HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 639 - ORD Finding & Determing Lowering Pump in well #5 141 ORDINANCE NO. 639 I' I I I~: AN ORDINANCE FIlmING AND DETERMINING THE NECESSITY FOR LOWERING THE PUMP'IN WELL NO. 5 IN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, FROM A DEPl'H OF 300 FT. TO 340 FT. BY THE EX- TENSION OF THE COLUMN AND SlfAFT OF SUCH WELL; DETERMINING THAT THERE ARE SUFFICIENT UNAPPROPRIATED FUNDS IN THE WATER OPERATING FUND OF THE CITY OF WEST tmIVERSITY PLACE AVAILABLE FOR APPROPRIATION TO DEFRAY THE EXl'E.NSE OF LOWERING THE SAID PUMP; DETERMINING THAT THE LOWERmG OF sAID PUMP CAN BE AC- COMPLISHED MOST EFFICIENTLY AND ECONOMICALLY ON AN EMERGENCY BASIS WITH ALL LABOR AND MATERIALS NEEDED FOR SAME TO BE PRO- VIDED FOR ON A FORCE ACCOUNT BASIS; INSTRUCTING THE CITY SECRETARY, CITY ENGINEER AND THE WATER SUPERINr.lOO>Elfl' OF THE CITY OF 'WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE TO TAKE TEE NECESSARY STEPS REQUIRED' TO ACCOMPLISH THE LOWERING OF SAID PUMP ON AN EMERGENCY BASIS USING THE LABOR OF REGULAR EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY WITH THE REQumED ADDITIONAL DAY LABOR Am) SERVICES OF INDEPENDENT CON- TRACTORS ON A PER DIEM BASIS; AND FDIDING AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY . 11 WHEREAS, by let"ter ef' June 8, 1953, E. J. Heed, Wa"ter Superintendent 0.1' the City ef West University Place has recommended the lowering ef the , pump in Well No.. 5 in said City to. a depth ef 340 ft. by extending the column and shaft 40 ft., such recemmendatien being made because ef the lowering ef the water table as a result ef' the present drouth cenditieus and in antici- patien ef increased water censump"tien; and 'I '---' WHEREAs, the said E. J. Heed in his said letter of June 8, 1953, recemmended that the 'Work incident to. the lewering of the pump be dene en an emergency basis using the laber 0.1' regular City employees and additional day laber and independent contractors ena per di~m,basis; and WHEREAS,E. J. Heed in the said letter 0.1' June 8, 1953, estimated tha"t the total cest efeffecting the lowering ef the said pump 'Would not exceed Twelve Hundred Dollars ($1200); and ' WHEREAS, the City Treasurer, 0.1' the City ef' West University Place in accordance with the previsiens of the City Charter has certif'ied to. the City Commissien ef said City By Treasurer's Certificate Number 68 that 'there is in the City Treasury to. the credit ef the Water Operating Fund 0.1' the City ef West University Place, the sUm ef Twelve Hundred Dollars ($1200) which has not been appropriated fer any ether purpese, and which is now available for apprepriatien by the City Commission of the City ef' West University Place to defray the expense of lowering the said pump in Well No.. 5; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City 0.1' West University Place, after a thorough investigation into. the present status ef the'water level in Well No.. 5 and careful censideration ef the recommendatieus of' E. J. Heed centained in his said letter of June 8, 1953, is 0.1' the epinien that the said pump in Well No.. 5 sheuld be lowered to. the depth recemmended by E. J. Heed; r: and ! , L' WHEREAS, the City Cemmissien ef the City ef West University Place is -~ , / L: -~ I L , -"-' Jl"f"' . I I. I. ,] - l:".. ,___r~- l48 ef the epinien that the lewering of the pump in Well No.. 5 can be accomplished most efficiently and econemicallyen an emergency basis and that all 'labor, I1Bterial, services and supplies as are n.eededte accemplish such work sheuld beprevided f'er and Cl;one en a fo,rce 'acceunt basis ,as aU'~herize~ and previded for by the Ci"ty Charter ef the City of' West Universi"tyPlace; and ' WHl!lRl\:AS, the City Cemmissien ef the City ef West University Place, is ef the epinien that unless the said pump in Well :No.. 5 'be lowered as recommended by E. J. Hood, an adequate water SUl?Ply f'or the citizens ef' the City of' West University PlaceIIBY be jeopardized to. the detriment ef' the health, lives and preperty ef the residents 0.1' said City, and fer such r~asen,an ,emergency is now deemed to exist. {""J I , i LJ :NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAs: ' Sectien 1. That ,the City Commiss~on ef the City ef West University Place hereby finds and determines that ,the necessity exists f'or the lowering ef' the pump in Well No.. 5 in said city to. a dep"th ef' 340 Ft. by extending the column and shaf't ef said well in accerdance with the recemnlendatiens ef E., J. Heed, Water Superintenden.t ef said City, as set ferth in his letter ef June 8, 1953. Sectien 2. That the sum of Twelve Hundred Dollars ($1200), the estimate 0.1" E. J. Heed, Wa.ter Superintendent ef the ,City of'West University Place, as the cest to be incurred in lowering the said pump to a depth ef 340 ft., be and the same is hereby authorized, apprepriated and set apart eut ef the Water Operating Fund efsuch City t,o ~efraysuch expense. II LJ Seetien 3. That the City Secretary, City Engineer and Water Superin- tendent of the City: 0.1' West, lJniversity Place be, and they are hereby instructed to preceed with the accemplishment 0.1" the lowering ef the said pump in Well No.. 5 en an emergency basis and shall use in such werk laber .of ,the regular empleyees 0.1' the said Ci"ty, additienal day laber required and the services 0.1' independent centractors, all 0.1' whem, ether :than the regulax'ly employed empleyees ef the said City, shall ,be paid en a per diem basis. Se~tion 4. 'That because ef the impending threat 'to. the water supply ef the City of West University Place should the lowering ef said pump in Well No.. 5 net be eff'ected, an emergency is now deemed to exist, and theref'ere this Ordinance shall beceme effective immediately upon its passage and approval. PASSED this 15th day of June, 1953. COMMISSIODERS voting aye:' All COMMISSIONERS veting no. Nene ~ Jtllt~ , .. MAYOR OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE !I I , ATTEST: /~~ 9ITY ~ LJ