HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 749 - ORD Approving & Adopting Revised Plans & Specifications for the Improvement ~o ____.~..._ m&- ORDINANCE NO. 749 .~"-~"'._--.... -"~--- AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AND ADOPrING REVISED, PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR TEE IMPROVEMENT OF Section 1; WESTCHESTER AvENUE BETwEEN : UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD AND DUKE: STREET D , , Section 2" WESTCHESTER AVENBE BETWEEN CASON STREET ~AND BELLAIRE BOULEVARD Section 3" RurGERS AVENUE BETWEEN lJ.NIVERSITY BOULEVARD AND. DUKE: STREET 'Secti?n 4, RurGERs AVENuErBETWEEN CASON STREET . AlID BELLAIRE BOULEVARD Section' 5, VAIilDERBILT A~NUE ~ETWEEN cARtlEGIE STREET AND BELLAIRE BOULEVARD HERETOFORE ORPERED, ~ROVEp: PROVIDING-THAT SID ~ISED PI4NS .AND SPECIFICATIONS - SHALL,,!N .ALL THINGS; SUPERSED~, AND ;BE SUBSTITUl'ED FOR MID IN ~IEU OF ;PLANS Al'ID $PECIFICATIONS APPROVED AND ADOPrED FOR SAm IMPROVEMENTS IN AJ.IID BY ORDINANCE NO. 742 ,PASSED .AND ADOPrED SEPTEMBER 8, 1958; .AMEl\IDING SAID ORDINANCE NO. 742 TO TEE EXTENT STATED AND PRO-.. vJ])ING ,THAT SAME ,OTBERW.lSE REMA:INS IN FULL FORCE AND ' ~CT, . AS SO AMENDED: ':bIR;ECT~NG AND .REQUIRING TEE ENGINEER FQR TBECm 1'0 PREPARE A :NEW ESTIMATE FOR TEE QO~T OF SAIDIMi?ROvE~1frS AND DIRECTING .THE -CJ:TY SECRETARY. TO ADVERTI8.EFOf{ BIDS TO BE RECEIVED AND' FTI.J!:D WITHIN TEE TIME.PRQVIDED; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. ~ - ~ . [j ***************** BE IT ORDAINED BY TEE CITY COMMISSION OF TEE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAs: ~ SECTION 1. The City Commission of the City of West University Place" Texas, hereby finds and determines that by ordinance No. 742 , duly and regularly passed and approved Se'ptember 8, 1958, the -J.mprovemeni;--of' certa..l:l.':l -por-ti{)~ .certain streets in the City of West University Place, Texas,_more particularly set out therein and herein, were ordered improved; that plans and specifications for such improvements were therein duly approved and adopted; that advertisement for bids as re- quired'by the! Law and the Charter of'the City of West University Place; Texas, were duly and regularly made, but no bids were received therefor within the time therein set out. [j ] J tSf SECTION 2. The City Commission qf the City of West University P ce, Texas, has.heretofore considered the advisability of re- vising and aindi.ng the plans and s pe. cification.s. fo.r t.he c..onstruction....of the improvements f said portions of said streets as earlier ordered and, pur- suant to inst uction, the qity Et}gineer has prepared and submitted revised plans and spepification~ therefor, providing for and to result in essen- tially the salme and,equalJ,.y as good'or better than ,the improvements provided in said origiEal pl8.ns and specifications; and the City Commission', having duly considered same, here and. now, approves and adopts the revised plans and specific~ibns for said'improvements'as heretQfore prepared and sub - . mitted to it y the City.Engineer; and said revised plans and specificationS so now appro Fd and adopted shall be,' ahd' are hereby, in all things sub - stituted for rnd in lieu of the origina?-,plf:l.ns and specifications approved and adopted brY said Ordinance No. 742., duly and regularly passed September 8,1958, is ~erebY amended to subsill'Ute the presently approved and adopted revised Plansl and specifications as being the plans and specifications re - ferred to th rein in lieu of the original plans and specifications for Baid improvements, so that the earlier ordered improvements of the following portions of e dE1s1.gnated streets, to wit: Section 1, Westchester Avenue between University Bo~levard and,Duke Street Section 2, Westchest~r Avenue between Cason Street and Bellaire Boulevard Section 3, Rutgers Avenue between University Boulevard and Duke' street' , ' .' .. Section 4, Rutgers Avenue between Cason Street and Bellaire Boulevard Section 5, Vanderbilt Avenue between Carnegie Str~et and Bellaire Boulevard shall be in ccordance with said revised plans and specifications. SECTION 3. Other than as expressly amended hereby, said Ordinance No. 742, passed and ,approved September 8, 1~58,is continued in full forcd and effect in all things. SECTION 4. The City Engineer is here and noW directed, as soon as h may conveniently do so, to prepare a new estimate of.the cost of such improvements, and each portion thereof, in like manner as earlier dire ted, taking into consideration the revised plans and specifica- tions. SECTION 5. The City Secretary, is hereby directed to again advertise fo sealed bids for such work and improvement with reference to curbs and gu~ters and appurtenances and incidentals thereto, in accordance with the rev' sed plans and specifications hereinabove adopted and approved; which bids y be received by and filed with the City Secretary at or before 7:00 o'clock. P.M., November 24, 1958. -~~- _. .~1-..... III ~ r-: _ IL. _..I ~ I 'I .I '--' '80' , l~ 'J:;' , . . S]jCTION 6. The ,fact that the portions of the ,streets herein orde~ed improved within ,the limi~s'herein defined and stated are in'::'need of impr'ov'ement as promptly as 'possible, creates a public emer - gency, and therefore, this Ordinance shall 'be passed finally on the date of its'1'iftroduction, this 27th day of October, 1958, and shall take e,ffect immediate ly upon its passage and approval' by .t)le Mayor. ' " " . Passed ~his 27 th da~ of ,Oc:t6ber, 1958. Commissioners Br~, Davis and Halbe.rt; and Ma:zor Pro-Tern Galbraith' voting aye. ' Commissioners None voting no. , Approved this 27th day of October, 1958. ATTEST: ~. City Secre .' ., . " " -"'..-, ," ~J '. ., ' o .0 o