HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 711 - ORD Prohibiting the selling & Dispensing or Offering to Sell Service Gas Station Gasoline 7:9'" ORDINANCE NO. 711 - AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING THE SELLING OR DISPENSING OR OFFERING TO SELL OR: DISPENSE AT SERVICE STATIONS GASOLINE OR OTHER FLAM- MABLE LIQUIDS HAVING A FLASH POINT iBELOW 200 DEGREES FAHRENHEIT IN ANY CONTAINER GrHER THAN A METAL' CONTAINER EQUIPPED WITH A CAP OR orHER SIMILAR DEVICE SUFFICIE~ TO PREVENT THE ESCAPE OF VAPORS; REQUIRING THE PROPER LETTERING OF PORTABLE METAL CON- TAINERs WHICH ARE USED FOR THE STORING OF GASOLINE AND GrHER FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS; MAKING VIOLATIONS A MISDEMEANOR AND PROVIDING A PENALTY, OF Nor LESS THAN $1.00 NOR MORE THAN $200.00. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. It shall be unla~~ul for the own~r or manager of any service station or dispensing station, self-service or otherwise, or agents, employees and servants of such owner or manager, to sell or dispense or offer to sell or dispense gasoline-or other liquids having a flash point below, 200 Degrees Fahren- heit in any container other than a metal con~ainer equipped with a cap or otheT similar device sufficient to prevent the escape of vapors; . Section 2. 'Any container used by any person for the storage of-any li~uids having a flash point below a temperature of 200 De~ees Fahrenheit shall be a metal con- tainer equipped with a cap or other similar device sufficient to prevent the escape of vapors and such container shall have conspic~ously displayed thereon the following word: "DANGER" S~~~'Any person who shall violate the prOV1Slons of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty ofa misdemeanor and upon cqnviction therefor, shall be fined not le s s than $l.,OO~nor more than $200.00 for each such offens18' Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect ,immediately upon its passage and approva 1. PASSED AND APPROVED this 27th day of August, 1956. COMMISSIONERS VGrING AYE: All COMMISSIONERS VOTING NO: None . 6i~ -;)f~~ MAYOR, City of West University Place, Texas ATI'EST: ~, . ~,;~.~,~J CI SECRET I _ .L'--..L____L-_~.__l __.'--':::::iI_-:________~_......J:__ .1- c. _ 1': ..,__L__~___~_~~___....lL[