HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 710 - ORD Regulating the Laying Construction, Building, Repairing Or Rebuilding of Sidewalks, Driveways Curbs or Gutters ] 15' , ORDINANCE NO. 710 AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE LAYING, CONSTRUCTING, BUILDING, REPAIRING OR REBUILDING OF SIDEWALKS , DRIVEWAYS, CURBS OR GUTTERS ON ANY STREET, ALLEY, EASEMENT, OR THOROUGHFARE WITHIN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE: ADOPl'ING STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS; PROVIDING PENALTIES ;CO:NTAINING SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; REPEALING ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; AND PROVIDING FQR THE EFFECTIVE DATE HEREOF. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF TEE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE: Section~. Bond and License for Sid~yalkBuilders_ That hereafter no-per~on, firm or corporation shall lay, construct, build, repair or rebuild any sidewalk, driveway, curb, or gutter on any street, alley, easement, or thor.oughfare within the City of ' West University Place without first applying to the City Manager of said city or his authorized representative, fora license to do such work, and having made and executed a bond to such city in the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) and having paid a license fee of Five Dollars ($5.00), and having obtained a permit from the Building Inspector to do such vTork. Said license shall expire one (1) year from the date of issue, arid shall be issued anew for each succeeding year. Section 2. Requisites of License and Bond. The license hereinabove mentioned shall be issued by the City Manager, or his authorized representative, and before the issuance of same, the applica.nt shall file :i.nCthe office of the City Manager a yearly bond in the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) conditioned that the principal ~herein will construct, reconstruct or r"egrade all sidewalks, driveways;- curbs or gutters in accordance with the ordinances of the Ci~y^of West University Place and on the line and grade as established by the City Engin~er and further conditioned that such person will saye the City harm~ess from all loss or damage of whatsoever character to any per.son,' arising by re~son of negligence on the part of the Contractor in performing said work, or in leaving the same ungraded, or from any other cause. The said bond shaLL fu:rther! recite that all work done by the Contractor during the yekr for which said bond shall hold good shall be performed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Section 3. Permit; now obtained. That after such license is issued and such bond filed as hereinabove provided, the licensee shall before dOing each individual. piece of work contracted for obtain a permit from the Building Inspector for each separate piece of work contracted to be done, together with plans,sp~cifications, grades and lines for such work, and all such work shall be done according to the plans, specifications, grades and lines furnished by the City Engineer, and shall at all times be subject to the inspection and approval of said City Engineer, or other persons designated by him for such work. A fee of One Dollar($l.OO) shall be paid to the Building Inspector for the issuance of a permit in all jobs the total cost of which is Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) or less to the property owner and a fee of Two Dollars ($2.00) shall be paid to the Building Inspector for the issuance of a permit in all jobs the total cost of which exceeds Twenty-five ($25.00) Dollars to the property owner. "'Hi""""" .L] Ilr L._L__~_____mi___. _,::::J. ~~L_ -____~. ,I 1,":-; ------, ~ .'~ 7'6 Section 4. Suit U'oon Bond. Upon any breach of any covenant in the above described bond by the maker thereof, the City of West University Place shall have the innned- 0: :'. iate right and authority to sue upon said bond for the breach thereof, and to recover irra court of competent jurisdiction the damage caused by such breach; and said bond shall not become void upon first recovery, 'but sha1:1 remain valid upon subsequent suits until ~he entire principal of such bond is recovered upon. Section 5. Plans. Methons Run ~~P.~;?;~Rt.;nn~ RPv,1Rt.ing Yn~k TPat the City of West University Place hereby adopts and approves standard specifications for cement or concrete sidewalks, driveways, curbs and'gutters, a copy of such specifications being attached hereto and made a part of this ordinance~ Section 6. Penalties. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the pre- ceding sections hereof shall be deemed guilty ofa misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be fined in any sum not less than One Dollar ($1.00) nor more than One Hundred Dollars ($ioo.oo) , 'and in addition thereto upon the final conviction of any such violatlon, said conviction shall of itself constitute and be a cancellation of the license held by such person, firm or corporation so convicted, and in such event no new license shall be issued for a period of one (1) year. Section 7. All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent with the terms of this ordinance are hereby repealed; provided, however, that such repeal shall be only to the extent of such inconsistency, and in all other respects this ordin- ance shall be cumulative of other ordinances regulating and governing the subject matter covered by this ordinance. Section 8. If any section or provisions, or parts thereof in this ordinance shall, be adjudged invalid or unconstitutional, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity of the ordittance as a whole or of any other section or provision or part hereof. n Section 9. This' ordinance shall take effect from and after ten days from its passage by the City Commission. The City Manager is hereby directed to give notice hereof by causing the caption of this ordinance to be published in the official newspaper of the City of West University Place once prior to the effective date hereof. "SPECIFICATIONS" SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONCRETE SIDEWAlKS. DRIVEWAYS I CURBS ANn GtJT1TF:RS 1. DESCRHTION: / This item shall consist of sidewalks, driveways, curbs and gutters composed of' Portland Cement concrete and mortar, constructed as herein specified on an approved subgrade in conformity with the lines and grades established by the en- gineer and the details shown on the plans. 