HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1152 - ORD Amending Section Numbered 24-30 Providing Drilling of Private Wells ~ _....1, ~j. .Im L' JJJ . 1~ I . .I:. . _. ,.. I )'11111' LLl I, I 11--1 I. . . l'!i i: 1 , ('\ fi ",rl:; ,;~ ~~.".. '\.j .~. ~ 1 n00120 ORDINANCE NUMBER 1152 . ~". .. - - - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF WESTUNI\;ERSITY PLACE,"TEXAS,BYTHE j\O'DITION THERETO OF A SECTION TO BE NUMBERED ?4-30~ PROVIDING FOR DRILLING OF PRI- VATE WATER WELLS FOR THE SOLE AND EXPRESSED PURPOSE OF NON- CONSUMPTIVE HEAT EXCHANGE SYSTEMS FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL USED IN SINGLE FAMILY [)WE~L1NGS O~ COMMERCIAL PROPERT!ES; PROVIDING FOR A PERMIT FEE FOR EACH WELL TO BE DRILLED; PRO- VIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR VJOLATIONS; AND PROVIDING AN EFFEC- TIVE DATE. NOW, "THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED-BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: r~l \..i.J , , Section 1. That the 'Code of Ordinances of the :City of West University Place, Texas, is hereby amended by the addition of Section 24-30, said Sectron to read as follows: IISect ion 24-30. Pr i vate water we 11 s A. A private water well or multIple integrated' wells are hereby per- mitted to be drilled for the expressed and sole purpose of non- consumpt ive heat exchange systems for e'nv i ornmenta 1 control used in single-fami ly dwellings or ,commercial properties, under the following' condition!:!: ' . -. - 1) Plans and specificatfons sufficient in scO'pe and detail to adequately describe said system, including size of units, water supply characteristIc$, amoun~ of ,water required, location and ~epth of wells and materials to be used, shall be submitted to the Building Inspector for review and ap- prova 1 . c 2) That 'any well drilled under these,provision~ shall not be integratedwith nor conne~ted to the'city1s water supply system, and shall be 4seqexclusively ~:'-nd only for non- , , consump1; i ve he'at exchange and envi ronmenta 1 . contro 1 systems, , and for no other purp,ose. ' Q" ;1 ;, " ii o w 00012t B. The Building Inspector and/or Director of Public Works is hereby author i zed, upon not i f i cat ion to the property owner, to enter , upon said property for the purpose of inspecting said w~~&r~wJif~~ heat exchange system at any time, but not less than six'(6) month intervals. . C. In the event of non-compliance by the property owner with these provisions, a fine of three-hundred ($300.00) dollars per viola- tion shall be imposed for the first offense. Subsequent determi- nation of non-compliance shall require a penalty of five-hundred, ($500.00) dollars; together with the authority to disconnect all electric power to said system. D. In the event the well or wells are abandoned, such abandonment and plugging of such wells shall be prescribed by the Building Inspector and Director of Public Works. Section 2. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect immed- iately from and after its passage and approval. PASSED AND APPROVED this 14th day of April, 1980. Commissioners Voting Aye: 4 Commissioners Voting No: ~;w~ ATTEST: ~.~~ City Secretary .i. I j II r.. ]",lll11l1ul' T" Ill. -...: JL..il1 ...IJ. j tllll