HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 640 - ORD Finding & determing Improvement of 4100 Block Alban St To Academy Street r--\ ! '--'1 r--, I ~ : I I ' '-- 149 ORDINANCE NO. 640 AN ORDINANCE FINDING A1ID DETERMINING THAT THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE 4100 BLOCK 'OF ALBANS S'l'RUl! FROM THEEASTI,lEE OF FAIRMOUNT STRDr TO THE WEST LINE OF ACADEMX' STRERr IN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, HAS BEEN COMPLETED IN ACCORDANCE WITH PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS HERETOFORE APPROVED, AND CONTRACTS MADE; ACCEPrING THE WORK AND THE IMPROVEMENTS' ON SAID STREET; AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING PAYMENT TO GUI,FBrrUJ:,ITHIC COMPANY OF THE CITYts PORTION OF THE COST IN ACCORDANCE, WITH ORDINANCES 633 AND, 634, tlPO!LEMRY OF CREDrrs ON PROPEJ;lTY OWNERS t CONTRACTS; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. , WHEREAS, Gulf' Bitulithic Company has comp1~te'd the censtructionef cencrete pavement in the 4100 bleck ef' Albans Street pursuant to its cen- tracts with preperty owners and in accerdance with Plans and Specificatiens heretef'ere adepted and appreved by the Ci~y, and in cennection with whi;ch ""the City has heretefere agreed to. bear a pertion of the cest; and the City Engineer has made his report and certificate with reference to. the cemple"tien 0.1' said werk; , NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY, THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNJ:VERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Sectien 1. The City Commission hereby fin<is and de"termine.s that the City Engineer has examined, measured and caused to. be tested the werk dene and improvements accomplished en and of the 4100 bleck ef Albans S"treet between the East line ef' Fairmount Street and the West line of Academy Street, pursuant to. the contracts nege"tiated between property owners and Gulf Bitulithic Cenrpany, centracter, and has feund and determined and has so. certif'ied that said improvements have been completed in full accerdance wi. th "the Plan;s and Specif'icatiens theref'er heretofere appreved by the City Cemmissien, and bas rec01llD1ended to. the City Commissien that said improvements be accepted; and the City Cemmission ef' the City ef West Universi"ty Place; Texas does hereby f'ind and determine tha"t the work and imprevement ef said 4100 bleck of Albans Street as hereinabeve described has been perfermed, censtructed and ceBipleted by said Centracter in :full cempliance with the terms and provisiens 0.1' said preperty e~ers t centracts and the Plans and Spec1f'ications fer said werk heretefere adepted and approved by, the Ci"ty Commission, and said City Cem- missieu dees here aud now accept such verk and imprevements en behalf of and as the act ef the City of West University Place, T~xa.s. Sectien 2. As previded in and autherized by 'Ordinances Nas. 633 and 634, passed and approved February 23, 1953, the City is t'e pay Centractor the sum ef Seventy-five Cents ($.75) per frent f'oet of abutting property on said cenipleted jeb; and the Mayer and City Treasur are hereby autherized and directed to. make f'inal settlement wi"th said Ceutracter; (a) By payment "to Contracter, Gulf' Bitulithic Company, ef the sum ef Seventy-five Cents ($.75) per f'rent f'ee"t ef abutting property en said ceDIpleted street, as' f'eund by measurement by the City Engineer; but ' , (b) Such payment shall be made' only upon crediting the L ' ::1 , .::II 150 .. ];:. ...;. ...,_-:1 aggregate amount ef such payment by the City with respect to each respective abutting property, upon the respective contracts and ebligatieus executed by the several abutting preperty owners with and to Centracter, so. that the tetal r~ining cest to. each prop- ertyand the ewner the reef shall be not in excess,ef Five Dellars and 30/100, ($5.30) per freut feet. Sectien 3. The fact that the above stated pert ion ef' Albans Street; and the work to. be done and perfermedthereen by Centractor, has been cem- pleted and final settlement with centraeter sheuld be ,.made en behalf ef the . .' t;[ " ...,'- City aud credits enteredupeu and with respect to. the preperty owner cen- tracts, creates a publie emergency and therefere this Ordinance shall be passed finally en the date 0.1' its intreductien, this 22nd day ef June, 1953, and shall take effect immediately upen its passage andappreval by 'the Mayer. ' PASSED this 22nd day ef' June, 1953. APPROVED this 22nd day ef June, 1953. ~ a ~Y .....-".' APPROVED : CITY ATTORNEY ' fl' - ~h . ~ fltL-~. MAYOR OFTBE CITY OF WST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS ~I ! ~i 1'------' ~ ,----, : I ,\ I '--.-J