HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 786 - ORD Amending ORD 535 Section 1 '11U1" 1'1..1"., , LJ II f. 24 ORDINANCE NO. 786 AN ORDINANCE AMElIDING SECTION 1 OF ORDINANCE :NUMBER 535 OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; PROVmING FOR QUALIFmD PERSONNEL AS MEMBERS OF TEE ELECTRICAL BOARD; CONrAINING REPEALING CLAUSE; AND PROV:mING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE rr ORDAINED BY TEE CITY COMMISSION OF TEE CITY OF WEST UNI - VERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: SECTION 1 That Section 1 of Ordinance No. 535 of the City of West University Place, Texas, be and it is hereby amended so that hereafter such Section 1 of Ordinance No. 535 shall read as follows: It S~('>i:'j r\1? 1 li:Lli:CTBICU, :aOA]ID - There is hereby created an Electrical Board which shall consist of five members appointed by the City Commission. T,he Chairman of the Board shall be elected by vote,i'of the said Board.'T1le Chief Electrical Inspector shall be a member of such Board. Each of said five positions' shall be n~mbered.Each of them shall have been residents of the City of West University Place for the last two years immediately preceding said appointment. Position Number 1 shall be filled by the Chief Electrical Inspector of the City of West University Place, Texas. Position Number 2 shall be filled by a duly Registered Electrical Engineer. ' Position Number 3 shall be filled by a duly licensed Master Electrician, as that term is used in Ordinance No. 535. Positi9n Numbers 4 and 5 shall be filled by either a duly Regis - tered Electrical Engineer or ,Master Electrician. The Electrical Engineer hereinabove referred to as filling Position Numbe~ 2 shall be an Electrical Engineer in the employ of some industrial concern, office building or some recognized school teaching Electrical Engineering, or a representative of the Board of Fire Underwriters, or Texas Inspection Bureau, or a recognized inde - pendent Registered Electrical Engineer. The first appointment to the Board created hereby shall be made immediately the the final passage hereof and each such person appointed shall hold office until the next succeeding election of the City Commis- sion or until their successors have been duly appointed and qualified. Any member of the Board shall be subject to removal, for just cause, at the will and pleasure of the City Commission. Three (3) members of the Electrical Board present at any meeting shall cons - titute a quorum for the granting and revocation of licenses and for : :1 j o J o 25 the transaction of all other business of said Board, and a majority vote of the members of the Board at any meeting shall prevai L The Electrical Board shall give written examinations for Master:E:Electricians' licenses and either writte~ or oralexamina- tions for Maintenance Electric;i.ans' licenses;ra.t the discretion of the Board. A complete record of the examination given, consisting of the questions, answers, grades and final results shall be kept in the records of the Electrical Board for a period of not less than one year. The applicant shall have the right at any time during regular office hours to inspect such records as to his exami- ,nation in the presence of the secretary of' the Electrical Board or any member of said Board. II IN ALL INSTANCES IN THIS ORDINANCE THE WORD SHALL IS MAI\JDATORY. SECTION 2. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in direct conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict only. SECTllilN 3. J This ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its adoption and publication according to law. PASSED AND APPROVE1Y.'i:mIIS THE 23RD DAY OF JANUARY, 1961. COMMISSIONERS VOTING AYE ALL COMMISSIONERS VOTING NO NONE j~,,:,, -ft- .';;P ~ A _ ~J) ~. A . ~ -- ----- MAYOR City of West University Place, Texas ATTEST : $C <"" ~.~ Assistant City ecretary TI r::::::Ti,--'J.____-.-...:l_--.-'___ ___ __~ _" _~ _______L_ _lL L............:~~ \!fr11N!OOUllfI!lllHllllilllllli