HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 638 - ORD Finding & Dertermining Prerequistes Public Hearing to Amending Zoning ORD 111 Sec24 IT ' r: ' , _ ,1 144 ORDINANCE NO. 638 AN ORDINANCE FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT EACH A1ID ALL OF THE' PROCEEDINGS HAVE HERETOFORE BEEN HAD AND ALL THINGS DOrml PREREQUISITE TO' THE HOLDING OF A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER AMENDING ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 111 OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, SO AS TO PERMIT AN EXCEprION TO SECTION ,24 OF SAID ORDINANCE TO THEREBY PERMIT THE LO- CATION OF AN ACCESSORY BUILDING WITHIN 3 FEET OF, TEE REAR PROPERTY LINE' ON LOT NO. 14, OF BLOCK 9, COLIJ!:GE COURT. PLACE, AS APPLIED FOR BY MR. JAMES EARL ADAMS; FINDING THAT A PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSIDERING SUCH AMEND- MENT HAS BEEN DULY AND lEGALLY HELD; FINDING THAT SECTION NO. 24 OF ORDINANCE NO. 111 SHOULD BE AMENDED SO AS TO PER- MIT TEE LOCATION OF AN ACCESSORY BUILDING WITHIN 3 FEET OF THE REAR PROPERTY LIrml ON LOT 14, BLOCK 9, COLLEGE COURT PLACE; AMENDING SECTION NO. 24 OF ORDINANCE NO. 111 OF TEE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, BY ADDING A SUB-PARA- GRAPH TO SECTION 24 TO BE KNOWN AS SUB-PARAGRAPH (3-D); RE- PEALING ALL ORDINANCES, OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IF CONFLICTING HEREWITH, INSOFAR AS THEY CONFLICT; AND PROVIDING THAT THIS , ORDINANCE SHALL TAKE EFFECT AND BE IN FORCE IMMEDIATELY FROM AND AFTER ITS PASSAGE AND APPROVAL. !I I i LJ WHEREAS, Mr. James Earl Adams, owner ef Let 14, Bleck 9, Cellege Ceurt Place, in the City ef West University Pla.ce, Texas, has heretofere made written appliea.tien to. the Zening and Planning Board 0.1' the, City ef West University Place, Texas, fer an exceptien to. Ordinance No.. 111 so. as to. permit the locatien ef an accessery building within 3 Feet ef' the rear preperty line en, Let 14, Block 9, Cellege Ceurt Place; and n I LJ WHEREAS, at a regular'meeting 0.1' the Zening and Planning 130ard it was determined that an exception to. the applicable previsien 0.1' Ordinance No. 111 sheuld be granted, and said Zening and Planning Board did recemmend to. the City Commissien that' an amendment to. Zening Ordinanc~ No.. 111 be adepted after a full, public hearing en the matter, so a&te permit the lecatien ef an accessery building within 3 Feet 0.1' the West property line ef Let 14, Bleck 9, Cellege Ceurt Place; and WHEREAS, a regular meeting ef the City Commissien held en the 23:rd day ef February, 1953, it was determined that a public hearing sheuld be held to. consider whether 'Ordinance No.. 111 sheuld be amended so. as to. per- mit the lecation ef an accessery building within 3 Feet 0.1' the rear property line en Lot 14, Bleck 9, Cellege Ceurt~Place; and WHEREAS, the City Cammissien at its regular meeting en the 23rd day ef February, 1953, did instruct the City Secretary to. advertise in the of- ficial publication ef the City and to give written netice to. all preperty ewners whese preperty lies within 200 Feet ef' Lot 14, Bleck 9, Cellege Ceurt Place, ef a p!1blic hearing to. be held en the 16th day ef March, 1953, at " 7:30 P.M., at the City Hall, 'in the City ef West University Place, Texas, n to dete~ whether er net Ordinance No.. 111 sheuld be amended so. as to. permit ,I the lecatien 0.1' an accessery building within 3 Feet 0.1' the rear preperty line U n i i I~ c ,--.' I I i . I I I , L-..' 