HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 737 - ORD Amending ORD 255 WU Provide Premissive use of Rabies Vaccine I U ,_ I---J '. "';;:01.'" 56 ORnTNAlIT~ lITO 737 o AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 255 OF TEE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE,,' TEXAS TO PROVIDE FOR THE PERMISSIVE USE OF RABIES VACCINE OF CHICK-1!:MBRYO ORIGIN A:ND RECOGNIZING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF SUCH VACCINE FOR A PERIOD OF THREE YEARS. FOLLOWING EACH SUCH VACCINATION; A:ND PROVIDING AN EF- FECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. Article 1 of Ordinance No. 255. is hereby amended so that such Article 1 shall hereafter provide: Article 1. License required, fee payable, muzzles: It shall be unlawful for the owner or harborer of any animal of the dog kind, to harbor or per~it said dog within the city li~its of the City of West University Place, Texas without having paid the assessor and collector of taxes of the City of West University Place, in advance, an annual license tax of One Dollar ($1.00) upon each male and female dog six months of age or over. It shall be un- lawful for the owner or harborer of any animal of the dog kind to harbor or permit said dog to run at large within theClty limits of the City of West University Place, unless the mouth of such animal be muzzled in such manner as to protect persons from being bitten. Animals, however, that have been immunized with anti-rabies vaccine by a licensed veterinarian, as 'herewith provided, shallkbe exempt from the provisions hereof requiring muzzling when said animals, are on or attached securely to a leash and such leash is ~ he.ld by a person of competent strength to hold and control such animal. :,' " The license fees required by this article shall be due and payable on or before March 1st of each calendar year, and when paid phall be good for the year ending the last day of February following payment of such tax. Payment of said tax after March 1st of any year shall cover only the unexpired part of said twelve month p~riod, a~d shall be in the full sum of One Dollar ($1.00). Section 2. Article 4 of Ordinance No. 255 is hereby amended so that such Article 4 shall hereafter provide: Article 4. Vaccination: All animals of the dog kind within the city limts of the City of West Univer~ity Place not properly muzzled as herein set, forth are required to be immunized against rabies by means of an anti-rabies vaccine approved by the City Health Officer of said City, administeredbya duly licensed veterinarian; and avery veterinarian who vaccinates any such animal or animals of the dog kind within the city limits of the City of West, University Place shall issue a certificate of vaccination to such owner, stating the name ,of the owner, the address of the owner, description of the dog, the date of vaccination, the number of the rabies vaccination tag and the kind of vaccine used, and shall furnish to the Owner a true copy of such certificate, and the Owner shall furnish such certificate to the authorized person of the city. And it is further provided that upon vaccination of each dog, the veterinarian shall furnish the Owner of such animal a durable tag on one side of which is stamped,the VTords "rabies vaccine administered" o ] ] ] 157, or a similar phrase, and the date of vaccination, which tag at all times shall be securely attached to a collar around the neck of the animal or harness around the neck and body of the animal vaccinated. when rabies vaccine of nervous tissue origin is administered, the dog must be revacci- nated annually.' When rabies vaccine of chick-embryo origin, is administered by a licensed veterinarian the dog must be revaccinatedev.:err-<;~t1ree~pyears BXCept that'a dog uhder,6m.op.tp.s:6f"age;receiving chick-embryo'vaccine shall be revaccinated <:j.f:t;er a period of one year,. and every three years thereafter. PI-oyided, however, when a district or countY,'board of health or the state Board of Health adopts a resolution stating that in order to control rabies and protect the public health, annual vaccination is neces- sary within the area"over which they have jurisdiction; then the dog must b~ vaccinated annually regardless of the type vaccine used. Section 3. This ordinance shall be effective from and after the publication of its caption as provided by the City Charter. PASSED AND APPROVED this the 12th day of May, 1958. COMMISSIONERS VOTING AYE: ALL COMMISSIONERS VOTING NO: NONE, MAYOR CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS