HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 645 - ORD Establishing Minimum Wire Requirements for Change of Service and/or Meter Loop = ' I, ,] [::- , :-:J 160 ORDINANCE NO. 645 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING MINIMUM WIRE REQUIREMENl'S FOR CHANGE OF SERVICE AND/OR METER LOOP; GOVERNING THE USE OF EXISTING INSTALLED' SERVICE RISERS; ESTABLJ;SHING RE- QUIREMENTS FOR CENTRAL ELECTRICAL DISCONNECTIN(} MEANS OR ' MASTER SWITCH; REQUIRING CERTAIN ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES AND DEVICES TO BE SERVICED BY SEPARATE AND INDEPEl'llJ.ENT ELECTRICAL CIRCUITS AND ESTABLISHING MINIMUM WIRE REQUIRE- MENTS FOR SUCH APPLIANCES AND DEVICES; REQUIRING WINDOW AIR CONDITIONING UNITS, '.fO BE INSTALLED WITH, AND BONDED TO, A POLARIZED PLUG; ESTABLISHING MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR INSTALLATION OF, AND USE WITH, WINDOW AIR CONDITIONING UNITS; ESTABLISHING ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT REQUIREMENrS FOR LIGHTING AND SERVICE OF DUPLEX PLUGS ON A SQUARE FOOT FLOOR BASIS; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY ; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN COm'LICT HEREWITH INSOFAR AS THEY CONFLICT; AND PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL TAKE EFFECT AND BE IN FORCE IMMEDIATELY FROM AND AFTER ITS PASSAGE AND APPROVAL. o BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: SectieJ} 1. That frem and after the effective date hereef, no. fewer than three independent cenducters ef number 6 wire er larger shall be used to. effect a change ef service and/er meter leep in any residence, apartment, apartment heuse, cemmercial building er ether building 0.1' what- seever character new existing er to. be censtructed within the City ef West University Place, Texas; previded, however, that where an electric range er similar appliance er device is to. be installed, three number 4 wire eenducters shall be used in 'effecting a change ef service and/er meter leep in any residence, apartment, apartment heuse, cemmercial building er ether building of what seever character new existing er to. be censtructed within this City. o , Section 2. That frem and after the eff'ective date hereef, three number 6 TW cenducters may be installed in existing 3/4" service risers, previded that said risers have been inspected and appreved f'or use by the Chief Electrical Inspecter ef the City ef West University Place befere the cenducters are installed. Sectien 3. That f'rem and after the effective date hereef, no. mere than 6 individual electrical circuits shall be installed er permitted in any residence, apartment, apartment heuse, cemmercial building er ether building ef whatseever character now existing er to. be censtructed within the Cityef West University Place, Texas, unless there be provided a central discennecting means er master switch centrelling all ef' said circuits as is set,ferth and centained in the Natienal Electrical Cede adepted and made a part 0.1' the electrical code ef the City 0.1' West University Place, Texas, by Sectien 34 ef Ordinance Number 535 0.1' such City~n Sectien 4. 'That frem and af'ter the ef'fective date hereef, all windew air cenditiening units, attic fans, washing machines, electric driers, II ! I U , 161 n LJ electric water heaters and similar ~lectrical appliances er devices which sha~l be installed er reinstalled within the City of West University Place, Texas, shall be serviced by an independent er separate electrical circuit ef number 12, er larger, wire cenducters fer each 0.1' such appliances er devices. Sectien 5. That f'rem and ,after the effective date hereef, all win- dow aircenditiening units whether to. be eperated en ene hundred ten (110) er two. hundred twenty (220) volt current, which are installed er reinstalled within the City of' West University Place, TeXas, in any reSidence, apartment, apart- ment heuse, cemmercial buil~ing er ether building ef whats~ever character, shall be installed with andibended to., a pelarized plug and number 12 wire cenducter shall be used in bend~ng said 'air cenditiening unit to. the said pelarized plug. Sectien 6. That frem and after the effective date hereef, ene electrical circuit fer each 575 square f'eet ef fleer space, fer the purPose ef illuminatien and servicing ef duplex plugs, shall be installed in each residence er apartment heuse to. be erected er censtructed within the City 0.1' West University Place, Texas, er which is new in the precess 0.1' being erected er censtructed, but in which the installatien 0.1' electrical wiring is net mere than 50% cemplete as ef the effective date hereef. . Sectien 7. That any persen who. vielates any ef the previsiens pf this Ordinance shall, upen cenvictien thereef where no. ether penalty is previded, be fined net less 'than Ten Dellars ($10) er mere 'than Two. Hundred De11ars ($200) f'er each such off'ense. n Sectien 8. All Ordinances and parts ef Ordinances in cenflict UI~, with the previsiens ef this Ordinance are hereby repealed. . This Ordinance" shall be ceme eff'ective immediately upen its passage and appreval. PASSED AND APPROVED this 13th day ef July, 1953. COMMISSIOmms VOTING AYE All COMMISSIONERS VOTING NO Nene ~~~ MAYOR PRO TEM' OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE ATTEST: n I i ------J ~--/ C ,~ r- .. "--~'.:J. _ ~_[ , JII