146 as requested in the applicatien ef Mr. James Earl Adams; and WHEREAS, in pursuance ef the directien given him by the City Cem- missien and in full' cempliance with the' Charter and Ordina.nces ef the City 0.1' West University Place, Texas, the City Secretary did cause to. be pub- lished'in the Heusten Chrenicle en the 25th day ef' February, 1953, and did ma.11to each ef' the ewners ef' property lying within 200 Feet ef Let 14, Bleck 9, Cellege Ceurt Place, notice 0.1' a hearing "to. be held ,by the City Comm1ssien at the City Hall at 7:30P.M., Menday, March 16,1953, to. censider amending Ordinance No.. 111 so. as to permit the lecatien ef an accessery building within 3 Feet of' the rear preperty line ef' Lot 14, Bleck 9, COllege Ceurt Place; and ' WHEREAS, pursuant to. such netice" ~~~public hearing was held by the City Cemmissien of the, City 0.1' West University Place, Texas, in the City Hall at 7:30 P.M., Monday, March 16, 1953, at which hearing all testimeny and evidence was heard and fully censidered by the City Cemmissien as to. the advisability and prepriety of amending Ordinance No.. 111 so. as to. permit the lecatien ef anaccessery building within 3 Feet ef the rear preperty line en Let 14, Bleck 9, Cellege Ceurt Place; and WHEREAS, it appears to. the City Cemmissien frem,the repert of the Zening & Planning Board and frem the evidence and testimeny presented at the public hearing af'eresaid, that Zening Ordinance No.. 111 sheuld be amended so. as to. permit the prepesed,locatien ef the saidaccessery building within 3 Feet 0.1' the rear preperty line as applied fer by Mr. James Earl Adams; and WHEREAS, the City, actingthreugh its City Cemmissien and Mayer, desires to. amend Ordinance No.. 111 ef' the City 0.1' West University Place, Texas, so. as to. permit such lecatien of the said accessery building and believe that it will be to. the public interest to. so. amend the, same; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: SECTION~l. That the City Cemmissien ef the City 0.1' ,West University Place, Texas, dees hereby find and determine that each and all ef' the steps and preceedings herein befere mentiened have been duly and legally taken and perfermed in full cempliance with the law and Charter and Ordinances ef the City; ,that all previsiens and requirements 0.1' the law and ef this Charter and Ordinances prerequisite to the helding'ef' a public hearing for the purpese ef cens1dering the amending' 0.1' Sectien No.. 24 ef Orciinance No.. 111 havebeen met and fully cemplied with; and that So Public Hear1ngf'er thepurpese ef censidering an amendment to. Section No.. 24 0.1' Ordinance No.. 111 so. as to'permit the lecatien of an accessery building within 3 Feet ef the rear preperty line en Lot No.. 14, Bleck 9, Cellege Ceurt Place, was held at 7: 30 P.M., Menday, March 16,1953, at the City Hall of,the City ef West University PJ:a.ce, Texas, pursuant to. netices preperty given. . SECTION 2. That the City Cemmissien 0.1' the 'City 0.1' West University Place dees hereby find that Sectien No.. 24 ef Ordinance No.. 111 sheuld be amended so. as to. permit thelocatien 0.1' an accessery building within 3 Feet 0.1' the rear preperty line en Let No.. 14, Bleck 9, College Ceurt Place, an II J I L 146 additien to. the City ef' West University Place, Texas. SECTION 3. ,That Sectien No.. 24 ef Ordinance No.. 11lef the City ef West University Place,; Texas, is hereby amended by the additien ef' a sub~ paragraph to be knoWn as Sub~paragraph 3-D to. read as fe11ews: 11(:3_D) Previded, however, that an accesseTy building, te-wit, a private autemebi1e garage may be,lecated within 3 Feet ef', but not less than 2 Feet 8. Incbes frem, the rear preperty line ef Let'Ne. 14, Bleck 9, Cel1ege Ceurt Place, an additien in . the City' of West University Place, Texas." SECTION 4.. 'All erdina.pces er parts 0.1' erdinances in cenf'lict herewith, insefar as they cenfl~ct a~e hereby repeale~. SECTION 5 ~ This erdinance shall take effect and be in ferce im- mediately f'rem and after its passage by the City Cemmissien and appreva1 by the Mayer. ' , PASSED THIS the 11th day ef May, 1953. COMMISSIOEERS AlJ,. Voting Aye. COMMISSIONERS None Votin~ Ne~ APPROVED THIS the 11th day ef May, 1953. ~7/:l?(~ Mayer 0.1' the City 0.1' West Univer- sity Place, Texas ' ATTEST: ~~~ - C !etary, L (' I~ :~ II I ' ,~) 1-----' , I I I , I ,,----.--1