HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 792 - ORD Declaring Parking of Motor Vehicles Any Residential Lots Except in Specicifed Places IU'T---n i ,I., L JL 'I ,_U...J ge v,U ORDINANCE NO. 792 AN ORDINANCE DECLARING THE PARIaNG OF MOIDR VEHICLES ON .ANY RESIDENTIAL LOTS EXCEF1\ IN SPECIFIED PLACES A NUISANCEr PROVIDING' FOR NOTICE ro 1HE OWNER OF SAID LOT; PROiVIDING A PEN.AL1'Yj PRovItitNG A SEVElUBILITY CLAUSE AND DECLARING Ml EFFECTIvE DATE:' 0 , ~~-~--"''''''''-~''''''-:'''':'~," WHEREAS, the City' C6mfuission of' the' City of ~1Test University Place, has determined'that in'many instances throughClJut t.he City resi- dentiall lots are 'being 'used as 'parking 'places for mQtor vehiqles in various states of ' repair and such motor vehicles remain so parked for a long period 0.( tinle; , 'and' ' , , , , , ' , , WHEREAS, the parking of such motor vehicles on residential'lots at points other than the improved driveway or in the garage on said premises constitutes a hazard 'and 'a "memice to 'the health of the community: , :- ;' - ~ ,,' - .... " ~ ,., NOW, ,THEREFORE,' BE IT ORDAINED "BY "THE 'crTY COMMLSSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS:' , , ' , , . 'n. , , Secti-on 1. The parking or placing of any motor vehicle or parts thereof on any lot zoned for residential usenin, the City of West,Uni- versi ty Place, Texas, except on the improved' dri vfMay on said lot or in the garage located on such lot is hereby declared to be a public nuisance. ' Section 2. Any person, corporation, partnership, syndicate or company, owning a lot in said City on idti:;ch such a nuisance exists, who shall neglect or refuse to abate the same to the satisfaction of the City Commission of said City.~fter five 'days notice from the Chief of Police of said,City,te do so, shall, on conviction, be pun- ished by a fine of not less- than $1.00 nor more than $200.00. Each day such violation shall be permitted to exist shall cons:titute a separate offense. , , , , . , , , " , Section 3. If any 'section or promision of parts hereof in this OrDinance shall be adjudged invalid or unconstitutional, such in - validity or unconstitut:i:ona1i.ty'sllall not affect the validity of the Eirdinance as a whole or of any other section of provision of part hereof. Section 4. This Ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage and approval and proper publication. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 28m DAY OF AUGUST, 15>61. COMMISSIONERS Vmr.rNG AYE All COMMISSIONERS VOTING NO None ATTEST: ~;iCi~ .~L.~ MAYOR City of West University Place, Texas .~ ~~ ;, ".. , ;;i!"'-y, o d J o