HomeMy WebLinkAbout06252020 ZBA Minutes The City of West University Place A 's eighborlloxxl City ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MUNICIPAL BUILDING 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD TELECONFERNCE MEETING MINUTES June 25,2020 5:30 pm Steven Segal(voting),Neil Martin(voting),Donald Yurewicz(voting), I. MEMBERS PRESENT: Janet Parisi(voting)Jay Cohen(voting),John Brett, Sergio Amelio and Brennan Reilly Edward Nikonowicz II. MEMBERS ABSENT: Zack Petrov,Legal Counsel,Clay Chew,Building Official and Josie III. STAFF PRESENT: M. Hayes,Administrative Coordinator IV. CALL TO ORDER: 5:34 p.m. Agenda Item Discussion Action 1 Call the meeting to order. Steven Segal called the meeting to order at Neil Martin moved to accept that all Notices,Rules,Etc. 5:34 p.m. Steven Segal asked each member to notices were properly posted and briefly introduce themselves. Josie M. Hayes distributed for this meeting. Second by stated the alternate voting member would be Janet Parisi. Ayes: Steven Segal, Neil Jay Cohen. Josie M. Hayes, Administrative Martin, Donald Yurewicz, Janet Paris and Coordinator, stated that all notices were Jay Cohen.Motion Carried(5-0). posted in accordance with state and local Steven Segal administered the oath to all requirements. Steven Segal then described witnesses. the hearing procedures. Swearing in of witnesses. 2 Docket No. 2020-0002, The applicant in Docket 2020-0002, 6429 After the applicant provided additional regarding property at Virginia Ct./6430 Mercer St. is requesting a information, Janet Parisi made a motion 6429 Virginia Ct/6430 special exception to 1) build a garage to rehear the agenda item for the special Mercer St., Westaccessory building which would contain exceptions and close the deliberation University Place, Texas more than 600 square feet of non-garage portion of the hearing. Second by Donald 77005(Special Exception) space, 2) place a front facing garage at the Yurewicz. Ayes: Steven Segal, Neil a. Matters regarding a Martin, Donald Yurewicz, Janet Parisi request to present front building line instead of 10 feet back and Jay Cohen.Motion carried(5-0). additional information for from the front building line and 3) retain a 1)a special exception to driveway that does not connect to a garage. After deliberation, Steven Segal made a allow a front facing garage Additional evidence was presented to ZBA motion to approve the special exception to be at the front building request to Section 7-101, Table 7-4a as 1 TOP WORK PLACES 3800 University Boulevard I West University Place, TX 77005 I www.westutx.gov r1 he City of West University Place A Neighbothood City line, 2)allow more than members. authorized by Note 1 to allow a front 600 square feet of non- facing garage to be at the front building garage space and 3) a Staff received one correspondence email line. Second by Janet Parisi. AYES: driveway which does not against the application(with seven signatures None. NOES: Steven Segal, Neil Martin, connect to garage space. from surrounding neighbors) and one in favor Donald Yurewicz, Janet Parisi and Jay b. Deliberation, Cohen. Motion failed(0-5). Steven Segal decisions, other action, etc. to 1)allow more than 600 square feet of non- made a motion to approve the special regarding the preceding garage space as long as the third garage door exception request to Section 7-101, Table matters. is replaced by two windows and 2)a 7-4a as authorized by Note 1 to allow driveway to which does not connect to garage more than 600 square feet of non-garage space,but opposed to 3)allowing a front space. Second by Janet Parisi. AYES: facing garage to be at the front building line. None. NOES: Steven Segal, Neil Martin, Donald Yurewicz, Janet Parisi and Jay There was one citizen speaking in favor of Cohen. Motion failed(0-5). Steven Segal the application: Jennifer Weston, 3615 made a motion to approve the special Carnegie St. and two speaking against: exception request to Section 7-101, Table MaryJo Cantu,6336 Sewanee St. and Jim 7-5a, Note 6 to allow a driveway which Moskowsky,6425 Mercer St. does not connect to garage space. Second by Janet Parisi. AYES: None. NOES: Steven Segal, Neil Martin, Donald Background Information: Yurewicz, Janet Parisi and Jay Cohen. The original plan was to build a primary