HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 908 Amending the Code of ORD Amending Sec 10-80 92 OlIDIRAlfCE .!U'lB::a 900 AF. ORDINANCE Al€M>ING ':HE COD!. 0:' O_.D~'C:: OF THe Cl'IY OF WFST UNIVERSITY PlACE, TEXAS BY AMENDING SECTION _0-80 ~m 10-91 OF SI\ID CODL LVC?.!!J~SIlI} CFRTAD. F"'EJ 1'0 "'E PAID ~Y JOlJRNE'YMEllt AND APPRE:ITICE ~LFCTRICIANS, AND :ROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE NOW, TBEP:hFOBIl, BE IT ORDAmFD BY THE (lITY COMC:SSION OF THi:: CI'lY OF tf'ESr Ulf!'VERSITY PLACL, 'IFXAS: Section 1. Tt-8.t the. Coa.e ot Ordinances of tne City ot West Un':'versi1.;r Place, TeDS is nereb~ amen.1eci so that hereafte!" Sect.:.or.. 10-tSO s.all read as follows: "Before a ,10urnc.yman electrIcian's apo!ication ot reg':'st.ratioa is approved, thE: applicant st.all pay -:'0 1l:e &ssess.)r :..nd col- lector ot taxes of tne c~ ty a tee 0:: $2. 5J; ar..j b~tore any ~ourneyman e~ectric:ar..'s cert:tlcat~ ':'s ~ssued. ~e sr~_~ ~ay '&0 tre assessor and collect.)_o ot taxes ot the city a tee ot ~.?O. Prtvided, r.owever, .:.t a t"er..ewal ce_o'Vit':'catc ':'s granted, tl:e appl':'catlt s,.al~ pay $2. v per year. Furtter pt"ovldea., it a : ourr..eymn electt" ':'ciar. app~i ~ for re6':'s'&ratlon luring tr.e months ot October, NoveDi:;cr aad DecE:mber aT1Cl. a ceriticatc ':'s ':'ssucd, he s1".all pay to '&~e c1tj the tollm.::'ns re.;istt"a"" ':'0'" tE:e (!"irst t.:.me) .J2.]V 8aC\. Pl.OO for a certLOi~te." Sect::'or. 2. Trat tc.e Cca.E: of Ordinan~es ot t. e C:ty of Wesl. t'r ':'vers':'-~ P~ce, 'rexas ':'s here-D) a!Deaded so tl at rerE:atter Scct':'or. 10-91 st.all read as to1lcn.s: " E:torE: r.T apprt'-ntice electriciar..' s appl':'ca'Vion of rec':'s.&.ratioa is approved, thE app~iC'ant sl'all pa;l to tl:e &SbE:SSor ar..Q col- lect.)r ot .. aJrc.J ot 'Vl:e citJ a fee ot $2. co J; and betot"e any apprer..t':'ce e~e~tr::'cia~'s cE:rtificate i~ :ss~ea., bE: sna~~ ~a3 to the assc.ssC'r &r....i. col~E:ctor r!: taxes 0'1" tr.e ci'&~. & f~e c t $1. ;0. Prov ':'dE:d, Clow""Vt.r. it a renews: certit :cate is .;r&r.+ed, the &oolicant shall pay ~1.}0 per year. ~ur 1"E:_' provia.c.d, .:.t an apprE'r..t:ce e~ectric1an a9P~ies "tot" t"egistrElt.':'c dur.:.....; of tE: l'1OIl-hs 0_' Octobt!t", l\ovember and D cE:!lber and 8 certit .:.~te ':'s ':'ssuea., . e stall pay to the c:~y of E follml'n- rer:!.s..rc. ':'Ofl 'ec. (t::.rst ~i'.e) .)2.;0 &nd $0. 0 tor a "(:l"V~t':'ca.ie. Section 3. Tl:is ordinar ce .::1'.1&_1 repeal 1.1 its em.':'rE:t. r O.!"d.':'t:.e!' CC: 1'0. 9Ot., passed a..ld approved tte 23rd day ct Decc.mber 1)68. Sect.:.on 4. Tl:':'s o.roina".~e shall '&altE: ef'tec+ &lld be ':'n fCJJ.'~c. Im- ~d':'a~el1 from ard aLter .:.~s passa6e and appt"oval. PASSED A..ID APPROVED -:l:.is 13.&.(. Jay ot January, 1969. COlIII!.iss~orers Vot~ Aye: All Co~':'ss':'o~ers ~ct':'nc ~o: n~~e ..r:!:! ST: . ~" \ Ass:st~at CIty SG~reta_~ ..I lttlyot"