. Commissioners Voting Aye: 5 Commissioners Voting No: 0 ~JJt~ ,Mayor , ~ J ,~t1A ~'/ City Secretary r~ I \ U U.,I , ,