HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 643 - ORD Finding & Determing Zoning Amending ORD 111 Sec 2 I: [_I 1\ I I I I 1\ l~ Ii L 155 ORDINANCE NO. 643. AN ORDINANCE FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT EACH AND ALL OF THE PROCEEDINGS HAVE ~OFORE BEEN HAD A1ID ALL THINGS DONE PRE- REQUISITE TO THE HOLDING OF A PUBLIC BEARING TO CONSIDER AMEND- ING ZONIN(lORDINANCE NO. 111 OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, SO AS TO PERMIT AN, EXCEPl'ION TO SECTION 24, SUB- SECTION 2, OF SAID ORDINANCE TO THEREBY PERMIT THE EXISTING ATTACHED GARAGE ON LOT NO. 6 - OF BLOCK NO.2, COLLEGE VIEW .FI;RST ADDITION, TO BE CONVERTED ~O A BEDROOM AND TO PERMIT THE ERECTION OF AN ADDITION TO THE REAR OF SUCH GARAGE FOR STORAGE SPACE AND AS A LAUNDRY ROOM, THE SAME TO EXTEND WITHIN 5 FEET OF THE REAR PROPER'l'Y LINE OF SUCH LOT, AS APPLIED FOR BY MR. W. H. YOUNG; FINDING THAT A PUBLIC BEARING FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSIDERING SUCH AMENDMEBr' l:I,AS ;BEEJi DULY ,AND LmALLY HELD; FIlIDING THAT SECTION NO. 24, SUBSECTION 2, OF ORDINANCE NO. 111 SHOULD BE AMENDED SO AS TO PERMIT THE EXISTING ATTACHED GARAGE ON LOT NO. 6 OF BLOCK NO.2, COLLEGE VIEW, FIRST ADDITION, TO BE CONVERTED INTO A BEDROOM AND TO PERMIT THE ERECTION OF AN ADDITION TO THE REAR OF SUCH GARAGE FOR STORAGE SPACE AND AS A LAUNDRY ROOM, THE SAME TO .l!:X'l'l!i.ND WITHIN 5 FEET OF THE ~ PROPERTY LINE OF SUCH LOT; AMElIDING SECTION NO. 24, SUBSECTION, 2, OF ORDINANCE NO. 111 OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY: PLACE,; TEXAS, BY ADDING A SUBPARAGRAPH TO SECTION 24, TO BE KNOWN AS SUBPARAGRAPH (2-A); REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES, OR PARTS OF ORDI- NANCES IF CONFLICTING HEREWITH, INSOFAR AS THEY CONFLICT; AND PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL T.AKE EFFECT AND BE IN FORCE --- IMMEDIATELY FROM AND AFTER ITS PASSAGE AND APPROVAL. WHEREAS, Mr. W. H. Yeung, owner of Lot 6, Bleck 2, Cellege View First Additien, in the City of West Universi:ty Place, Texas, has heretefere made written application to. the Zeningand Planning Boardef' the ,City ef West University Place, Texas, fer an exception ,to. Ordinance No.. 111 so. as to. permit .the existing attached garage en Let Ne.. 6, Bleck. 2, Ce11ege View, First Ad- ditien, 1:;0. be cenverted into a bedreem and to. permit theerectien of an ad- ditien to the rear ef' such garage f'er sterage space and as a laundry reem, the saDie to. extend to within 5 feet ef' the rear preperty line ef' such lot; and WHEREAS, at a regular meeting ef the Zening and Planning Board it was determiued that an exceptieu to. the applicable previs1en;ef Ordinance No.. 111 sheuld be granted, and sai,d Zening and Planning Board ,did recemmend to. the City Cemmissien tbat an amendment to. Zening Ordinance No.. 111 be adepted after a full public hearing en "the matter, so. as to. permit the existing attached garage en Lot 6, Block 2, Ce11ege View First. Additien to. be cenverted into. a bedreem and to. permit the erectien 0.1' an additien to. the rear of' such garage for storage space and as- a laundry reem, the s~ to. extend ,to. within 5 feet ef' the rear preperty line of such lot; and WHEREAS, at a regular meeting ef the City Cemmission held en the 25th day ef' ~y, 1953, it was determined that a public hearing should be held to. censider whether Ordinance No.. 111 sheuld be amended so as to. permit the existing attached garage on Let 6, Block 2, Cellege View First Additien, to. be cenverted into a bedroem and to. permit the erectien of an addition to. the rear of such garage fer sterage space and as a'laundry reem, the same to. , , " , I in r 158 I I I IIi I L_" .J extend within 5 f'eet ef the rear preperty line ef such let; and WHEREAS, the City Commission at its regular meeting en the 25th day ef' May, 1953 did instrUct the City Secretary to. advertise in the efficial publicatien ef the City and to give written notice to all pr9perty owners whose preperty lies within 200 f'e~t ef Lot 6, Block 2, College View First Additien, of a public hearing to. be held on :tlie 15th day ef June, 1953, at 7:30 P.M. at the City 1Ja11., -in the City ef West University Place, Texas, to determine whether er net Ordinance No.. 111 should be amended so. as to permit the existing attached garage en Lot 6, Bleck 2, Ce11ege View First Additien, to. be cenverted into. a bedreomand "to. permit the erectien ef an addi tien 'to. the rear of' such garage fer sterage space and as' a laundry roem, the same to. extend to within 5 feet of the rear property lineef', such let as requested in the applicatien ef' Mr.W. H. Yeung; and WHEREAS, in pursuance ef the a1rection given him by the City Cemmissien and in ,full cempliance with the Charter and Ordinances 0.1' the City ef West University Place, Texas, the City Secre"tary did cause to be published in the Heuston Chronicle on the 28th day ef May, 1953, and did mail to. each of' the owners ef' property lying within 200 feet ef Let 6, Bleck 