2. MATERIALS: All materials shall be secured from approved sources. (a) Cement shall be Portland, and shall conform to the latest A.S.T.M. o J ] 1'1 ~tequirements, and, if the Engineer so requires, shall be tested by a laooratory selected by the Engineer at the cost of the Builder. (b) Sand shall consist of clean, sound, durable grains free from dirt, dust, clay or other harmful substances. (c) Stone or Gravel. Aggregate shall be of hard crystalline rock or gravel free from shale or decomposed pieces. It shall be uncoated and clean. The gradation shall be uniform and between the limits of l~ inches and -k inch in size. (d) Water shall be clean and free from oil and salt or other injurious substance. (~) Concrete shall be so proportioned as to give a strength of ,2500 pounds per square inch at 28 day settings. The total water content shall not exceed 7 gallons per sack of cement. 3. LOCATION, GRADES AND, DErAILS: All s.idewalks, driveways, curbs and gutters shall be :built as located by the City Engineer, and on the grade as established by him. Details shall conform to the City of West University Place Dravling No. SDC' 3 Revised 7-26-56 except, in a case with a special condition, and with the approval of the City Commission, a sidei'Talkmay be constructed to conform with the width of existingsidevlalksin the same block. Driveways of more than 30' in width for commercial establishments shall be divided by islands so as to break the continuous run, of the driveway width at a maximum of 30' in length. 4. CONSTRUCTION METHODS: The sub grade shall be excavated six inches beyond the outside lines of the structure, shaped to line, grade, ahd cross-section, and, if considered necessary by the Engineer, tamped and sprinkled. The subgrade ~hall be moist att~e time the concrete is placed. ~ shall be of wood or metal, of a section satisfactory to the Engineer, straight, free from warp ,and of a depth equal to the thickness of the finished work. They shall be securely staked to line and grade and maintained in a true position during the depositing of the concrete. Concrete shall be placed in the forms to the specified depth and thoroughly tamped. The mortar top~ing may be applied wet or dry. In the use of dry topping, the materials must be thoroughly mixed and then applied while excess water is on the concrete, and must be worked to a plastic mixture by the use of wood floats. The addition of water to the dry mortar topping will not be allowed unless there is insufficient water in the concrete to thoroughly wet the dry mortar. The mortar topping shall be struck off with a wood strike board to a smooth finish. The surface shall then be smoothly finished with ,a wood hand float working in a cir- .J II 1--..1 i.l" \--';' , l;tll<'l>JllW.H~otIO.j ?,_~. I l'8~ cular or orotary motion. The walk shall be marked off one-eighth inch deep, at a spacing equal to the width of the walk, with a joint tool equal in width to the width of the edging tool. All edges shall be edged with a tool having a k" radius. An approved type of commercial pre-molded expansion joint one-half inch thick shall be placed where tvTO lines of sidewalks it;ltersect, where meeting existing walk, and at intervals of not more than thirty~~ix feet throughout the entire length of the structure. At all places where sidewalks meet curbs, a one-inch approved type of commercial pre-molded expansion joint shall be provided. All expansion joint material shall extend entirely throughout the structure and shall extend the entire width of the structure. The structure shall be covered with burlap or suitable cotton mats which shall be kept wet continuously for a period of forty-eight hours after the placing of the burlap or mats and the curing shall commence as soon as the concrete has hardened sufficiently to be unmarked by the method of curing, In lieu ,of sprinkling, an approved material for maintaining a moist surface may be used. The structure shall be protected from traffic for a period of forty- eight hours after pouring. After the concrete hasket sufficiently,_ the space along the sides of, the structure shall be refilled with suitable material to the top of the structure, and tamped until firm and solid. Excess material shall be disposed of by the Contractor and at his expense. REINFORCEMENT: All concrete driveways shall be reinforced with an equiv- alent !"round bar spaced at a minimum of 18" both ways, and extend from the gutter line to the property side of the sidewalk line. Curb and gutters shall' be reinforc~d as shown on Drawing No. SD3 Revised 7-26-56. Reinforcing steel shall meet the requirements of the American Society for Testing Materials Standard Specifications for Billet Steel Concrete Reinforcement Bars. INTRODUCED, READ AND PASSED by the affirmative vote of a majority of the City Commission of the City of West University Place on this the 27th day of August, , 1956. ~ )f~/k MAYOR, City of West University Place, Texas ATrEST: ~/ Y o o D