Motion failed(0-5). structure at 6430 Mercer St. with a four car garage which is not allowed based on the size of the property (Table 7-4a Garage Space). The applicant decided to join 6430 Mercer St. and 6429 Virginia Ct. which would provide enough lot square footage for a four car garage. This would make it a garage accessory structure which is limited to 600 square feet of non-garage space. The existing garage at 6429 Virginia Ct. will be demolished but the applicant has requested that the driveway remain as is. 3 Docket No. 2020-0004, The applicant in Docket 2020-0004, is Motion to close the deliberation of the regarding property at requesting a special exception as authorized hearing was made by Janet Parisi. Second 3782 Georgetown St., by Table 7-5a, entitled"Parking, driveways, by Jay Cohen. AYES: Steven Segal, Neil West University Place, etc."Table 7-5a establishes the maximum Martin, Donald Yurewicz, Janet Parisi Texas 77005 (Special number of curb cuts allowed per building site and Jay Cohen.Motion carried(5-0). Exception) in a single-family district.The applicant is a. Public hearing requesting a special exception as authorized After deliberation Janet Parisi made a regarding a request for a in Note 5 to Table 7-5a to allow a total of two motion to approve the special exception special exception to allow a curb cuts on the building site. to Table 7-5a,Note 5 Parking, driveways, curb cut for a circular etc., Note 5 to allow a total of two curb driveway to be on a side Staff did not receive correspondence letters in cuts on a building site. Second by Donald street instead of both curb favor or against the application. Yurewicz. AYES: Donald Yurewicz. cuts on the front street line. NOES: Steven Segal, Neil Martin, Janet 2 TOP WORK PLACES 3800 University Boulevard I West University Place, TX 77005 ( www.westutx.gov "1'he City of West University Place 1 xeiolityirh,xxi City b. Deliberation, Background Information: Parisi and Jay Cohen. Motion failed (1- decisions, other action, etc. The property at 3782 Georgetown St. is 4). regarding the preceding located in a SF-3 zoning districts at the matters. northeast corner of Georgetown St. and Auden St.The applicant is seeking a special exception to construct a semi-circular driveway with one curb cut on Georgetown St. and one on Auden St. Staff Response: Table 7-5a limits the number of curb cuts to one per building site in a single family district.There is an exception that authorizes additional curb cuts of which can be a semi- circular driveway that meets the minimum requirements of Chapter 70,"Street Areas and Public Spaces", specifically Section 70-27 regarding curb cuts and driveways. Section 70-27 requires that the curb cuts be located along the front street line for a semi-circular driveway. The driveway configuration complies with all of the other requirements. Table 7-5a,Note 5 of the Zoning Ordinance gives the ZBA the authority to grant a special exception for additional curb cuts.The ZBA must find that he request is in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance and that the request will not cause any significant increase in on-street parking or traffic,traffic congestion, or an unreasonable burden upon public utilities or services.The burden is on the applicant to present evidence to the ZBA to support each finding and determination required for the issuance of this special exception. If the ZBA grants the special exception,they can attach conditions. 4 Meeting Minutes Approval of meeting minutes from May 28, Steven Segal moved to approve the May 2020. 28, 2020 minutes. Second by Janet Parisi. Ayes: Steven Segal, Neil Martin, Donald Yurewicz, Janet Parisi and Jay Cohen. Motion carried. Adjournment. The meeting was adjourned at 7:08 p.m. Steven Segal moved to adjourn the meeting. Second by Janet Parisi. Ayes: Steven Segal, Neil Martin, Donald Yurewicz, Janet Parisi and Jay Cohen. Motion Carried. 3 3800 University Boulevard I West University Place, TX 77005 I www.westutx.gov The City of West University Place 1 Neighborhood( itv APPROVED THIS 9>3 DAY OF Ak,gaig.- 2. 0. 4 c �.� `� 4\--)€440c Presi.ing •fficer _ I ATTEST: \J'�.lj\Q 4\)€ 1 .0c Josie M. Hayes, Administrator Coordinator 4 TQ? PLACES 3800 University Boulevard I West University Place, TX 77005 I www.westutx.gov