HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 723 - ORD Emergency Construction & Repairs to the Sanitary Sewer System of West U l ----, ; I --..J . 1 i ~ 119 ORDINANCE NO. 723 AN ORDINANCE FINDING AND DETERMINING THE NECESSITY FOR CERTAIN EMER- GENCY CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIRS TO THE SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM OF THE .,'. CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; AurHORIZING THE CITY ENGINEER AND CITY MANAGER TO OBTAIN TBESERVICES OF A COMPETENT CONSTRUCTION COMPANY TO MAKE THE SAID NECESSARY EMERGENCY REPAIRS '1'0 THE SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM ON A FORCE ACCOUNT BASIS; APPROPRIATING A SUM OF $5,,000 FROM THE SANITARY SEWER FtJND; AUTHORIZING PAYMENT OF SERVICES RENDERED IN COmmCTION WITH SUCH EMERGENCY CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIRS, AND DE- CLARING AN EMERGENCY. WHEREAS, an investigation was made by the City Engineer and the Water Superintend- ent of the condition of a 10-inch sanitary sewer line in the easement between Westchester and Rutgers Streets, between Duke and Pittsburg Streets" as a result of numerous complaints of offensive odors in the locality; and WHEREAS, by virtue of an investigation by the CitYIEt1gineer and Watex Superin- tendent, it was determined that the existing sanitary sewer line was broken in numerous places and considered expensive to replace because of its approximate depth of 10 feet, and as a result of-obstructions in the easement, inclUding fences, small accessory buildings" trees, shrubs" etc.; and WHEREAS, the City Engineer has determined it to be more economical to insta.ll seven hundred feet of 6-inch sanitary sewer line at a depth of 3 to 6 feet along the easement over "the old 10-inch line, from a point on Duke Street running south to Pittsburg street and re~connecting all house connections" and to re-route the 10-inch line by constructing eight hundred feet of lO-inch pipe" beginning on the south side of Pittsburg Street, running east to Rutgers, then north on Rutgers to the north side of Duke Street, and to construct two manholes; and WBEREAS, it has been determined that Russ Mitchell" Incorporated, is competent to effect such construction and repairs" and has been recommended to the City Com- mission to be employed for this purpose; and WHEREAS, the repair of said sanitary sewer system is a matter vital to pUblic health, and constitutes an emergency; and WHEREAS, the City Engineer has estimated the total sum of money reqUired to complete this emergency construction and repairs will amount to approximatelY t~ve Thousand Dollars" and that the said work can be accomplished economically by the City purchasing the materials and engaging Russ Mitchell, Incorporated to perform personal services on a force account basis, including the employment of labor" furnishing of a superintendent" and necessary equipment renta~: NOW, THEREFORE, :BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: \.-. IJ.f ~ ~ Section 1. That the Mayor and City Manager be and they are hereby authorized to 0 obtain the services of Russ Mitchell" Incorporated" on a force account basis to effect the necessary emergency construction and repairs to the sanitary sewer system caused by continuous breaks in a lO-inch line in the easement between Westchester and Rutgers streets" bounded on the north by Duke and on the south by Pittsburg. Section 2. That the City Manager be and he is hereby authorized, upon being advised by the City Engineer that the said construction and repairs have been . completed and approved, to pay Russ Mitchell, Incorporated, for such services rendered from th~ Sanitary Sewer Fund, appropriated for this purpose. . - Section 3. Inasmuch as the existing 10-inch sanitary sewer line has collapsed in numerous places, and is no longerse~viceable" thus creating an emergency" this ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately from and after its passage by the City Commission of the City of Wer;;t University Place, Texas. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 25th day of February" 1957. COMMISSIONERS VOTING AlE: ALL COMMISSIONERS VOTING .NO: NONE r/&/~.. ~ , MAYOR o ATTEST: ~JM 9~ ------ o