HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 791 - ORD Approving BUdget Begining Januaru 1962 - December 31, 1962 OIIDINANGE NO. 791 o '3'3 , AN ORDINANCE APPRDVlNG A ,BU,DGE'D FOR '!HE CITY OF WEST > UNIVERSI~ .pLACE,,, TEXAS" FOR A 'lWELVE MON,TH PERIOD > BEGINNING JANUARY 1.," 1962,. AND ENIJING ,DECEMBER 31, o 1962, PROVIoDUIG FOR ,THE APPROPRIATION OF PUBLIC FUNDS OF THE CITY FOR USE AND EXPENDI'lURES. ~ " tl' BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: I. That the budget of the City of West University-Place for a twelve month per,iod, beginni"ng J.~aol"Yo ~, ,19,62" .a~d ce~di,ng, December 31, 1962, an eXact ,copy of' whic)l ,i~ D);arked " Exhibit A " and made a part hereof for all purposes, is )le.repYo aJ>~rqveod .al1d ,aqop.t~d ,by the Vity Commission of the Ci,ty o,f West U:ni.ve,rsj.ty .Pl;a<;e" ~e~s" ca~ ~he_ ~~ge.t .of the City for said otwelve month; p,er,io,d., 0 , 0 ,-,' - < . ~ ~ 0 C ;: ;j ~I~.:> .c ~ :;\ C .:l :> .3:J:'C ';;.C;:;C:;:02:'o.~C~C,J;: Tha~ there ish~re)>i app"rOpt?-~t~d :~t :o~ t)1~ public funds and monies 0;( the City of West Uni versi ty Place, -Texas," such sum and ' swiis, or any part thereof, as maybe 'authorized and directed by the City comn!ission to be Iiaid by the City 'for 'the uses and purposes set <.: ..,~~~ 'O"'C;~ .... forth in the said budget~ ,,< ", . -" ) C :) ':l ;) ,., ':J C ... :J () C C C .Ql C (. Thi~ Ordinance aprirq~n~ a;n4 ~d~piing 'a 'tiudget for the wel va month pez:iod hereinabove specified is made in all .things in accor- dance wi~h the terms :a~d J>~ott~i~n~ of the Charter .of the 'Cityo! . West Um v:ersi~y,Place, Texas. cC=!:~:)C':;O-:lCO~JJQ o : ' ~tI :EiHiBIT 'A ',,' . , 0 " '0 CITY ~OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE BUDGET for Twelve Month' Period o Beiirlning J anuaryl, 1962 Ending December 31, 1962 , I:rEM I.o ANTICIPATED ,INCOME o Cnrrent 'Taxes - 1961 General Fund. ... .. .. . . .$ Delinquent Taxes ,'Penalties & Interest . . . . . Franchise & Gross ReC'eipts Tax ..... ~ . . . . . Licenses & Permits. : : . : ; '.' ~ ~ ~ , '0. . Corporation Court 'fine'S '. '. '. o. o. . . .. ... Revenue from Property .. .. .' ." .. ,: . . . . .. · Charges for Current Services . . .., . . . . . . " Garbage Collection FoeS's'. o. . . .' . . . . . . . Available Cash 1-1-62 General Fund . . . . . . . Transfer from Health Fund . . . .. ...... Swimming Pool . . . . . .. :......... - L j j ~I >. III , J'lJ!lIlilllnJ U mrnlllli 279,357.00 6;500.00 55,050.00 7,500.00 26,000.00 8,300.00 1,400.00 46,800.00 40,000.00 -0- 13,260.00 Illlllifr: T"- n ,_. , . I I,' U I:. LlL 34 Swimming Pool Available ,Cash. . . . . . . . . . . Transfer from Water Fund to Swim. Pool Fund . . . Health Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tax Revenue Sinking Fund .... . . . . . _. . . Tax Revenue Sinking Fund Available, Cal;1h ._ .- . .. . Water & Sewer Fund . .,. . . .'. . . .. ..... Water & Sewer Fund Availap1e -Casl1 ... .... TOTAL INCOME ITEM II. EXPl!NDIroRES General Fund -Departments. City Commission-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Administrative.- City Manager's Office- . . . . Corporation Court ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Finance . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . Tax Department . . . .. ........... Legal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Planning & Zoning . . . . . . . _. . . . . . . . Police Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fire Department . . . . . . . ... . . ,. . . . . " Inspection Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . Street Department . . .. . . . . . .. . . ., . . Erlgineering Department .. .......... Street Lighting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Building Maintenance. ............ Sanitation - Waste Collection. . . . . . . . . Scinitati.on - Offstreet Pickup. . .. ,._ . . . . Sanitation - Sam tarj Land' Fill . . . . . ... . Park Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Community House . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . .. . Unappropriated Surplus - General Fund . . . . . Sub-Total . . . . . other Departments Swimming Pool . . . . . . .'. . .. .. . Swimming Pool Debt Service . . . . . . . . . Health Department . . . . .. ........ Hea1,th Departmept. -: 'l)'~ns!er ,to General Fund . Tax p.evenue Sinki"ng ~l1d - Bonds & Interest ._ Tax fl-evenue Sinki,ng F:un,d-,Re,seFv:.e For Debt.Serv. Watep Departmen,t ,.., ., ., ., ., · ,.' ., ._ ., ._ .,., . Sewe,r Departmen,t ,- ,CoJ;Le,ctj.o,n ,. .. " ,. ,.- . . . Sewe,r Department -, ~~at.me,nt. ., ., ., .. ., ., . . . 3ub- 'l'otal . . .. "'..."....- . . . II -0- 5,034.50 13,717.00 .144,270.00 J9 ~400.00 219,300.00 112,000.00 $~;ol7~88S)'50 5,615.00 16,929.00 2,918~00 21,932.00 6,569.00 3,281.00 2,900.00 . 79,314.00 51,932.00 8,138.00 75,299.00 5,110.00 8,900.00 4,873.00 82,833.00 35,983.00 11,.793.00 5,592.00 4,001.00 3,095.00 437 ,007100 14,417.00 3,877.50 12,317.00 -0- 135,970.00 47,700.00 ll8,150.oo 18,524.00 32.256.00 383,211.50 liT U I o J o 35 WI TAL OU'ILAY J General Fund Departments Administrative - City Manager's Office. . . . . ... ..~ -0- Engineering 'Department"'.. ~'.L..'~ . ': -'~ ! . . . ..-.,; :"::-0- Tax Department ~::. ~'. .~ .'..'; '; ~,: -; ~".' ~ . .'... . . .. ~"-O- Fire Department . . .' ~"'. . ~. ~ : ,~., .' ."1. ~'l ~ ':"~ . . ..,: ~6~1ioo.00 Police Department. . ........ .'. . . . . . .5,500.00 Street Department . .'. . -:;,~ '. ":=. ~. ~' ~"~ :"~!'~". '~"~ ~" 14;000.00 Sa.mfutatib'911 Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2,900.00' San.'Dept.',,; 'Repymtiloan 'to'l)Ur~' 75 adtes ~IaIid .... :~' .'. 3,666:06' ltiSpection:Department :"'~u~'''~''. ~~,. :. ',; :'. _),;':~ .- \ ~ ~':. : ~~'50.o.00' ;:, \'i : .. Sub-total . . . . . . 35,300;00' HealthDe~~r.tm~n~... · .c~...,. ......~. ._._~.,!!.. !.:~ 1,,400.,.00. Water and Sewer Departments b .. 6 ., Ii'. ~ _ .. Water Department . . . . . . .. .... Sewer Department . ,. .~. . . . . . . ., .,~" ~<it_..o. ..... .~20, 700.00 ' .. 15,000.00. .. . .,. ~ r ~_ -'" _ Sub-Total .... 135~ 700.00 . r . .~,.,. f' .\. TQTAL.':~.rT.A~('9Ui;AY':'.:"..-'~" 17;1.,00Q.00 ('TO'TAL'OPERATING-'EtPENSE. ..$ '820~218.5o",. TOTAL EXPENffi'lURES . .. . $ 99] 21 f( ~() ~ ~ ~ . ". " '.C: r ~', 0'-- -,' D ~ '. r~ - - . : 10,.;: ...... f -;F ~ ,'"0' , .~ _ ., , : ;"~~1,, l '. < ? . \. , ~, \ ~'~I""~! .,..r.... ~',' r~,. "7 .-'1'\ ,-~. "':-'. --: !f'l .,.(. Transfer" 6l~l\Uiiiiii.frQin W~ter ,~p.d ;to'I,Sw:i.mming. ,_" . Pool.:: :~(t'~to':.9f.fs~~; :a.iit~qil?~ie,~.defi.cit '..:. {. ". . -><5~Q~b4$ff) , .... .~:~,o :.,( f~)-,~:'~"--:.'~;':' n:1 '1:I.L~'o- Unapprcprila.ted~~c.ash ~8t1rpl\i's j'~~(.:~' .1 n ~h ';}. .'\.~. Wa.ter-Sewer Fund . . . . . . . . . . . .-" ;.i ~ ~ \ ,~" ~.; ~ . " . . ! .0 . . . 21,'635;50' " l' _ !.,,~. -r .' ,u, :',; r,' ~! ; ~. . ! 1 ~ ..'.-: -,:. ,.,,',.,. >""m"'" '. ',.,', ,,-- "" -..- ~_~ I, :. ,'<.' ":', 'TO , ,'. ';;__~ '., :.: o. :,.,.:' $l,,>0;1J.,J388.5o '. . ! _' . . 0 ~ I .. .. h .. - . 0 ~ ~. . ~ ,.. ., PASSED AND :APPRoVEJjf ''!HiS THE .28nr"DA'Y OF' AUGUST~ . 196i~' . <, o ., o. ,',J) 1 .~. ;,i.... ,"; . . COMMISSIONERS VOTING AYE COMMISSIONERS VOfiNG NO ~V-v- . ~. o ~,i.'~~'UA . MAYOR ATTEST: "Ctty. o~. W~~~,:,,:g~i::V:Elrsity Place, Texas ~~~~. Assis . t 'c-re-t~ry;.. --; ~ .-'" _ >..n ", t',;. o~~ ~ : :.;,.~o '. . -,' .. . LTL.....L ~__ _-------...lI . ~L -Tr-'l.... ___~llJii,miiIiliIi