HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 642 - ORD Repealing ORD 404 Regulating Parking Vehicles in 3700 Block of University Blvd n I 'i '~ 1\ I !" LJ II U '------ 158 ORDINANCE 642 AN ORDINANCE REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 404 REGULATING THE PARKING OF VEHICLES IN THE 3700 BLOCK OF UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD AND IN THE 6200 BLOCK OF ELOE STRBr IN THE CITY OF WEST lJ:NIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, WITHIN SPECIFIED HOURS; DEFINING TERMS USED THEREIN; FIXING A PENALTY FOR VIOLATION OF SUCH REGULATIONS; AND PROVIDING FOR ,c THE REPEAL OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT TBEREWtTH1 AE SUB- STITuTING THEREFOR REVISED REGULATIONS GOVERNING PARKING OF VE- 'mctEs IN THE 3700 BLOCK OF UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD AND IN THE 6200 BLOCK OFEDLOE STREET IN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS WITHIN SPECIFIED HOURS; PROVIDING FOR DEFINITIONS OF TERMS USED IN SUCH REVISED REGULATIONS;, :f'ROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF THOSE ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINAWCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; AND PRO- VIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BECOME EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY FROM AND AFTER ITS PASSAGE AND APmOVAL. BE IT 'ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Sectien 1. That Ordinance No.. 404 0.1' the City of' West University Place, Texas, and all sectiens and subsectiens thereef are hereby repealed. Sectien 2. That frem and after the effective date hereof it shall be unlawful" for any person to. Park any vehicle wi thin that pertien ef the west side ef the ,6200 block of Edlee Stree:t;which lies between the nerth'line ef the intersectien ef Edlee Street and University Beulevard and a peint 370 feet to. nerth thereef, between the heurs ef 7:30 e'cleck A.M. and 4:30 etcleck P.M. en any day except Saturday and Sunday. Section ~. That frem and after the effective date hereef parking ef vehicles within the 3700 bleck ef University Beulevard between the inter- sectien 0.1' such beulevard with Edlee and Auden Streets shall be lawf'u1j 'pro- vided, however, that no. vehicleer vehicles shall be parked a"t any time within these areas 0.1' the said 3700 block of University Boulevard which are, bytrausverse lines painted en the said beulevard er by ether means 0.1' de... marcatien, including signs erected by the Pelice Department ef the City ef West University Place, designated Cress~Walks or No. Parking Zones. Sectien 4. That by the term "vehicletl as used herein is meant every device within, upen or by which a persen er property is er may betransperted, er drawn upon a street. That by the term "parking" is meant the standing ef' a vehicle, whether er net eccupied', excE!pt that it shall not include temperary standing for the purpose 0.1', and while actually engaged in, leading and unloading. Se~j;J.QIL5..J! Any person who. vielates this Ordinance er any previsien the reef shall, upon cenviction 0.1' such violation, be fined in an amount not to. exceed Fifty Del1ars ($50).' , Sectien 6.,!. All Ordinances and parts of Ordinances in cenflict with the, .previsiens, ef this Ordinan,crare hereby repealed. -..,';' \ , ' 154 II . '1 l: PASSED and APPROVED this 22nd day ef June, 1953. COMMISSIONERS veting aye All CO!tMISSIONERS ve"ting no. None ATTEST: ' ~~~-.J , C CRETARY j- '.~?~~ MAYOR OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE " ,_ ..I "~ I 'I'] I : LJ II I , ; ! I '------' [J