HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 653 - ORD Providing Submission to Voters special Election on December 12,1953 n i ' , I 'u 'n . . ~ j , I I_! [J 183 ORDINANCE NO. 653 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE SUBMISSION' TO TEE VOTERS AT A SPECIAL ELECTION OF' TEE ,CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, ON DECEMBER 12, 1953, OF AN .AMENDMENT TO THE CHARTER OF SAID CITY WITH RESPECT TO TEE USE OF WATER AND SEWER DEPARTMENT RECEIPI'S AND REVENUES AND PROVIDING FOR THE FORM AND MAENER IN WHICH THE SAID AMENDMENT IS TO BE SUBMITTED. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMmSSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: That there shall be submitted to the voters of the City of West University Place, Texas, at the respective polling places designated for Precincts No. 87, 133 and 183, to-wit: The West University Elementary School, 3756 University Boulevard, the West University Place City Hall, 3800 University Boulevard, and the West University Place Community House, 6104 Auden Street, on December 12, 1953, at a special election hereby called, notice of which shall be given by publication in the Houston Chronicle no later than the 12th day of' November, 1953, said election date being more than thirty (30) days and less than ninety (90) days from the date ofpubli- cation of said notice as well as the passage of this Ordinance, the following amendme'nt to the City Charter of the City of West University Place, Texas, such proposed ~ndment being designated Proposition No.1: PROPOSITION NO. 1 Shall the charter of the City of West Unive~sity Place, Texas, and, Section 4 of Article XVII! of said charter be amended 60 that Section 4 of' Article XVIII of said charter shall hereafter read as follows: ARTICLE,XVIII WATER AND SEWER DEPARTMENT Section 4 - Use of Funds: -' All receipts and revenues from the Water and Sewer Department shall be deposited in two (2) separate funds to be known as the Water and Sewer Funds for the following purposes: FIRST: From the Water Fund there shall be paid all costs of maintenance, operation: and repairs of the water system as provided in'Art-icles 1111 to 1118 Revised Civil Statutes of' Texas, 1925, inclusive, as the same have been orrriay hereafter be amended; , SECOND: After payment of the expenses as provided in Purpose First, there shallbe'paid the principal and interest and such reserves as may be prescribed in any Ordinance enacted by the City Commission authorizing the issuance of' revenue bonds payable in whole or in part from the revenues of' the City's wa. ter system. " THIRD: After payment of the expenses and other items contained in Purposes First and Second~ there shall be accumulated as a reserve f'und within the Water Fund a.sum of $15,000 for the reconstrllction, extension, improvement, betterment, operation, maintenance, repair, materials and other things necessa~ ~~_~l:::::.' .: :~-'~-~-:-'~:3. '-r "L__ _____________~___.__. ill..l -----~.[.. n::: . 1. I. H) '[:.. _.'__.: .: ___""T 184 to the operation and maintenance of the water system. If and when said reserve fund, or any part thereof, is utilized as herein provided in any given year, it shall be the duty of the City Commission to cause an amount to be budgeted in the next succeeding fiscal year, subject to the payment of the expenses and items provided for in Purposes First and Second, to replenish said reserve fund in order that said fund may be maintained at a $15,000 level from year to year; , FOURTH: Any and all sums constituting receipts and revenues from the water system in exces~ of the amounts required for the hereinabovedJtated purposes shall be deemed surplus receipts and revenues and may be transf'ormed by the City Commission to the general-fund; , II I 'U FIFTH: FrQm the Sewer Fund there shall be paid all costs of' maintenance, operation an<lr.epairs of,tbe sewer 'system as provided in Articles 1111 to 1118 Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, 1925, inclusive, as the same hS.ve been or may hereafter be amended; SIXTH: After payment of' the exPenses as provided in Purpose Fifth, there shall be paid the principal and interest ~nd,such reserves as may be prescribed in any Ordinance enacted bythe'City COmmiSSion authorizing the issuance of revenue bonds payable in whole or in part from the revenues of' the City's sewer system. ' , SEvENTH: After pa.;vment of the expenses and other items conta.ined in Purposes Fifth and Sixth, there shall be accumulated as a reserve fund within the Sewer Fund a sum of' $lO,OOO.OO'for the reconstruction, extension, improvement, betterment, 'operation, maintenance, repair, materials and other things :J necessary ,to the operation and maintenance of the sewer system." If and when said reserve fund, or any part thereof, is utilized as herein provided in any given year~it shall be the'duty of the City Commission to cause an amount to be budgeted in the next succeeding fiscal year, subject to the payment of the expenses and. items provided for in Purposes Fifth and Sixth, to replenish said reserve fund in order that said fund may be maintained at a $10,000 level from year to year. EIGHTH: Any and ,all sums constituting receipts and revenues from the sewer system in excess of the amounts required for payment of'expenses and other items as contained in Purposes Fifth, Sixth and Seventh shall be deemed ' s~plus receipts and revenues and may be transferred by the City Commission to the general fUnd. n' , PASSED AND APPROVED this 9th day of November, 1953. COMMISSIONERS VOTING AYE All COMMISSIONERS, VOTING NO Ncne.. .~.... L"1i . ~ C GBETARY ~//J:t~ MAYOR OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, T E X A S n I I U