2, College View First Addition, notice ef a hearing to. be held by the City Commission at the 'City Hall at 7:30 P.M., Monday,June 15, 1.953 to. censid-er amending Ordinance No.. 111 so. as to permit the existing attached garage en Let 6, ,Bleck 2, Cellege View, First Add:i.:.tion, to. be cenverted into a bedreem and to. permit the erectien of an addi tien to. the rear ef' such garage for sterage space and as a laundrj"reem, the Same to. extend to. within 5 feet ef the rear preperty line ef such let; and ' -I i ~ WHEREAS, pursuant to. such netice, a public' hearing was held by the City Cemmissien ef the City of' West University Place, Texas, in the City Hall a.t 7:30 P.M., Monday, June 15, 1953, at which hearing all testimeny and evidence Was heard and f'ully censidered by the City Commission as to. the advisability and prepriety of amending Ordinance He>. ill so. as to permit the existing at- tached garage en Let 6, Bleck 2, College View, Firs1; Addition, to. be cenverted into. a bedreem and to permit the erection 0.1' ,an additien to the rear of such garage f'er sterage space and as a laundry reem, the same to extend to wi thin 5 f~et ef the rear property line ef such let; and WHEREAS, it appears to the City Commissien f'rem the report of the Zening and Planning Board and from the evidence and testimony presented at the public hearing af'eresaid, that ZeningOrdinance No.. 111 sheuld be -amended so. as to permit the ex:i:sting attached garage en Let 6, Bleck 2, College View, First Additien, to be converted into a bedreem and to. permit the erectien ef' an addi tien to the rear of such garage fer sterage space and as a laundry reem; the same to extend to. within 5 feet of the rear preperty line of' such lot, as applied f'er by Mr. W. H. Yeung; and I L-- WHEREAS, the Ci"ty, acting through its City Commissien ani Mayer, de- sires to amend Ordinance No. 111 ef the City of West University Place, so. as to. permit the use 0.1' such attached garage and the erection ef the said addition thereto. and believe that it will be to the public interest to. so amend the same . , -----. i I I I ~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF o o o 151 WEST 'UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Sectien 1. That the 'City Cemmissienof' the City of West University Place, Texas, dees hereby find and determine that each and all ef the- steps and preceedings hereinbefere mentioned have been duly and legally taken and perf'ermed in full compliance with the .law and Charter and, Ordinances ef the City; thatallprovisiens and require:ments of the law and of the Charter and Ordinances prerequisite "to. the holding ef a.public hearing fer the purpose ef censidering the'amending of' Sectien No.. 24 of Ordinance 'No. 111 have been, met and fully complied with; and that a public hearing fer the purpese ef' censidering 'an amendment to. Sectien No. 24 of Ordinance No.. tll so as to. permit the attached garage en Let 6,Bl.eck 2, Cellege View First Additien, to. be cenverted into. a bedreomand to pe~tthe erectien of an additien to. the rear 0.1' such garage for sterage space and as a laundry reem,"the same to. extend to within 5 feet of ,the rear preperty lineef'such let, was held at 7:30P.M. Menday, June 15, 1953, at the City Hall ef the Ci.ty ef West Uni- versity Place, Texas, pursuant to netices preperly given. Sectien 2. That the City Commissien ef the City of' West University Place dees hereby find thatSectienNe.24 ef Ordinance No.. 111 sheuld be amended so. as to. permit the existing attached garage en Let 6, Bleck 2, Cellege View, First Additien to. be cenverted into. a bedreom and to permit the erectien 0.1' a~ additien to. the rear of such garage f'ersterage space and as a laundry reem, the same to. extend to. wi thin 5 feet of' the rear preperty line 0.1' such lot. . Sectien 3. That Sectien No.. 24ef Ordinance No.. 111 ef the City ef West University PJ..ace, Texas, is hereby amended bytheadditiell ofa sub- paragraph to be known as subparagraph2-A to. read as fellows: "(2-A) Previded, however, that the existing attached garage en Let 6, Bleck 2, Cellege View, First Addit ien , an additien in the City 0.1' West University Place, Texas, 'lIBY becanverted into., and used as, living quarters in. additien to. these presently existing en said let; and, provided :further, that an extension may be added to. the rear ef the said garage, same to. extend to. within 5 feet ef', but net less than 5 feet fr~m,the rear preperty line ef the said let. n ' 'Sectien 4. All Ordinanceser parts ef Ordinances in cenflict herewith insofar as they cenflict, are hereby repealed. Oecti~ 5. This Ordinance shall take effect .and be in f~rce immediately frem and after its passage by the CityCoinmissien and a.ppreval by the Mayer. PASSED this the 22nd dayef June, 1953. COMMISSIONERS vetingaye All COMMISSIONERS veting' no.' Nene APPROVED this the 22nd day of June, 1953. A'I'l'EST: _ .~.~:~-:: ~.?/~ MAYOR OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE ___~__--,-,_----'..;..,i iuLL