HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 647 - ORD Amending ORD 111 Permit the Use of Lot 2 & 3 Cambridge [J o ~_~r'---J'--'\ I ; I I'~; I 165 ORDINANCE NO. 647 AN ORDINANCE FINDING AND ,DETERMINING THAT EACH AND ALL OF THE PROCEEDINGS HAVE HERETOFORE BEEN HAD AND ALL THINGS DO:NE PRE- I{EQUISITE TO THE HOLDING OF A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE AMENDING OF ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 111 OF THE CITY OF WEST UNI- VERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, SO AS TO PERMIT TEE USE OF THE EAST 45.3 FEET OF LOT 2, ALL OF LOTS 3, 4, 5 and 6 AND THE WEST 75 FEET OF LOT 7 OF. CAMBRIDGE PLACE, FOR REC~TIONAL AND EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES AND TO ALLOW THE ERECTION THEREOF OF IMPROVEMENTS IN- CIDENT TO SUCH USEj FINDING THAT A PUBLIC HEARING" FOR THE PUR- POSE OF CONSIDERING SUCH AMENDMENT TO ORPINANCE NO. III HAS BEEN DULY AND LEGALLY HELD; APPROVING AND ADOPI'ING THE REPORT AND, RECOMMENDATION OF THE ZONnG AND PlANNING BOARD THAT ORDI- NANCE NO. 111 BE AMENDED SO AS TO PERMIT THE USE OF THE EAST 45.3 FEET OF ,LOT 2, ALL. OF LOTS 3, 4,5 and 6 AND THE WEST 75 FEET OF LOT 7 ,OF CAMBRIDGRPLACE FOR RECREATIONAL AND EDU- CATIONAL PURPOSES AND TO ALLOW THE ERECTION OF IMPROVEMENTS THEREON INCIDENT TO: SUCH USE; FINDING THAT ORDINANCE NO. III OF THE CITY OF. WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, SHOULD BE AMENDED SO AS TO PERMIT SUCH USE AND ERECTION OF IMPROVEMENTS; AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 111 SO AS TO PERMIT THE USE OF THE EAST 45.3 FEET OF LOT 2, ALL OF LOTS 3, 4, 5 and 6 AND THE WEST 75 FEET OF LOT 7 OF CAMBRIDGE PLACE FOR RECREATIONAL AND EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES' AND TO ALLOW THE ERECTION THEREON OF IMPROVEMENTS INCIDENT TO SUCH USE; AND PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL TAKE EFFECT AND BE ENFORCED IMMEDIATELY FROM AND AFTER ITS PASSAGE AND APPROVAL. " WHEREAS, The Yeung Men's Christian Asse.ciation ef Heusten, and Harris Ceunty acting by and threugh its President, E. J. Mesher, has heret-e- fore filed its written appl:icatien with the Zening and. Planning Beard 0.1' the City 0.1' West University Place, Texas, fpr the rezening ef the East 45.3 feet of Let 2, all ef Lots 3, 4, 5 atld the West 75 feet ef Let 7, Cambridge Place, to. permit the use ef the same fer recreatienal'and edu- catiena.l purpeses and to. allewthe erectienthereen 0.1' certain imprevements incident to. such use, the said rezened area and improvements to. censtitute the Seuthwest Branch 0.1' the Yeung Men's Christian Asseciatien ef Heusten and Harris CeuntYj and WREREAS,'At a special'meeting ef the Zening and Planning Beard ef the City ef West University Place,Texas, held en the 16th day ef June, 1953, it was determined that the said lets and parts of lets sheuld be re- zened by the City Cemmissien 0.1' the Cityef West University Place to. permit the use centemplatedby the Yeung Men's Christian Asseciatien ef Heusten and Har~is Ceunty as centained in the said applicatien, after a public hearing was had thereen, conditiened,hewever, upon (a) the assumptien by. the Yeung Men's Christian Asseciatienef Heus.tenand Harris Ceunty, in writing, ef the respensibility fer the installatien ef any and all fire plugs en the~reperty invelvedj the purchasing and laying 0.1' all neces'sary. water, sanitary sewer and sterm sewer lines frem the nearest city lines to. subjectpreperty; and the canstructie~ ef all curbs and guttering necessary and'incident '!:;O thedevelepment,of the preperty; (b) the dedicatien ef rights-of-way fer all ~tilities by the Yeung Men's Christian Asseciatien 0.1' l:I!