HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 721 - ORD Finding & Determining Pumps & Disvharge Columns in Water Wells Nos 4&5 ~rl 1--..1-----' L1' .. " 12{ ORDINANCE NO. 72\1. AN ORD:rNABCE FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT THE PUMPS AND DISCHARGE COLUMNS IN WATER- WELLS NOS. 4 AND ,5 ARE IN NEED OF REPAIRING AND REPLACING; APPROVING ~ AND ADOPTING THE REC9MMENDATION OF THE CITY ENG~, WATER SUPERINTENDENT, AND 'I1IECITY MANAGER CONCERNING WORK TO BE OONEIN REB'A33ILITATION OF SUCH PUMPS AND DISCHARGE ,COLUMNS; ACCEPl'ANCE OF COMPETITIVE BIDS ,FROM REL~LE FIRMS EQUIPPED TO PERFORM SUCH WORK; RECOGNIZING THE- -DESIRABILITY OF ' ENGAGING A COMPETENr FIRM ON A PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACT BASIS TO PERFORM SUCH ,OTHER WORK Nor EMBODIED, IN THE SPECIFICATIONS; ~ APPROPRIATING FROM THE WATER REVENUE FUND' THE suM OF $12,500 TO PAY THE ESfIMATED COST OF ALL WORK, MATERIALS, SUPPLIES':ETa.; APPRoViNG AN ALLOilANCE OF $850.00 DOLLAR$ ]i'OR THE' TRADE- IN OF A DISCHARGE COLUMN IN WELL, NO. 4 AND ONE 200 H.P. CUl'LER HAMMER REDUCED VOLTAQE STARTER; AWARDING A COlilTRACT TO THE LAYNE TEXAS COMPAm' L:naTED IN THE SPECIFIC Al.-:lOUNT 0F $lO, 377 .30 PLUS AN ADDITIONAL ESTIMA'l'ED SUM OF $2,000 ON A PERSONAL. SERVICE BASIS; AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY, MANAGER TO PROCEED AT <>NeE WITH THE ACCOMPLISBMElf.r OF -THE 'WO~K AS RECOMMENDED; At1rHORIZING THE ' . MAYOR A'ND THE CITY TREASURER TO-DRAW- A WARRANT.OR WARlWlTS AGAINST SAID REVEmJE FUND TO DISCHARGE THE CITY'S OBLIGATION THERETO, ~ DECLARING AN EMERGENCY; o WHEREAS" it has. been brought to the attention of the City Commission by the City Engineer and Water Superintendent that the pumps and discharge columns in Well No.4, located on the North i of Lot69, Block 16, College View 3rd Addition,' 0 and No.5, located on Lot 1, Block 1 College View 3rd Addition, each are in need of re-working and rehabilitation; and WBEREAS,the City Commission has heretofore approved the written recommendations of the City Engineer and. Water Superintendent as to the work that needs to be done on such water pumps and discharge columns so as to increase their working head and to provide 'for an adequate water, supply 'for tl;t.e City during the peak periods of consumption, and to provide adequate and even pressure at all times; and" WHEREAS" such employees of the City have made their report to the City Commission recommending that the maximum effiCiency from each of the said water pumps in Well 4 and-5 can best be obtained at a relatively small cost to the City by re-working or replacing said. pumps and discharge columns in the following manner: FOR REPAIRS TO PUMP AND DISCHARGE COLUMN IN WATER WELL No.4: Furnishing one one complete new pump and.discharge column consisting of . . 1 - 15" RHC 3-stage Ptimp Bowl with cast iron bowls and bronze impellers 360' of T & C Discharge Column in 20' lengths Discharge Head with brass plate 1 - Celinoid Automatic Drip Feed Oil Lubricator 360' of 1" Brass Airline ' o 113 , FOR REPAIRS TO PUMP AND DISClJARGE COLUMN IN WATER WELL NO.5: 1 - 17" DrorC Pump Bowl 1 - 17" DRRC Bronze Impeller 1 - 17" DRHC Impeller Shaft 60' of 12" x 2'-3/1.6" x 3t" Discharge Column 60' of 1/8" Brass Airline 1 - Altitude Gauge and Fittings and, WHEREAS, competitive bids were received on October 22, 1956 in accordance with duly published Notice to Bidders, and at such date two bids were received in ac- cordance with said Notice, one being that submitted by the Layne Texas Company, Limited, Houston, Texas, and the other from the Texas Water Wells, Incorporated, Houston, Texas, and upon referral to the City Engineer, Water Superintendent, and City Manager for study and recommendation, it was determined that the bid submitted by the Layne Texas Company, Limited, was the best and most advantageous bid to the City and that the City Manager and City Engineer on October 29" 1956 did recommend in a report submitted to the City Commispion that a contract be awarded