HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 644 - ORD Establishing & Reserve Fund Annual Insurance Premiums 158 ORDINANCE NO. 644 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING ,A RESERVE, FUND IN THE FINANCE DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY .oF' WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, FROM WHICH ANNUAL INSURANCE PREMIUMS SHALL BE PAID BY SUCH CITY; DESIGNATING THE SAID FUND "THE INSURANCE RE- SERVE FOND"; PROVIDING FOR ANNUAL APPROPRIATIONS TO SUCH FUND FROM AND our OF THE' GENE:RAL FUND OF wEST UNIVERSrrY PLACE, TEXAS; PROVIDING FOR THE DEPOSIT OF ALL OR A !,ORTION OF 'SUCH FUND IN ~ ON TERM DEPOSIT; REPEALING ALL ORDI- NANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT mmEwrrH, INSOFAR AS THEY MAY CONfLICT; AND 'PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BECOME EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY UPON ITS PASSAGE AND APPROVAL. Il I~ BE IT ,ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNI- VERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Sectien 1. That there is hereby created within the finance de- partment of the City ef' West University Place, Texas, a new and separate f'und to. be known 'and'designated "The 'Insuranc,e Reserv.e Fund," which fund is hereby established fer the purpese ef prev.iding a reserve frem which all annual premiums en Centracts ef insurance entered into. by the City ef West University Place, Texas, sha,ll be paid. Sectien 2. Frem and after the eff'ective date hereef the City Cemmissien 0.1' the City 0.1' West University Place, Texas, shall~ at the be- ginning ef each fiscal year, make an annual apprepriatiente the Insurance Reserve Fund hereby created eut 0.1' the general fund ef' such city in an ameunt net to. exceed the yearly prepartienate part af the total premiums en Cen- tracts ef insurance in effect at the beginning ef each fiscal year, er which are expected to. be entered into. during the '12 menth peried immediately fellow- ing the beginning ef any such fiscal year. Additienal apprepriatiens to.' such fund as well as reductiens ef the ,same may be made whenever necessary to. pretect and premete the best interests ef the city. ' J /' Sectien ~. The City Secretary and the City Treasurer are hereby autherized to. depesit these funds cemprising the Insurance Reserve Fund en Term Depesit in such bank er banks and in such amounts as they may by Rese- lutien ef the City Cemmissien ef the City 0.1' West University Place be directed where it appears that such fund er pertien thereef will net be required fer the payment ef insurance premiums fer a peried ef at least 6 menths f'rem and after the date of such reselutien. Sectien 4. All Ordinances and parts 0.1' Ordinances in cenflict with the prevision ef this Ordinance are hereby repealed. Sectien 5. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in ferce im- mediately frem and after its passage by the City Cemmissien and appreval by the Mayer. PASSED this the '13th day of July, 1953. n LJ o COMMISSIONERS VOTING AYE: Nene COMMISSIONERS VOTING NO : All ATI'EST: ~."",.=,~,J - C ARY n I ! L-J n LJ ~//h~ MAYOR PRO TEM OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE 15il 'I I