- [, [:", , ..I 166 Heusten and Harris Ceunty prier to. the issuance ef any building permit; (c) the presentation ef detailed plans 'and specificatiens fer the 1011 prepesed imprevements to. be erected upen the subject preperty, including plans fer eff street parking en paved erbitulithic censtructed parking areas by the Yeung Men's Christian Asseciatien ef Heusten and Harris Ceunty, which plans and specificatiens must be acceptable to. the City Commissien, and such recennnendatien was made to. the City Cbmmissien with the further reconnnendatten that ,the heurs during which athletic fleed lighting as well as the heurs during which dances and ether similar public entertainment will be permitted be" regulated by Ordinance and that the subject preperty be incerperated~ithin the fire zene areas ef the said city; and WHEREAS, At a regular meeting ef the City Cemmissien 0.1' the City 0.1' West University Place, Texas, held en the 22nd day of June, 1953, upen the request ef the y:eung Mep.'s Christian Asseciatien ef Heuston and Harris Ceuntybyand threugh its President, E. J. Mesher, and upen the recemmendatien ef the Zening and Planning Board, it was determined that a public hearing sheuldbe held to. ,censider whether Ordinance No.. 111 ef the City ef West University Place, Texas" sheuld be amended so. as to. permit the use of the East 45.3 feet of Let 2, all ef Lets 3, 4, 5 and 6 and the West 75 feet 0.1' Let 7, Cambridge Place, fer recreatienal and educatie~l purposes, and to. allew the erectien there en ef imprevements incident to. such use; and WHEREAS, The City Cemmissien at its regular meeting en the 22nd day ef June, 1953, did instruct the City Secretary to advertise in the efficial publicatien ef the City and to give written netice to. all the preperty ewners , 0; whese preperty lies within 200 feet ef the east' 45.3 feet ef Lot 2, Lets 3, 4, 5 and 6 and the West 75 feet 0.1' Lot 7, Cambridge Place, ef a public hearing to. be held at 7:30 e'cleck P.M., Menday, the' 20th day 0.1' July, 1953, in the City Hall to. determine, whether er net Ordinance No.. 111 sheuld be amended so. as to. permit the use ef the East 45.3 feet ef Let 2, all 0.1' Lets 3, 4, 5 and 6 and the West 75 feet ef Let 7, Cambridge Place, fer recreatienal and edu- catienal purpeses and to. allew the erectien thereen ef imprevements incident ' to. such use; and WHEREAS, In pursuance to the direction given to. him by the City Cemmissien and in full cempliance with the Charter and Ordinances 0.1' the City, the City Secretary ef the City ef West University Place, Texas, did cause to. be published in the Heusten Chrenicle en June 25, 1953, and did mail: to. each of the eWners ef' preperty lying within 200 feet 0.1' the East 45.3 feet ef Lot 2, Lots 3, 4, 5 and 6 and the west 75 feet ef Let 7, Cambridge Place, a netice 0.1' a hearing to. be held in the City Hall, 3800 University Beulevard at 7:30 a'cleck P.M., Monday, the 20th day ef July, 1953, and to. consider amending Ordinance No.. III so. as to. permit the use ef said lets and pa.rtsef lots fer recreational and educatienal purpeses; and WHEREAS, pursuant to. such notice, a pUbi'ic hearing was held, by the City Cemmissien at the City Hall, 3800 University Beulevard, and in the Cemmunity Building ef such City at 7:30 e'cleck P.M., Menday, the 20th day ef JUly, 1953, at which time all testimeny was heard and full censidered by the City Cemmission as to. the advisability ef amending Ordinance No.. 111 so. as to. permit the use ef said lets and parts ef' lets fer recreatidnal and educatienal purpeses; and I~,.. I I ~,"1 [I ! i ~i !