to the Layne Texas Company" Limited, in accordance with their written Proposal dated October 22, 1956" complying in all respects with the City's spec- ifications; and WHEREAS, the City Treasurer has duly and regularly" in accordance with the City's Charter, certified to the City Commission by Treasury Certificate No. 70 that there is available in the City's Water Revenue Fund an amount in the sum of $12,500 which has not already been appropriated for any other purpose, and is now available for appropriation by the City Commission for payment of the esti- mated cost of re-working and rehabilitating said pumps and said discharge columns in Water Wells Nos. 4 and 5; NoW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY TEE. CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Sectionl. The City Commission hereby approves and adopts the recommendation of the City Engineer and Water Superintendent 'and City Manager, and finds and deter- mines that the pumps and discharge columns in Water wells Nos. 4 and 5 are in need of immediate re-working and rehabilitation. Section 2. The City Commission further finds and determines that the bid submitted by Layne Texas Company" Limited, is the best and most advantageous ~f the bids received on October F9th, and does hereby adopt the recommendation of the City En- gineer, Water Superintendent and City Manager in that respect. Section 3. The City Commission further finds and determines that it is imprac- tical to write specifications ~or the employment of personal services, a re-working rig, tools and equipment necessary to accomplish the rehabilitation of the pumps and discharge columns of Water We.lls 4 & 5, and that the LayEle..Texas<company, Lim- ited" be and they are hereby awarded a contract to do such work on the basis of ~"'- ---,-[~.--- ;[']i r--r _ur ; 14 standard service ~harge schedule in accordance with a copy attached to their Proposal which was dated October 22, 1956. Section 4. The Mayor and the City Manager are hereby authorized to proceed at once with the accomplishment of the work on the pumps and discharge columns in Wells Nos. 4' and 5 as contained in the recommendations of the City Engineer and Water Superintendent. Section 5. That a contract is hereby awa.rded to the Layne Texas Company, Lim- ited,in the'specific amount of $10,377.30, plus an additional estimated sum of $2,000 required for personal services, use of are-working rig, tools and equip- ment necessary to perform the work, the said sum of $10,377.30 being the amount of the bid submitted by Layne Texas Company for such work, inclUding the de- duction of $850.00 as an allowance for the discharge column and one (1) 200 R.P. Cutler~Hammer reduced voltage starter which the City proposes to trade in, and for which the City has no further use. The award of a contract to the Layne Texas Company, Limited, in the estimated total amount of $12,377.30 is predica.ted on said company furnishing a certificate of insurance to the City of West University Place showing coverage of all insurance requirements of the City. Section 6. The Mayor and City Treasurer are hereby authorized to draw a warrant or warrants payable to Layne Texas Company, Limited, and such portion and portions thereof as may be necessary to pay and discharge the obligations of the City in connection with such contract. Section 7. The maintenance of an adequate supply of water for the City and the maintenance of an even flow of vTater in the water mains of the City being nec-' essary to the preserving of pUblic health and property rights in controlling a conflagration, and the need for all of which creates a public emergency, this ordinance shall be passed finally on the date of its introduction and shall take 'effect immediately on its passage and approval. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 14TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1956. COMMISSIOm:RS VOTING AYE: ALL COMMISSIONERS VOTING NO: NONE ~aJ;/,L~~ MAYOR OF THE CITY OF WEST SITY PLACE ATTEST : ~~ C ~~Y o OJ o