\ I U I~' I i i ~ 16'1 I WHEREAS, It appears to. the CityCemmissien f'rem the repert and recem- mendatian ef the Zoning and Planning Beard and frem all evidence and testi- meny presented at such public hearing tha,tOrdinance No.. 111 ef the City 0.1' West University Place, Texas, sheuld be amended so. as to. permit the use ef the East 45.3 feet ef' Let 2, all 0.1' Lets 3, 4, 5 and 6 and the West 75 feet ef Let 7, Cambridge Place, fer recreatienal and educatienal purpeses, and to. allew the erectien and imprevements thereen incident to such use; and WHEREAS, The cendi tiens precedent to. the amending ef' Ordinance No.. 111 of' the City of West University Place, Texas, as centained in the recem- mendatien ef the Zening and Planning Board ef said City mentiened hereinabeve have been met and fully cemplied with by the Yeung Men's Christian Asseciatien 0.1' Heusten and Harris Ceunty; and WEEREAS, The City acting threugh its City Commissien and Mayer desire' to. amend Ordinance No.. 111 of the City 0.1' West University Place, and believes it will be to. the public 'interest to. so. amend the same: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE' CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Sectien 1.' That the City Cemmissien ef the City ef West University Place, Texas"does hereby find and determine that each and all 0.1' the pre- ceedings hereina.beve mentioned have been duly and legally had and perfermed in full compliance with the Charter and Qrdinances ef the City ef West University Place, Texas, and that all previsiens and requirements of said Charter and Ordinances p~erequisite' to. the helding 0.1' a public hearing fer the purpose efcensidering the amending ef the Zoning Ordinance No.. 111 have been met and fully cemplied with. Section 2. That the City Commissien ef the City ef West University Place, Texas,'dees hereby find and determine that a public hearing fer the purpese ef censidering an amendment to. Ordinance No.. 111 seas to. permit the Use ef the East 45~3 feet ef Let 2, all efLets 3, 4,' 5 and 6 and the West 75 feet 0.1' Lot 7, Cambridge Place, fer recreatienaland educatienal purposes, and to. allawthe erectian ef imprevements thereen incident to. such use, was duly held at 7:30 0. 'cleek P.M., en Menday, the 20:th day ef July, 1953, in the City Hall and Cemmunity Building ef West University Place, in pursuance ef the netice ef such hearing duly and legally given in accerdance with the Ordinances ef the City. Sectien 3. That the repert and recemmendatien ef the Zening and Planning Board of the City 0.1' West University Place, Texas, that Ordinance No. 111 be amended so. as to permit the use ef' the East 45.3 feet ef Let 2, all ef ,Lets 3, 4, 5 and 6 and the West 75 feet ef Lot 7, Cambridge Place, be and the same is hereby appreved and adepted. Sectien4. That Sectien 4 e~ Ordinance No~ 111 ef the City ef West University Place, Texas, is hereby amended by the addition ef a subparagraph to. be knewu as subparagraph number (11) to. read as follows: "(11). Recreational and educatienal, recreatienal building and appurtenances including playgreunds and I' [ll J:Ir.:"] r 1::.. _ _..~ _,__""" .. __1 168 ~ved or bitulithic .constructed parking lot on the East 45.3 feet of Lot 2, all of Lots 3, 4, 5 and 6 and the West l5 feet of Lot 7, Cambridge Place, said lots and parts of lots being in the Ninth Single Family Dwelling District. 11 . Section 5. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately from and after its passage by the City Commission and approval by the Mayor. PASSED THIS the 10th day of August, 1953.' COMMISSIOllJERS VOTING AYE All COMMISSIOllJERS VOTnG NO None APPROVED THIS THE 10TH DAY OF AUGUST, '1953. ~7~~ MAYOR OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS !r I I I~ II I . LJ il I I U